Feeling wronged by the reaction of his party and even Tobs, Cynrik angrily kicked the unconscious bodies of the downed students, flinging them several feet away as he stormed off, leaving the arena.

Cynrik’s ruthless actions left every First-Year spectator speechless. To them, who were both young and wet behind the ears, he displayed the brutal act as he walked away from the scene and kicked every unconscious person as if trash was ingrained in their minds. This was the moment for many lower Rank students that they collectively decided never to get in his way.

Overall, some weaker students reacted differently, showing respect to Cynrik, Selene, and Brance instead of fear. Who among them didn’t want the power to beat into submission so many people single-handedly effortlessly.

Meanwhile, the children from wealthy or influential backgrounds sneered in anger because several of the people who just got their asses kicked were their friends or had some connection. However, each time they heard the thud of a body being hurled out of Cynrik’s path, these arrogant brats would flinch. Only when the monster child and his partners finally left the arena could they breathe easily.

Once outside, Cynrik held up his Watcet and checked which direction was North West before channeling copious amounts of Mana into his legs and feet.

[[Im going up high to scout. Odds are, if these assholes grouped up, I should be able to see their Mana Signatures like a beacon. But it will take time; I have no idea how many people can restrain their Mana leakage.]] Not waiting for a response from Selene and Brance, who were just exiting the arena, Cynrik activated [Mana Sight] and stomped the ground with all his strength shooting up 10 meters into the air.

Once he felt his upward movement shift into a descent, Cynrik quickly activated [Continual Flame], emitting a focused jet of Fire from his feet and allowing him to climb up to 50 meters in a short amount of time.

“HOLY SHIT! HE CAN FLY?” Selene grabbed Brance by the arm with eyes as big as saucers and screamed in shock.

“He prefers to call it falling with style; it’s like a controlled glide. Big Brother likes to use it to show off, but he basically doesn’t use it often since it’s a huge drain on MP, especially in combat.” Brance said, patting the back of her hand gently as a sign to release him.

Above, Cynrik expended over a hundred points of MP in that singular burst of explosive speed to reach 50 meters, but it wasn’t for nothing. Upon reaching his peak height, Cynrik spun slowly, taking in everything his eyes could see. After a few seconds, he locked on to five different large congregations of Mana Fluctuations.

Narrowing it further, he squinted slightly; and counted the bodies in two of these groups, quickly noticing there wasn’t anyone who could conceal their Mana leakage; Cynrik eliminated them, leaving only three options.

‘Group one seems to be a club or something doing some training exercises, so they are out. Of the two choices, only that one makes sense.’ So Cynrik thought to himself as he observed one group that appeared to be huddled around three people in a large circle.

Cynrik chose this group in particular because there were three people with muted Mana Signatures, a sign of being able to conceal their leakage. Since Cynrik and Brance had already taught the skill to the Sanfords, it was precisely what he was looking for. The only annoying part was the size of that group. However, the more Cynrik observed that large group of well over a hundred people, the more confused he became.

It didn’t appear to be what he expected from his vantage point. Instead of Gabby and Benny being bullied or held hostage, it looked like they were surrounded, and everyone was…listening to a story… Cynrik nearly fell from the sky when he concluded this change of events and was forced to land soon after.

[[You have got to be kidding me. Are you sure you saw things correctly?]] Brance said in confusion.

[[Look, man, I’m just telling you what it looks like, for all we know, those guys could be interrogating them or something, but from what I saw, that little sugar glutton is being stuffed with food while Benny is quietly staying by his sister’s side.]] Cynrik shrugged his shoulders as he led the way towards where Gabby and Benny were located.
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[[So what are we gonna do? Bust in and wreck the place?]] Standing to the left of Cynrik, Selene asked curiously.

[[I mean…we could, to be honest, except for one person I couldn’t get an accurate read on, they seem kind of weak for kids who have spent a whole year in the school. So, in theory, we should have no problem kicking down the door like cowboys and blowing everything up.]] Cynrik stated in contemplation, all the while trying to ignore the scent of perfume wafting his nostrils.

[[Nope, not happening, there is NO WAY IN HELL I am letting you two psychos blow up a building on school property. Drop that idea. Who knows what kind of consequences that would have on us. Minor fights where we break a few bones, sure, it looks terrible, but it’s an everyday occurrence here. So long as we don’t kill anyone, they can be healed by the nursing staff.]] Brance felt a chill course through his body when Cynrik mentioned blowing up the building and quickly interjected.

Selene stayed quiet and listened to the two bicker about what plan of attack to use and smiled under her hood. The more time she spent with them, the more she realized that THIS was how siblings were supposed to act. Her shitty brothers could not compare to the Jetlensrs, and she felt a little jealous.

[[So what’s your plan, calmly walk in and tell the kids to hurry along… But, Brance, you know damn fucking well that won’t work.]] Drawing a long face and staring blankly at his brother, Cynrik was at a loss.

[[Listen, idiot, WE ARE AT SCHOOL; little scenes like in the arena can’t become a regular thing with us. Are you trying to get expelled?]]

[[WELLLLL, TO BE FAIRRRRR, according to Article 3, in the student handbook, titled “On-Campus Fights,” so long as we clear them with the app in our Watcets, it’s okay. The only rules are no killing and no permanent damage, such as cutting off body parts.]] Wearing a smug grin, Cynrik pulled up the Article in question and showed it to Brance, whose face dropped into a scowl.


[[Eh, Brance…. doesn’t it though?]] Tired of the yelling, Selene stepped in and made Brance freeze in place.

[[Sorry, Brancie, it’s 2v1. Come on, Selene, let’s go beat some people into submission.]] Chuckling to himself, Cynrik caught the girl’s hand and took off sprinting towards the building he saw from the air.

[[Fucking shit, you two assholes are going to get us expelled.]] With his complaints falling on deaf ears, Brance kicked off the ground and chased after the two hooligans while sighing in his heart.

Although the distance was the equivalent of several football fields, Cynrik, Selene, and Brance covered it in only ten minutes and found themselves standing outside what appeared to be a college frat house in the Second Year housing area.

Not bothering to knock, Cynrik aptly let himself into the building by kicking the door without holding back, making it explode into splinters, and walked in casually.

“OI, GABBY, BENNY, TIME TO GO! WE’VE GOT SHIT TO DO!” He shouted happily as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

Stepping into the frat house, Cynrik was greeted by a spacious living room the size of a gymnasium, where over a hundred students were huddled around Gabby, Benny, and a kid he didn’t know.

“What the fuck?”

“Who dares to intrude on our turf?”

“Fuck, that bastard destroyed the door!”

“Hi, Hi, Big Bro Ivar, coming, sorry everyone, I gotta go now. Thank you for the snacks, though.” Gabby’s cheerful voice cut through the chorus of angry howls as she jumped off the couch and cheerfully hopped over towards the direction Cynrik, Selene, and Benny waited.

“Where the fuck do you think your going bitch?”
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However, just as she lept off the couch, a hand grabbed her by the shoulder and forcefully pulled her back.


But just as this person, who was apparently the leader of this group, and a Second Year student, did, a single edge sword pierced through his forearm, emitting a squelching sound, followed by the boy’s screams.

“Get your filthy fucking hands off, my sister.”

Benny had been putting up with the advances made on himself and Gabby for far too long, and when he witnessed this asshole grabbing her and calling her a bitch, he snapped. Whipping out his sword and effortlessly stabbing forward, he pierced the very arm that was gripping Gabby, forcing the leader to release the little girl.

“HOHO! Lookie here, Benny started things off first. HAHAHA, let’s DO THIS SHIT!” Cynrik, who seemed overexcited, swiped his hand over his Watcet and issued over a hundred pre-filled, Fight Challenges, targeting everyone for a group battle between MyrkLys, and this little club named “Epsilon Chall.”


Instantly, everyone’s Watcets jingled loudly, signifying a notification for battle had been received, and be it in rage or ignorance, everyone on the Epsilon Chall side instantly accepted.

The level of disrespect and arrogance Cynrik and the others had displayed by storming into their turf was enough to piss them off to the extent that they didn’t care how potentially strong their opponents were.

Moving as one, the members of MyrkLys, minus Selene, swapped into their uniform combat gear and withdrew their weapons.

Selene’s equipment was vastly different. She was decked out with expensive, formfitting black leather from neck to toe. On her back was a single thin short sword, and on both hips were too fierce looking daggers. Also, instead of sporting a hood like Cynrik, she had a facial mask that covered her neck to just under her eyes.

[[Oh shit, you went with the Ninja look instead of Assassin, looks good though hehe.]] Cynrik couldn’t stop himself from commenting as what Selene was wearing showed off her elegant curves perfectly and left little to the imagination.

[[Shut up, perv; when the hell do I get an outfit like you guys?]] Feeling his heated gaze on her body, Selene snarled.

[[Hehe, I’ll message Uncle Pinhurst when we get to the dorms but are you sure? I will need your three sizes after all.]]

Before they could finish their conversation, everyone’s Watcet chimed loudly, and an AI voice came from the speaker.

“Group Battle between First Year Party “MyrkLys” and Second Year Faction “Epsilon Chall” has been accepted by both teams, and Field of Battle has been randomized and chosen. Teleportation to the Battle Zone in 15 seconds.

“You sniveling fucking First Years have no idea what you just did.” The leader of Epsilon Chall growled while nursing his wounded arm with a potion.

“VS AI, I request a stakes clause; we gamble 4000 Merit Points.” The leader said into his Watcet.

A second later, the AI requested Cynrik to accept the stakes clause and input something of equal or greater value.

“That’s fine; we gamble 5 Tier-2 Evo-Stones, 10 Shards of Skill, and 20 Tier 1 Fire Codexes.” Cynrik’s reply caused everyone except the members of his party to gasp loudly before the gasps turned into cheers of greed.

“Excellent, this is fucking great, hahaha; not only do we get to beat the fuck out of you noobies, but we even get the resources we planned on taking in the first place.” But unfortunately, the leader was overcome by greed and had yet to realize the sinister glint in every member of MyrkLys’s eyes.

-This series is exclusively published on WebNovel if you are reading it anywhere else…You Wrong Fam. PS Check out the Discord, https://discord.gg/dcxKNJEMwg

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