With the dust settling between the flirting psychopaths and Gabby finishing up her stat sheet, Brance stood in place, mentally copying it down before sending it over to Cynrik and Selene. Who were taking turns glaring at each other with baited tension.

[[Hey, morons, pay attention, the numbers are in.]] Brance said when he finished sending everything over through the mind link, halting the other two in their tracks.

: Status :

: Gabriella Sanford (Gabby):

: Title – Perfect Foundation, Perfect Clear Expert, Reforged Body :

: Human Female:

: Age-10:

: Tier-2 :

: Primary Class – (Empty) :

:Former: Archer : (+2 To DEX, AGI Distribution)

: Sub-Class – (Empty) :

: Level: 0/35 :

: Essence Pool(XP): 17,858 :

: P-Class (Empty): 0 – XP :

: S-Class (Empty): 0 – XP :

: Distribution: 2 DEX, 2 INT, 2 MIND 2 AGI : (+4 DEX)

: Mana Codex & Circuits Tier-2 :

: Stage 2 :

: Body – Tier-2, 3.5g Resistance :

: Credits: 500,000 :


: HP 6300/6300 :
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: Mana 3285/3285 :

: Stamina 3150/3150 :

: Stat Points- 268 : (10 per level) Class (2)

: Skill Points- 121 : (2 per level) Class and Sub-Class (2)

: Strength- 375 :

: Dexterity- 375 :

: Agility- 375 :

: Intelligence- 375 :

: Vitality- 375 :

: Mind- 375 :

: Killing Intent- 204 – 4.0 G :

: Affinity- :

:(SBG) Psychic-Tier 2 (Adept): :Expand:

Reading through all the profile’s contents, Cynrik clicked his tongue mentally.

[[Let me guess, her System didn’t tell her how high her stat cap is, did it?]] Cynrik’s eyes flicked around rapidly, taking in the 75 point increase to all stats, before running a quick number crunch on Gabby’s HP, MP, and STAM. Realizing she too was getting the same increases as Brance upon increasing the stat points for INT and VIT, he moved on to her Distribution. Except for AGI, which stayed at 2 points per level, everything else had increased from 1.5 to 2; this, Cynrik had expected.

Not hearing a response from Brance about Gabby’s stat cap, Cynrik did the next best thing.

‘Tobs, can you run a diagnostic on Gabby and find out her Tier-2 stat cap for me? Since she is under the party system, and Brance’s is common knowledge for us, it shouldn’t be a problem…right?’ He asked the System AI who was quiet for a few minutes before giving him the answer he wanted.

-Upon her Evolution, Gabriella Sanford’s Stat cap was increased from 300 points to 1200 points. This is due to her achieving the Title “Reforged Body,” which increased her potential from the average 1k cap by an additional 200 points.-

‘1200, that’s a far cry from Brance’s 1750, but if the general populous, who think it’s a waste of time to go through the Prestige system, are chilling at 1k for their cap, the Sanfords should have no problem solidifying themselves as Elites.’ So Cynrik thought as he gave a quick glance at how Gabby’s Codex was considered stage 2 with 3285 MP.

[[Tobs, I suppose you won’t spill the beans on the stage breakdowns? Like the criteria for increasing to a higher stage.]]

-Correct, you are in school, do some studying.-

The snarky reply from Tobs drew a frown from Cynrik but a giggle from Selene and a smile from Brance.

That was when Selene remembered something that had been bugging her since she got access to the mind link.

[[Hey guys, why do you call your System Tobs? Like that’s different from what I’ve always called her, yet she still replies to my name for her.]] She asked while looking at the brothers curiously.

[[I just got tired of calling her “hey System” every time I wanted an answer, so when I was still a baby and had nothing better to do, I named her the acronym for The Over-Break System. Thus, Tobs was born. Why? What do you call her?]]

At Cynrik’s response and subsequent follow-up, Selene turned bright red instantly and looked at the floor in embarrassment.
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[[I uh…named her Stella, after my dog when I was a kid…]] She said, drawing a bout of laughter from Cynrik, who was given an admonishing glare from Brance but ignored it.

[[There is nothing wrong with calling her that when you talk alone, Selene. At least you showed some creativity, compared to my moron of a brother, who just deleted the excess letters to form a name. I always just went with it.]]

Brance’s words made Selene look up and smile. He was right, Stella or Tobs, in the end, at least she had put forth actual effort in naming her version of the System, unlike Cynrik, who was just too lazy to come up with something.

Clearing his throat since the conversation was clearly taking the turn for the worst against him, Cynrik hurried Gabby and Brance away and ushered Benny over as it was his turn.

However, this time, he didn’t have the boy write down his previous stats for Selene. The main reason is, aside from some minor differences in Distribution, and Class, for the most part, the two Sanfords had mirror images when it came to their stats after reaching the Prestige cap. This was due to how, upon capping, they had all their stats boosted to 300. Something similar had happened to Cynrik and Brance, but because their stats were already significantly higher than the Sanfords at the time, it was almost negligible.

Going from 280 to 300 was nowhere near as impressive as jumping from sub 200 to 300, and this was precisely what happened to Gabby and Benny after they cleared the Egress.

With Benny in place, Cynrik went through the motions, having the AI drain the room of every particle except Water and prepping the room for Benny’s advancement.

However, Benny threw a wrench in Cynrik’s plan just as they were about to begin.

“Big Bro Ivar, I want to try without the aid of that Mental Fortification Pill. I need to know how big the gap between myself and you and Brother Björn really is.” Benny stated with determination, causing Cynrik to pause in his tracks and carefully look at the younger boy.

[Tobs did say they should both be fine without it; what do you think, Cyn?] Brance, who had taken a seat on the ground between Selene and Gabby, asked.

“Fine, but the moment I see you struggling, I will force-feed the pill to you, even if that means I have to jam my hand down your throat and drop it directly into your stomach. Got it?” After a couple minutes of silent deliberation, Cynrik caved, much to Benny’s joy.

Benny was fully aware of the risks of what he was about to try, but after feeling helpless and nearly dying in the Egress, he had tripled his training efforts, and that was why he was able to shine so brightly during the Faction Battle the day before.

With that out of the way, Benny quickly gulped down the slimy gel packets and started his Evolution by gripping the Affinity Fragment and Evo-Stone in opposite hands.

The process was just as violent as the previous two times with Gabby and Brance, but Benny was firm, never uttering a whimper or sound throughout the entire 45-minute process. There was a time or two when Cynrik nearly stepped in to administer the Mental Fortification pill. Still, even though Benny was only a step away from complete convulsions, he would somehow pull himself out of it and be fine after.

“whew…that fucking sucks.” Once the change was finished, Benny said, exhaling a faint blew mist from his nostrils and opening his eyes, only to find Cynrik wearing a frown and staring down at him in displeasure.

“Uh…Big Bro Ivar…is everything ok….” Unable to hide the nervousness in his now several octaves deeper voice, Benny fearfully looked up at Cynrik, who only replied by clicking his tongue and walking off to the other side of the room, where he began pacing back and forth.

“PFFFF HAHAHAHAHA, IT HAHA, IT’S OK BENNY! Big brother is only pissed that you not only got taller and filled out as I did, but now he officially looks the youngest in the group.” Brance’s joyous laughter bounced off the training room walls as he explained what was going through Cynrik’s mind out loud.

In fact, Brance had hit the nail on the head. From a weak little boy to being built like a 6-foot brick shit house, Benny now was the tallest in the group, even if it was only by a couple of inches. His short-cut Chestnut hair now had faint blue highlights, adding to his handsome green eyes and chiseled jawline.

Benny and Brance now fully fit their roles as tanks physically, as after advancing to Tier-2, they were now effectively walls of muscle.

Since the Evolution hyper-accelerated the body’s aging process, Benny, Gabby, and Brance had all surpassed Cynrik and now looked and sounded like full-blown young adults, leaving Cynrik behind to appear like a preteen even though his body was in great shape. The group was beginning to realize that their Tier-2 Evolutions had essentially allowed them to skip the lengthy process of puberty and growth spurts, tossing it to the wayside and steamrolling through it.

Across the room, Cynrik watched the three newly advanced Tier-2s chat happily and tried to calm his rapidly beating heart. Although Brance hadn’t mentioned it, Cynrik had picked up on a vital bit of information while looking at the two muscle-bound meatheads.

‘Classes change your physique upon Evolution. Tobs, tell me if im wrong here, but the two of them were warriors, and now after reaching Tier-2, they are actually built the way their classes dictate.’

-You are correct in your assessment, Host Cynrik. The reason Classes go into the former category post-Tier Advancement is they are used as a template to make minor adjustments to the beings body opening the door for more powerful future Classes.-

‘So, basically, I will stick with a more athletic build vs. being all bulky like those two?’ Cynrik asked while grabbing a new droid for his own Evolution.

-Correct, the Thief line’s physique is roughly what you are assuming, more nimble and athletic, effectively trading physical strength for speed and dexterity.-

To this, Cynrik nodded and yelled for Benny to hurry up and jot down his stats so he could go over everything.

-This series is exclusively published on WebNovel if you are reading it anywhere else…You Wrong, Fam. PS Check out the discord, https://discord.gg/dcxKNJEMwg

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