Upon Cynrik’s attack making an impact, the teenager spat a mouthful of blood and was sent crashing into a group of onlookers.

Cynrik didn’t wait for the teen to get back to his feet and instantly appeared standing over his unconscious body, with malice in his eyes.

Seeing that he was down for the count, Cynrik clicked his tongue and observed his surroundings for the instigators of this little event. Since it was too evident that he wasn’t acting alone, his eyes scanned around the arena for anyone wearing an affronted expression instead of a scared or cheerful one. Soon, he saw a group of at least 20 kids with crossed arms diagonally across from Hall A.

[[Fan out, roughly 20 bodies, at 3 o’clock, keep your eyes peeled for anyone acting suspiciously. The first response from someone not involved would be hostility or distaste. Write off anyone who isn’t showing those expressions.]] Cynrik said while tilting his head at a sharp angle to pop his neck.

[[Cyn, don’t get too hasty. We only just got here, and school hasn’t even started yet.]] Although Brance was hesitant to pick a fight, he felt something was off. Gabby and Benny were nowhere in sight, and there was already a crowd looking for trouble with them when they had yet to smart off or pick a fight with anyone.

[[Cynrik, Brance, I’ve got another group over by Hall B, another ten hostiles.]] Selene, on the other hand, showed no hesitation at all and set about locating any potential targets without reservation.

Turning his eyes slowly, Cynrik located the group Selene was talking about and activated [Mana Sight] to grasp their strength before monitoring the larger group to his right.

[[Selene, the group you found is your target, it mainly consists of B-Ranks, except for the pseudo-leader, who is a high A-Rank. So it shouldn’t be a problem for you.]]

Selene smirked at his words. Then, after lifting the hood of the hoodie Cynrik had given her earlier, she blended in with the shadows by activating a stealth skill called [Shadow Bend]. This skill had similar properties to Cynrik’s [Cloak of Shadows] but wasn’t as comprehensive.

Brance could only shake his head and sigh when he saw the newest party member vanish before popping his neck as his older brother did.
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[[10 each? I assume you want the left side of the group?]] Brance said as he tapped his right toe on the ground to get a feel for the surface of the arena.

[[That’s the idea, don’t be gentle either, these fuckers have something against us, and I don’t want to fall into the slot filled by useless protagonists that get bullied. Now and then, you have to bust a few heads. Never forget Brancie; a concussion a day will keep the morons away, hehe.]] With that said, Cynrik activated [Cloak of Shadows] and made his approach.

[[I don’t think that’s how that works…but whatever.]] Brance said, activating his own stealth skill [Vanish], which unlike using shadows to hide a person, would instead bend the light around his body, cloaking him from prying eyes.

Less than three seconds after Brance disappeared from sight, a chorus of bloodcurdling screams erupted in the arena, causing the thousands of kids meandering around aimlessly or chatting with friends to go silent and look around for the source of the pain-filled screams.

To the eyes of the low-rank students, all they could see was pure chaos erupting within two groups of formerly haughty fellow classmates.

The smaller group had a hazy black mist constricting them, which only broke apart for a millisecond when a student was flung out of its confines. But even then, those students weren’t safe because not even half a second after they appeared, a black tendril would erupt from the mist, catching them by the neck and dragging their helpless bodies back inside.

Although these events were impressive, it was nothing compared to the pure chaos erupting amid the second group, where Black Flames burst to and fro, followed by missles of air and rock. If one looked beyond the flames and stone, they would barely catch a flashing silhouette zipping around from one body to the next, breaking bones as if they were twigs.

Legs, arms, fingers, ankles, wrists, no one was safe. Several keen-eyed students even howled loudly and sympathetically when they saw this shadowy figure deliver a devastating groin shot to an older-looking boy, followed by a loud popping sound.

Nearly every male student who witnessed the…cracking… was left either doubled over, covering their own jewels or bending their knees inward.

Aside from the shadowy silhouette, a glowing white one zipped around just as quickly as its compatriot, breaking the main four limbs in a single strike each time it dashed by.

The fight only lasted a couple of minutes, but when the dust settled, only two young boys were left standing in the larger group, and in the smaller, there was only a single teenage girl.

When the crowd finally got a clear look at them, only those from the Captial’s Selections recognized these three in the same year. However, on the trip over, the most prominent conversation topic was the group of students who joined VSFA, two A-Ranks, two S-Ranks, and the only public SS-Rank in this year’s Selections. The people who recognized the matching hoodies and emblem on the chest and back began spreading their identities through the crowd of thousands, and within seconds, murmurs took over the silence that had descended.

However, the three in question, Selene, Brance, and Cynrik, could care less, as all three wore aggravated expressions.

At this moment, Cynrik was holding the group’s pseudo-leader by the neck and in the air, interrogating him while pushing Dark Mana through the student’s body, causing him to experience excruciating pain. This form of torture mainly worked because of Dark Mana’s corrosive and penetrating nature, and although it was low Tier and couldn’t kill the kid, it would make him feel like his skin was peeling off.

“AHHHHH, STOP AHHH, PLEASE, I’LL TELL YOU WHATEVER YOU WANT!!!” the older boy pleaded with tears and snot streaming down his face.
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“Now, wasn’t that much easier than you saying you’ll tell me nothing.” A sadistic grin was painted across Cynrik’s lips as he tapped his pointer finger against the boy’s jugular vein.

For added effect, Cynrik had even gone so far as to have small Black flames hovering in his eyes, and intimidation idea he had always wanted to try but only now got to use it. The fact that BlackFire, radiated very little light and Cynrik had complete control over its temperature made it a lovely touch to scare the shit out of someone unsuspecting.

As it was, the boy who was about to piss himself in fear was a prime example that it worked brilliantly.

Standing behind Cynrik, Selene was curious to know what he was doing to freak out the kid so badly, but since Cynrik had his hood up, she could not get a good look.

“It was the 2nd year students. When we were waiting for enrollment, a boy and girl kept searching for a teacher. When they finally found one, our group overheard their conversation and the contract benefits they were getting, so I told our boss, one of the elite 2nd-year students, and he told us to either capture the two or beat them up and steal their resources and Merit Cards.”

“When we sent some underlings to do it, they got obliterated, but in the process, we heard the girl talking about how she was hungry, so we tricked her with some snacks, and like a puppy, she followed us quickly. After that, she told us that she was part of a party and that her Big Bro got everyone the same benefits in the group.”

The boy spat out a summary of events as fast as he could to make the pain stop as soon as possible.

“Sigh, of course, she would be lured by the promise of snacks; OI, Björn, didn’t you teach her not to take food from strangers? What gives?” Clicking his tongue, Cynrik looked over his shoulder to see his embarrassed younger brother looking at the ground, ashamed.

“Tsk, whatever, it’s not like they are in any danger anyway. If anything, it should be a reasonably even match if those two pop off against some second years. Anywho, nighty night dipshit.” Looking back to the boy stuck in his grasp, Cynrik drew him close enough to headbutt him, knocking him unconscious instantly, before slamming the kid into the ground hard enough to leave a small person-sized crater pooling with blood in its wake.

[[Welp, I guess we gotta go pick up the kids from 2nd-year daycare now, right boys?]] Selene stated with her hip cocked to the side and her arms crossed.

[[Yep, Tobs, can you lock onto the Sanfords and give me a rough direction for them?]] Fighting back laughter thanks to Selene’s use of words, Cynrik brought up the campus map on his Watcet.

-Something is interfering with my ability to pinpoint their location perfectly, but I can tell you that Gabriella and Benjamin Sanford are North West of your position.-

[[Che, the all-powerful and mighty Tobs can’t do something, are you feeling sick? Do you need a nap or snack?]] Confused by her inability to locate his party members, Cynrik started teasing his AI due to the awkward situation.

-Who told you to lose the kids Cyn, arent you the disciplinarian? It sounds like you are not only lazy but shitty at something so simple as keeping two kids a quarter your age under control. It isn’t like I place tracking chips in their necks; find them on your own.-

Cynrik’s jaw dropped nearly to the floor when he felt the verbal assault from Tobs wash over him, leaving Selene and Brance to erupt into hysterical laughter in the mind link in response.

[[Well fuck…OI, YOU TWO SHUT UP! The sooner we find the fucking kids, the sooner we can go eat.]] Feeling wronged by the reaction of his party and even Tobs, Cynrik angrily kicked the unconscious bodies of the downed students, flinging them several feet away as he stormed off, leaving the arena.

-This series is exclusively published on WebNovel if you are reading it anywhere else…You Wrong Fam. PS Check out the Discord,

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