-The Three versions of The Over-Break System have Linked; you can now share information and inventory space, there are more features to be unlocked, but you must first enhance the bond between you all.-

“HOLY FUCK!” Selene and Cynrik shouted simultaneously before looking at each other and blushing slightly, with Selene looking away first.

‘Hehe, Tsun, CHECK!’ Cynrik thought to himself.

Luckily for them, their little outburst went completely unnoticed, as it was in the middle of a rousing yet boringly loud speech narrated by Lithlen.

[Tobs, you cant just drop a breadcrumb of info like that and not give us more meat and potatoes.]

=…what do you want to know? I thought it was pretty straightforward.-

The clearly arrogant question made Cynrik frown, but Brance was there to pick up where he left off.

[Tobs, can you please elaborate on this linking. To what extent exactly are the three separate versions connected?]

-In short, you now share a similar connection with Host Selene in the same way you do with Host Cynrik. Neither of you realized that your real-time information was handled via your system connection, making the Sibling Mind link an intermediary but not the central processor.-

– You were able to send over your Stat profiles, Status, and skill and item descriptions using the unspoken link between your two versions of my main program. This data had to be consolidated into a telepathic format before moving through your skill.-

-Now, this connection has added a third party; the only difference, in that case, is it will be entirely on the System and me to move the chosen information between said parties. To put it in laymen’s terms that you should understand. The System is a computer’s CPU, and your Mind link acts like a GPU. When the two act in unison, the transfer of data from point A to point B is seamless.-

Brance was on board until Tobs started using computer jargon, that was when he got lost, but Cynrik, however, completely understood the welcomed description.
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[Well, that’s fine…I guess, anyway, what’s this shared Invo you mentioned? How big are we talking, and are things automatically transferred to it?] Moving on, Cynrik asked what he felt was the more important question.

Meanwhile, instead of answering directly, Tobs was filling Selene in on what she was discussing with the brothers before elaborating on the shared inventory function.

-The Shared Inventory is a 5×5 meter squared separate space that all three hosts have access to, no matter the distance between them. When storing items, you can designate which inventory you wish for things to be sent to when apart; however, if you three are in the same vicinity, the Shared Inventory will automatically take priority.-


” Now then, there are 19 applicants admitted into Zone A-1; this is astounding and unheard of in recent years.”

Before Cynrik could continue drilling his AI for more information, Lithlen clapped annoyingly loud, causing everyone present to wake up from the daze they seemed to be in, thanks to his previously dull speech.

“To reflect this, I want to announce that you will all have free reign in deciding which distinguished facility you will be attending so long as you meet the Academy’s requirements. All six of us have the drafted contracts listing the benefits you will receive; all you need is to sign on the dotted line.”

At this time, all of the present applicants, MyrkLys excluded, roared in excitement. They made it seem like their dreams were coming true, leaving Cynrik, Brance, and Selene stunned.

“Fuck, just looking at their reactions, you’d think they won the lotto,” Selene whispered, leaning between Cynrik and Brance so she could be heard.

“No kidding, that or they got drafted into a national sports team or something. They realize they are basically signing away the next six years of their lives to hard studying…right?” Brance replied without looking back at her.

“You two are thinking too simply. Keep in mind that most of these kids come from prominent, affluent families who treat these Academies as prestigious. While there will be a handful who come from poverty, so for them, this could potentially be life-changing.” Looking around calmly at the overactive kids threatening to explode from excitement, Cynrik spoke a bit of sense.

“Never forget, this isn’t Earth, guys; things are different here. These Academies put on all kinds of events similar to world cups or big-time championships, competing with each other and other countries’ top schools. Hm…your perfume is it Chateau Flourange No.2?” Segwaying from his initial topic, Cynrik looked over his shoulder at Selene, who didn’t skip a beat in answering his random question.

“No.7, nice try, pay attention to what that guy is saying.” Flicking the back of Cynrik’s ear and making him pout, Selene smirked and went back to paying attention to Lithlen, who had yet to finish speaking.

Brance, on the other hand, completely ignored the odd flirting between the two and kept focus, making sure to keep Gabby and Benny close by just in case.

“Now, I have a list here with all your applicant numbers, in no particular order. Please reference the display on your Watcets, and when you hear your number called, it will be your turn to come up and choose which Academy you wish to join. Don’t forget that the contract terms can be negotiated to some extent, but if you sign it right away, those terms are locked in.” Wearing a pleasant and inviting smile, Lithlen finished up and called the first applicant’s number.

Half a second later, a young boy with teal skin and fin-like ears stepped forward, heading directly to the Banes College Headmaster.
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“Hoho looks like Pappy Jetlensr is EXTRA kind today; he even went so far as to remind us, simpletons, to double-check the contract’s terms. TSK, fucking poser.” Cynrik crossed his arms and watched as the young demi-human boy nervously took the contract from the smiling Doggie-eared man and began reading it.

“Pappy? Wait…is Headmaster Jetlensr, you guys Grandfather?” Selene’s eyes widened ever so slightly as she spoke, looking back and forth between the two. In doing so, she noticed the disgusted expression on Cynrik’s face and the disappointed one on Brance’s.

“Unfortunately, I can confirm, that scumbag, racist piece of shit is our blood-related Grandfather. Let me warn you, though, even if I saw him hit by a truck, dragged for a hundred feet, then thrown off a cliff into a ravine before being picked at by wild birds, I wouldn’t fucking help him.” Cynrik had to grit his teeth to control his killing intent from leaking, the memory of that bastard trying to kidnap Brance was still relatively fresh in his memory.

“Dark, but I get it; I feel the same way about the cunt who birthed me. That bitch can burn; hey, either one of you have a Fire Affinity, maybe we can torch my house after locking her inside…eh, wait, that wouldn’t work, the whore is Tier-5.” Selene’s eyes darkened a shade as she thought about the physical and mental abuse she had experienced at that woman’s hands, making her blood boil.

“Shiiit, dark, nice, I’ve got Fire, im down to set some shit ablaze anytime.” Then, whistling softly and giving her a thumbs up, Cynrik offered his assistance.

“Oh, for fuck sake, one pyromaniac psychopath was bad enough; whose wife did I sleep within another life to deserve dealing with two?” Brance said while facepalming. Yet despite saying this, he was already trying to come up with a plan to free the two maniacs when they inevitably got locked up for their crimes.

Hearing his overreaction, Cynrik and Selene chuckled evilly and fist-bumped. It was clear Brance would be in for a rough ride with these two.

Things progressed slowly, as number after number was called until it came time for Gabby’s number to be called. In contrast to every other applicant, who would instantly dash forward to the Headmaster representing the Academy they wished to join, Gabby stood rooted in place and simply squeezed Brance’s hand. Then, he alerted Cynrik, who looked back at Gabby and shook his head, telling her to stay put.

When no one showed up right away, the Headmasters all looked at each other in confusion before pulling up the file for that applicant and searching for their face in the crowd.

Of the six, two, in particular, wore stone-faced expressions upon realizing who the applicant was and shot dangerous glares at Cynrik. In response, he flipped both the bird and quickly grabbed everyone’s applicant ID before clearing his throat loudly, drawing the attention of everyone present.

This time, Brance didn’t bother stopping his brother, even though he was 100% sure Cynrik was about to offend A LOT of people. To him, this was a necessary decision that they had spent some time discussing.

“Ello there, Headmasters, please pull up your registers for the following IDs and annotate your files. S2933, S2934, N0892 J0011, and lastly, J0012. Ranks, A, AA, S, S, and SS. The five of us are a package deal and will only discuss in private with Headmaster Rivia of Vesemir School for Affinities.” Cynrik cheerfully said and dropped his hands by his side, waiting for a response.

At his words, it fell totally silent for the first time since their arrival in the Zone. The only sound that could be heard was the subtle grinding of someone, Lithlen’s, teeth.

“HA HAHAHAHAHA! EXCELLENT CHOICE, YOUNG LAD!” Suddenly, an obnoxious chortle came from behind the Headmasters. Its origin was someone not a single applicant had approached up until this point.

In response to this laughter, a shadow flashed through the air and landed beside the members of MyrkLys, causing Gabby, Benny, and Selene to flinch in shock.

“Two A-Ranks, two S-Ranks, and even the only SS-Rank applicant, it seems my VSFA will be getting five new monsters in this year’s freshman class.” Headmaster Rivia said in a gruff voice.

But this joy was short-lived, as a sudden 6g of killing intent bore down directly on two individuals, Cynrik and Brance, its source, Viktor and Lithlen.

-This series is exclusively published on WebNovel if you are reading it anywhere else…You Wrong Fam. PS Check out the Discord, https://discord.gg/dcxKNJEMwg

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