Contrary to what Cynrik initially believed, Gabby, Benny, and Selene caught on relatively quickly to the updated Affinity changes, which was surprising and not at the same time.

After giving his complete in-depth analysis, everyone fell silent as they contemplated over the topic. The only one whose head the topic soared over was Gabby, who could only nod and smile but wasn’t fooling everyone.

“So, you’re saying that proficiency percentage wasn’t an XP bar in its own right, to begin with?” Selene asked once she could wrap her head around the new information.

“Yes and no, I don’t know what all you learned, but we never really got a formal education on the topic. Everything I know is from trial and error and what I believed, in the beginning, was so long as our proficiency grew, we would get greater control over our Elements.” Cynrik said while rummaging through the closet for another droid.

“My brother is trying to say that it’s just more proof that we don’t know squat. It kind of feels like most of what we know at this point is being proven to be incorrect, but hey, isn’t that why we came to school in the first place.” Bouncing lightly on his toes, Brance paced lightly around the training room in an attempt to get used to his newfound strength and body size.

“Nah, it ain’t that bad. For the most part, proficiency was a way to categorize how much knowledge you had about your Affinity and how much you were able to control Mana particles. Only now do we have an actual means to rank ourselves against others. The biggest issue is that it slightly throws my whole grading scale for [Mana Sight] off. But oh well, AH, there it is.” Cynrik exclaimed as he pulled out a near-identical droid to the damaged one except for the number 02 printed on its belly.

[[Regardless, our data logs are slowly filling up, and now that it’s the Sanfords turn to Evo, we can use them as a focus group like before to see the difference in standards between them and us.]] Brance said as he threw out a few quick jabs to test his reaction speed.

[[Wait a second? Focus Group? What are you two on about?]] Selene was sitting beside Gabby, having a grand time swiping the mini cookies from the large bag she was holding, much to the other girl’s dismay, when she got sidetracked by the brother’s conversation.

[[Hm? Oh, that’s what I call Gabby and Benny, our focus group. Because the two don’t have bloodlines, we can compare the differences in stat and physique growth between ordinary people and us LCs. Of course, I mean, Gabby and Benny more so fall into the Elite category since the two of them max out their Prestige, but it’s something nonetheless.]]

[[So far, we only know Brance’s stat cap has increased to 1750, as such, we can’t use him as a good representation for the general base curve of other students. That’s where Gabby and Benny come in. Since they don’t get our extra bloodline boost and only the basic Tier up one, their stats will be slightly different, and my theory is they will have a higher than average stat cap.]]

[[How high, and what is the difference between someone who has capped their Prestige and someone who hasn’t? This is the question I want to be answered.]] Using a kick, Cynrik punted the droid into the middle of the room before punching in a couple of commands on his Watcet and powering it up.

“Alright, rabbit, you’re up, don’t worry, your beloved Björn will be by your side the whole time, so there is no need to be scared. If you ask nicely, I am sure he will even give you a princess carry later if you do well.” Then, speaking words laced with sarcasm, Cynrik gave Gabby the kick in the rear necessary to get her into the center of the room to begin her Evolution.

However, before she got in position, she ran over to Selene and handed her a piece of paper with her complete Stat profile, much to the older girl’s surprise.

“Big Bro Ivar said I should show you the before and after since you’re new and all, Big Sis Selly.”

Just as Selene was about to ask what the paper was for, Gabby cutely filled her in and even used the new nickname the littlest Sanford was pleased as could be about.

On the other hand, Selene couldn’t stop her right eye from twitching at the new name, but seeing as it made the little girl happy, Selene sighed and accepted her fate as Big Sis Selly by giving Gabby an encouraging head pat and hurrying her off to the center of the room.

However, when Selene looked back down at the sheet of paper, her eyes nearly bulged out of the socket.

: Status :

: Gabriella Sanford (Gabby):

: Title – Perfect Foundation, Perfect Clear Expert, Reforged Body :

: Human Female:

: Age-10:
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: Tier-1 :

: Primary Class – Archer : (+2 To DEX, AGI Distribution)

: Level: 20 (P25) :

: Essence Pool(XP): 17,858 :

: Archer: 20 – XP : CAP

: Distribution: 1.5 DEX, 1.5 INT, 1.5 MIND, 2 AGI : (+3.5 DEX)

: Mana Codex Tier: 1 (Proficiency= 100.0%) :

: Mana Circuit Tier: 1 (Proficiency= 100.0%) :

: Gravity Resistance: 3.5g (Proficiency= 100.0%) :

: Body Tempering: Tier 1 (Proficiency= 100.0%) :


: HP 4800/4800 :

: Mana 2535/2535 :

: Stamina 2400/2400 :

: Stat Points- 268 :

: Skill Points- 121 :

: Strength- 300 :

: Dexterity- 300 :

: Agility- 300 :

: Intelligence- 300 :

: Vitality- 300 :

: Mind- 300 :

: Killing Intent- 204 – 4.0 G :

: Affinity- :

:(SBG) Psychic-Tier 1 (Proficiency= 100%): :Expand:

She had already known that the Sanfords were little monsters like the Jetlensr brothers, but seeing the results on paper almost made her soul leave her body.
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‘Doesn’t this mean I am the weakest of the group? How the hell is this the profile of a 10-year-old girl? But, wait, HOW THE HELL DID SHE END UP AS ONLY A-rank! Holy crap, Gabby has four stats in her Distribution too.’ Selene thought, wiping the foam from her lip and following the happily bouncing girl with her eyes.

Cynrik caught Selene’s reaction to the paper and could only chuckle in silence. He had figured this would be the response; it wasn’t every day you realize that even the youngest of the group could curb stomp you if givin the opportunity.

Oddly enough, the fact that he was the one who trained Gabby gave him a sense of accomplishment because, without his strict discipline, Gabby was the kind of kid who would laze around eating sweets all day.

Pushing those thoughts aside, Cynrik looked away from Selene and instructed Gabby, who was already sitting in the middle of the room with Brance standing a few feet away.

“Do you remember the order Gabby?”

“Yeppers Green Jelly, Purple Jelly, Pink Pill. Next, I gotta hold my pink rock in one hand and the grey one in the other than hit the Yes notifications.” Her little voice parroted everything that Cynrik had beaten into her skull during their meal.

“Atta girl, Computer, set the Tier-3 barrier in place, initiate Tier-2 Evolution protocol for Student Gabriella Sanford, Set parameters to the following, Psychic Affinity, the achieved titles Perfect Foundation and Reforged body. In addition, reduce all Ambient Mana particles to only the singular listed.” Like with Brance, Cynrik had the Dorm AI take over the room prep with a list of commands.

“Commands accepted, executing Mana Purge.”

With only Psychic Mana left in the room, Cynrik was left stifled this time; only Brance, who felt a little itchy by losing all the Mana particles, was relatively unscathed.

“The Training room has been purged of all Mana particles except those of the Psychic Element. In addition, the room has been modified to the peak environment for the Evolution of Student Gabriella Sanford.”

“Ready when you are Gabby; remember, try to focus on happy thoughts, like candy or desserts. That is the key to getting through the pain. Don’t think about it.” Kneeling down and gently patting the nervous little girl’s head endearingly, Brance did his best to help calm her down, as he could clearly see her whole body shaking like a leaf.

His words seemed to have some magical effect, though, as soon Gabby took a big breath, her eyes sparkled with determination.

“I got this, thanks, Brancie; you’re the best.” Gabby caught his hand as Brance was about to pull it away and nuzzled it like a cat before finally letting go and gulping down all the resources necessary for a smooth Evolution.

In an instant, the process began, and overall only lasted for around 30 minutes. The good thing was there were no hiccups along the way, and Gabby was a trooper throughout the whole thing; she didn’t utter a single complaint and only sat still calmly even as her body melted and reassembled just like Brance’s had done earlier.

She appeared to have aged about four years and looked like a healthy 14 or 15-year-old girl in the prime of teenagerhood. Gone was her childish figure and height, as she now stood at 5ft 4, and the budding curves of a young woman were now prevalent, giving her a figure not far off from Selene’s.

Her chestnut-colored hair now had streaks of pink randomly running throughout, signifying her Affinity, and her eyes seemed to have a mystical luster.

Cynrik, Selene, and Benny all nodded approvingly, but Brance reacted quite differently to the young beauty who had appeared before his eyes. Conflicted in his heart, he finally realized that Gabby wasn’t the same little girl anymore and was quickly blossoming into a young woman. For some reason, this knowledge made his face warm, and he couldn’t hold eye contact with Gabby for longer than a couple of seconds.

On the other hand, Gabby bounced up and tackled Brance the moment she was allowed, rubbing her face happily on his chest.

“That sucked so bad, Brancie; I can’t believe you did that without flinching; there were so many times I felt like I was dying.” So she said, fighting back the tears, which further caused him to be more conflicted.

[[OI, BRANCIE, SHE IS STILL JAILBAIT, GET YO SHIT TOGETHER!]] Not one to miss the opportunity to harass his younger brother, Cynrik instantly took a cheap shot.

[[Hehe, she’s such a little cutie now, let your brother have his moment, it’s soooo clear Gabby is head over heels for him.]] Selene chided Cynrik and slapped him on the shoulder.

[[Tsk, stupid Selene, that is what I am worried about, I cant have Brancie goin all lover boy, it will distract him.]]

[[Oh? Is that why you keep ignoring me HMMMMmmmm?]] Hearing Cynrik’s weak defense, Selene grabbed his arm and tucked it between her breasts, with one boob on each side, while making puppy eyes up at him.

Cynrik’s dastardly response was to cough right in her face, which didn’t bother her, so he opted for plan B and stuck out his tongue like a dog, licking her face from nose to forehead; THIS was what freaked her out and forced Selene to release Cynrik from her grasp.

[[GROSS YOU ANIMAL, WHO DOES THAT, WHO JUST LICKS A person’s FACE!]] Thoroughly freaked out, but still finding it kinda funny, Selene said while fighting back her own laughter and wiping her face with her sleeve.

As Selene and Cynrik were flirting around, Gabby was humming a simple tune and writing down all her updates for Brance, who nodded encouragingly at her every time the girl would look up for confirmation.

-This series is exclusively published on WebNovel if you are reading it anywhere else…You Wrong, Fam. PS Check out the discord,

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