– Initiating Recap Protocol.-

– Setting up Data Log.-

– Compiling available information to date.-

– Acquiring Community questions.-


– Shattering dimensional Fourth Wall.-

Floating in the air above pristine mountain peaks, you realize you are in a very different place from where you landed after finishing Volume 2. Amidst the lush terrain and bright halo-like suns floating above, you realize you’ve entered Brance’s Sea of Consciousness. A young woman with monochromatic hair and eyes that are white and black, looking to be in her late teens or early twenties, looks directly at you, the reader. Her expressionless yet cute face overshadows her delicate features, and her short bob cut with neatly arranged bangs gives her a mature look. Her sleeveless arms are painted with intricate runes in shades of purple and blue.

Hello and welcome to the auxiliary chapter known as Tobs’ Corner. (BOW) In this section, I, Tobs, shall be answering a few questions and delving into several bits of information that may need further explanation to allow the plot to continue smoothly. I will again advise anyone reading this data log; if you have not read the contents of the Third Volume, please close this and begin at the beginning of Volume Three, which is known as (Chapter 145 – Volume 3 Prologue).
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First and foremost, allow me to introduce myself once again to you, as it has been quite some time since our last debriefing. I am the 8th Generation Dimensional Deity Power System, The Over-Break System, or as one of my current Hosts, Cynrik Jetlensr, has nicknamed me, Tobs. Allow me to remind all the readers that I am not a Sentient Being. I am an artificial intelligence designed by the two Deities, Raven God Odin and God Of Light Yahweh. Upon being installed by the Host, my first task was to assimilate with Cynrik’s Soul and use his past experiences to generate a functioning power regulation program based on his memories.

Later on, I was installed into Cynrik’s younger brother, Brance, forming a connection between the two firmware versions, and unlocking a handful of new talents. However, after the sacrifice of Freya, I was recently able to install the third version of my program into a wandering and shattered Soul. Once reborn on Vinestra, this Soul became my third Host, Selene Nilsson. Due to all three of my Host’s meeting and forming a small group together, the three versions of my programming installed on each have merged into one unified and modified updated program.

My primary objective is to create missions or Quests that align with the Host’s morality to help them grow to endure any future challenges within the capabilities of the planet of Reincarnations residential system of power.

In the time since our last conversation, a lot has happened, and both brothers’ perspectives have been radically altered. Throughout Volumes 1 and 2, we see that Cynrik and Brance have an extremely narrow worldview; as such, they are constantly left to form speculations about their abilities and the world around them. That has all changed.

But before I get into the, as Cynrik would say, “Meat and Potatoes,” allow me to extend my deepest gratitude on behalf of our Author-San. First, we thank you for your patience and support as our knucklehead….cough, excuse me, “Beloved” Author-san has struggled the last two weeks. First with the mass release, which added an entire 15 extra chapters to the third volume in a span of 3 days, or to the fact that the bonehead…cough, gracious and caring Author-san, has difficulty keeping to the 7 am-7 pm schedule. Lastly, we would like to thank all of you who sent Gifts and commented during and after each chapter.

“ALRIGHT, enough sappy stuff SHOO Author-san!”

You watch as Tobs flairs her delicate hands at the air, clearing away a puff of smoke in the shape of a man who had been speaking into her ear.

Okay, let’s get to the summary of Volume 3. When Volume 3 began, we saw Osiris, the God of Death ragdoll Thor, the God of Thunder, in Odin’s hall in a crippled and mostly dead state. Before leaving, Osiris issued Yahweh and Odin a warning that he would be coming for Cynrik and Brance.

With that warning in their minds, the two Deities try their best to revive Thor. Still, inevitably, due to the injuries to not only the God of Thunder’s body but also his Soul and Divinity, he passed on, leaving Odin distraught and nearly picking fights with his only faithful ally, Brance’s Legacy Deity, Yahweh.

I feel the need to clarify that although the events shown in the Hall of Gods are sequential, they seem out of sync with what is happening on Vinestra. This is mainly because the Realm exists outside of Time and Space, in its own secluded dimension. Thus time moves differently; similarly to the HBTC, the time within the Hall of Gods moves at a much slower pace than the outer realms.

Throughout the Third Volume, we see the members of MyrkLys at long last arrive at VSFA, but not before picking up my Third Host, Selene, who, for lack of a better description, is the female equivalent of Cynrik…”if he was a hot chick.” As we come to find out, Selene is a girl who was originally from Earth but born on Vinestra a full four years before Cynrik. However, she fully integrates into the party due to her having a prototype version of my programming. This leads me to our first question.

Q: Hey Tobs, small question, but I’m really curious about the answer. Did you know about Selene the whole time? Or was it more like two different pieces of you coming together when they finally met?
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A: This is difficult to answer since it requires some explanations, but I will try my best. Initially, Selene’s Soul was lost in the Realm of Nothingness; a void cut off from the flow of Reincarnation. Generally, when a Soul falls out of the flow, it will slip between the dimensions between Realms and be lost, for lack of a better word. The more time a Soul spends in the void, the more it degrades into nothing, thus the name Realm of Nothingness. Now, I must clarify that even the Highest Level Deities cannot see anything happening within the Realm since the destructive nature of the place will quickly erode even their well refined and mighty Souls and Divinity.

Now, when Frigg split herself in two, creating a weakened clone named Freya, she sent it off to the Realm of Nothingness to find a potential Charge who, with no other choice of survival, would fully integrate with what was being given. This was the only way to, as Yahweh Stated, “create a perfect Legacy Charge.” But it came at the cost of sacrificing what little was left of herself to give Selene a chance to live and aid her husband in his efforts.

When my prototype self was generated and forcefully merged into Selene, it was entirely outside of my knowledge. In my case, it was a combination of three factors: first, it is how my programming works; second, the Realm of Nothingness blocks all incoming and outgoing information; and third, when a Soul reincarnates into Vinestra, the CSH (Central System Hub) blocks data sharing between us Artificial Intelligences.

Thus, until Selene met up with Cynrik and Brance and triggered my merger protocols, I had absolutely no idea she even existed. But once they did, it was no different than updating the drivers on a pc. A new update was instantly activated, and the version of myself Selene carried was merged together with the one shared by Cynrik and Brance, creating a newly updated, better looking, COUGH, and of course, more powerful me in the process.

With the addition of Selene to the party, the members of MyrkLys embark on a new and exciting way of life, filled right from the start with a bunch of pretentious assholes kidnapping Gabriella and Benjamin Sanford. So being the good friends they are, Cynrik and Brance burst in to save the day, triggering a massive battle in the end, which the members of MyrkLys easily won, even with the numbers heavily stacked against them.

However, the actions of Cynrik, Selene, and Benny during that bout brought a wave of sanctions down on them, in the form of fines and supplementary classes, Anger Management, and Therapy. Then came the Tier-2 advancements of Cynrik, Brance, Gabby, and Benny, which found them physically growing into their late teenage selves and unlocking an entirely new version of their Affinities. Additionally, Cynrik and Brance increased their respective bloodlines to 10% from 1%.

(SIGH) Tobs raises her right hand and begins massaging her temple after reading the following question. Her eyes seem to fade to a dull shade of her usually vibrant black and white.

Q: Based on how you are becoming more alive, is it reasonable to conclude you will become either the fourth or 6th member of the team by creating your own body and mind? Are you using the traded humanity from Cyn, Selene, and Brance as their bloodlines increase, making them more and more into their Deities races?

Tobs looks toward the sky, where the smoky man has once again appeared with a wide jokerish grin plastered across his face.

Author-San, do I really have to answer this one?

Author-San: °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖° “Hehe, Tobsie, you aren’t programmed to be able to lie kuekue, answer the thing gogogogogo!”

(Sigh) Flipping her middle finger at the Author-San, who giggles like a child in response, Tobs rolls both her head and eyes before looking at you, the reader, annoyed, before returning to her dead-eyed expressionless self.

A: At this time, I can neither confirm nor deny what is happening to the lost Humanity Percentages for each Legacy Charge. I can tell you that something IS happening with those DNA Percentages; however, I will not and can not tell you what. As for the idea of me becoming more alive, by this point, I am beginning to feel like you are just ignoring my words every time I repeat the statement that I am not a sentient being by countering back with, “well, are you sapient?” So I will drop some bombs on your faces.

Neither of the terms “sentient” or “sapient” fully apply to me. For a being to be sentient, they must first be able to perceive or feel things. While for a being to be sapient, it must possess wisdom or appear to be wise. While I do carry some traits of both, the best conclusion I can give you is that I am Conscious. Furthermore, for a being to have a Soul, which I do not, they must be both Sentient and Sapient. My consciousness is a collection of acquired and learned traits from all three of my Hosts, along with my programming by Raven God Odin and God of Light Yahweh. At the end of the day, I am but a mere Artificial Intelligence who is constantly growing and learning alongside my three Hosts, so please drop this Ponochio “I wanna be a real Girl” thing…or else I will FU*& RIP OUT *((&(*^*% AND THEN

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