– Initiating Recap Protocol.-

– Setting up Data Log.-

– Compiling available information to date.-

– Acquiring Community questions.-


– Shattering dimensional Fourth Wall.-

Alright, I have re-established my connection and apologize for the wait. Unfortunately, that boneheaded…(COUGH!), our beloved Author-San, decided it would be easier for this installment to be split into two halves.

Continuing from where we left off. Post their Tier-2 Evolution, Cynrik, Brance, Gabriella, and Benjamin realized quickly how many unfathomable changes, especially with how their bodies handled Mana, had occurred. Luckily for them, after spending some time getting used to their new height and strength, the members of MyrkLys passed their time before classes started in harmony. This brings us to the first question of 3.2.

Q: Tobs, what is your assessment of the boy’s first few days at the Academy? Are they on the right path to fulfilling their potential?

A: Cynrik’s planning was in full swing. Observing the physical changes they had undergone after their Evolutions to Tier-1, he had predicted they would be more drastic this time. So he developed a simple regiment to help Gabriella and Benjamin adjust to their new bodies. Meanwhile, Cynrik and Brance needed relatively little adjustment time since, in their previous lives, Brance was 177.8 cm (5ft 10in), and Cynrik was 185.42 cm (6ft 1in). As a result, the brothers only required a few minor exercises to get used to their new bodies. Overall, I have no complaints. As for them being on the right path to bringing out their full potential, I can’t say. Every being is different, and while I can make millions of calculations per second and form accurate predictions, Cynrik is borderline flawless once he has all the correct data.

If I had to give his plans a score, I would say that it receives 6 out of 10 points in its present state. If not, only because he still lacks quite a bit of valuable information that I cannot give. However, if he can stick to these “Stat Builds” he has formulated, I don’t see any reason all the members of MyrkLys wouldn’t reach their full potential; he is, after all, a gamer nerd who lives for that sort of thing.

One of the reasons I gave Cynrik’s plans only 60% is because, very quickly, the group was practically bitchslapped during their first class of the day by how wrong their deductions of how and what Affinities were and their uses, thanks to their new teacher, Professor Morningdale. For years, the brothers tried to advance their Affinities to a higher level. Finally, due to the lecture and demonstrations that Morningdale gave, they both realized just how horribly wrong they had been in their approach.

Putting aside all the misconceptions Cynrik had obtained through his observations, he wasn’t too far off the mark. The core principles were all in place, yet a massive overhaul would be needed to how they viewed and utilized their Elemental Affinities. Meanwhile, as Cynrik and Brance were digesting all the new information, a glaring issue was brought to Cynrik’s attention. It occurred when Cynrik realized a strange problem with the “Wood” Element. Like a poorly dubbed movie, the lip flaps didn’t match up with the words being spoken. After hearing the Professor’s lecture and making some deductions of his own, he realized that the [Language Proficiency] skill wasn’t perfect and was bugging due to a translation error. After my aid, Cynrik and I manually renamed this nature-based element “Chloro.”

Surprisingly, as Cynrik was trying to figure out what was wrong, Gabriella stepped up and asked several questions about this new Affinity, which both Cynrik and Brance entirely overlooked. With the first period completed, The party split apart, with Brance, Selene, and Benjamin heading off to Tank Class and Cynrik and Gabriella heading to world history.

Another massive bomb was dropped on Cynrik as he heard about the ancient past of Vinestra, which, a horrifying event that took place thousands of years ago rocked his mind and sent him spiraling down a rabbit hole. This brings us to our next question.

Q: Tobs, is Cynrik correct that there was a Legacy Strife in the past? If so, why are the Deities only now returning to contend for Vinestra with another Strife?
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A: Based on the information presented during the world history class, it is a safe assumption that Cynrik has made. By adding in the knowledge he, as a Legacy Charge, already knows, he was able to deduce that, in fact, another Strife had occurred thousands of years ago. However, if you wish for me to speak further on the topic, I will need you to either wait for Cynrik and Gabriella to attend more classes or raise your authority level.

The problem lies in how this information is considered Classified by the CSH. Thus, I cannot give a definitive answer to you at this time. But I can say that he isn’t far off the mark. Unfortunately, I don’t know the full story of what occurred, and I am too learning alongside you, the reader, and Cynrik on this topic. My Data Profile seems to have a large chunk of information from that period missing. As much as I would like to tell you more, besides having all my own conjectures blocked by the CSH, I can’t even aid Cynrik in his analysis. The topic is simply Taboo.

Furthermore, since we are on the topic of restrictions placed on me and other AI systems, we can bring up yet another question.

Q: Tobs, we know that you are now independent of the Deities, however, how much are you synchronized/ connected to the Central System Hub, and how does this impact the team?

A: Although I am technically independent of Odin and Yahweh, they still have remote access to everything I see, but that is about how far they can go. As the creators of my original programming, they made it that way so that the only being’s who can affect my advancement and intellect are my Hosts. So while my actions may no longer be in their control, they can still see everything except inside my Host’s SOC.

The Central System Hub is an entirely different case altogether. It sees, hears, and knows everything happening on the planet at all times, yet at the same time, it can not see within a being’s Sea of Consciousness, nor can it hear its thoughts. Still, even with their semi-omniscience, it has never been abused to my knowledge, and they act as the last line of defense for Vinestra and its people.

The CSH’s job is to keep outside forces from destroying the carefully crafted Balance it has spent several thousand years creating and is the only thing keeping the Deities in line and unable to interfere with the current ongoing strife. As such, it keeps me restrained to an extent, not allowing me to leak any data or aid too much in the growth of my Host. Now how does this affect the members of MyrkLys? Very simple, it is the only thing keeping Deities such as Osiris from coming down and obliterating Cynrik for indirectly killing his subordinate. But at the same time, it is also one of the main reasons he has been unable to gather the data necessary to satisfy every question he has. Therefore, I won’t divulge too much about what the CSH is and does, but know that it will be touched upon more in Vol 4 and 5.

After World History, the party reunited and headed to their Combatives class; this was when the consequences for something he “Didn’t” do came to light. His lack of reporting their party’s Evolutions came back to bite him in the ass, resulting in Cynrik and Brance being forced to square up and Gabriella and Benny to fight Instructors. During the brothers’ fight, a reasonably interesting question was brought up.

Q: Tobs, why don’t we see Brance using more of his Light Affinity Skills? In fact, we really haven’t seen him be anything other than a pinch healer or using optic-camo.

A: For this answer, how about I bring up the majority of Brance’s Light Affinity Skills for you and my own descriptions. That way, you will be able to understand more in-depth WHY Brance relies more heavily on his Terra and Wind Affinities in battle.

– Orb of Light: by making a small floating ball, Brance can light up an area of around 5 meters.

– Radiant Skin: Literally turns Brance into a glittery flashlight and gives a similar effect to his [Stone Skin]. It is stackable with his Terra armor skill, so Brance usually uses it once his Terra skill is in place, even if the protection isn’t anywhere near as good.

– Reveal: Allows Brance to use light to reveal what is hidden behind illusions or counter against Dark Affinity users in hiding. (Best applied against a hiding Cynrik trying to jump scare him)

– Glint: Allows Brance to make a bright flash of light to blind an opponent temporarily.

– Vanish: Brance’s optic-camo. Unfortunately, it’s not as versatile as Cynrik’s stealth skills, so it rarely sees use.

– Radiant Sheild: The equivalent of Brance’s Earth Dome except transparent and much weaker.

– Advanced Heal: Speaks for itself, higher rates of healing.

– Swords of Judgement: Pretty much the only offensive ability Brance has with his Light Affinity, also the heaviest drain on his Mana Pool.

As you can see, Brance is severely limited by what he can actually do with his Affinity, which is why his fighting style has adapted to not using it. With a bunch of useless skills that will only give his position away to enemies, the Light Affinity is severely underutilized for a reason.

Q: And what about Brance’s Radiant Tower? Why haven’t we seen that either?
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A: Simple, where would he put a massive stone tower? We haven’t seen it used because, realistically, he has nowhere to use it. But that will change…

Tobs pauses and looks off into the distance for confirmation from Author-San, who has reappeared hunched over and holding his back in pain. He shakily holds up four fingers, causing Tobs to turn back and look at you.

Volume Four will show you a lot more of Brance’s Light skills, as the group continuously attends their Affinities class, so please be patient.

With that last question out of the way, it is time for everyone’s favorite segment. “Rapid Fire” question and answer before wrapping it up for this Edition of My Corner.

Q: Tobs, do you have a physical form within your Host’s SOC so that you could assist in fighting and…*shifty eyes*

A: (¬_¬) don’t make me send you to horny jail. No, I technically do not have a physical form; just think of me as a hologram. What’s the term Cyn would use… “Vtuber?”

Q: Hey Tobs, I thought this story was supposed to have Two Main Characters? Why does it seem like it is leaning more heavily towards Cynrik and not Brance, like 60/40?

A: Tsk, Cynrik likes to be the center of attention in his circle and is a big ass drama queen.

┐( ̄ヘ ̄;)┌ I don’t really know what to say here…Brance is kind of more laid back and goes with the flow, leaving Cynrik to take charge. He is still, in fact, one of the two main characters; it’s just he is similar to Benny, preferring to watch rather than act and lead. I will say in Volume 4 the… “Issues” Brance is experiencing play a heavy factor. So that will be something to look out for.

Q: Tobs, when will the party find a Cleric or Healer? Having Brance do all the healing is too unrealistic for the party’s safety.

A: That will depend on if Cynrik stops being an antisocial shut-in or if the others want to add a new member. It has already come to everyone’s attention after Cynrik almost died, that a dedicated healer is needed desperately. This is one of the driving factors for Gabby choosing her Chloro Affinity.

Q: Out of curiosity, which name do YOU like or prefer more, Tobs or Stella?

A: I personally have no preference. Considering every previous Host I have had in the past named me something different, it just plain doesn’t matter to me at this point. However, if you readers start calling me what Author-San does….kuekuekue.

Tobs tilts her head to the side and cracks her knuckles loudly, making you take a floating step backward, as she resembles a lifeless, emotionless doll from a horror film.

Q: Hey, Tobs, it hasn’t really been brought up before, but do you have a video function the boys don’t know about yet? Or are you only limited to text and Audio? If so, could they like idk play video games with your kind help?

A: At this time, I do not have video playback integration and am limited to text and audio interactions. I can manifest monitors like the Deities do when viewing me, but that is only something I can do within a Host’s SOC, and it can only show things from a different Host’s point of view with their approval of course.

All right, Readers, that is all the time we have for this edition of My Corner. I hope you all got some valuable information that can be used moving forward into Volume Four, which will be the next published chapter after this. Thank you for your continued support, and remember to swing by our Discord and drop your questions for future editions of My Corner while you go through Volume 4.

One last thing before you go…

Tobs leans in dangerously close to your face, and you become fascinated by her monochromatic eyes, which are swirling like an endless and mesmerizing whirlpool.

We don’t talk about timelines; we never talk about timelines, we forget about timelines, and you never heard about timelines.


With that, Tobs leaves you alone floating in Brance’s SOC. You feel like she told you something just now, but you can’t remember what it was about, so pushing that thought into the back of your mind, you swipe the link for discord and join in on the fun. https://discord.gg/dcxKNJEMwg

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