Sitting alone in the kitchen, Cynrik sighed softly and pulled up his stat profile, making him groan loudly. A simple glance at the chaotic spread of numbers was enough for Cynrik to nearly lose his shit, thanks to his little quirk called OCD.

: Status :

: Cynrik Ayke Jetlensr (Ivar the Boneless Ragnarsson):

: Title – Perfect Foundation, Perfect Clear Expert, Reforged Body :

: Demi-Human Male (90% Human, 10% Æsir):

: Age-13:

: Tier-2 :

: Primary Class – (Empty) :

:Former: Tier-1 Thief : (+2 To DEX, AGI Distribution)

: Sub-Class – (Empty) :

:Former: Tier-1 Engineer : (+2 To DEX Distribution)

: Level: 0/35, Essence = 0/252,616 :

: Essence Pool(XP): 220,482 :

: P-Class (Empty): 0 – XP :

: S-Class (Empty): 0 – XP :

: Distribution: 2 Per All : (DEX 6, AGI 4)

: Mana Codex & Circuits Tier-2 :

: Stage 3 :

: Body – Tier-2, 6.5g Resistance :

: Credits: 80,000 :


: HP 11,200/11,200 :

: Mana 6630/6630 :

: Stamina 5600/5600 :

: Stat Points- 194 :

: Skill Points- 196 :

: Strength- 481 : (+11)

: Dexterity- 533 : (+63)

: Agility- 537 : (+67)

: Intelligence- 592 : (+122)
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: Vitality- 550 :

: Mind- 501 : (+31)

: Will Power- 48 :

: PSN Resistance- 25 :

: Killing Intent- 424 – 5G :

: Affinity- :

:(SAG)Dark-Tier-2 (Expert): :Expand: (Increased)

:(BG) Fire-Tier-2 (Adept): :Expand:

:(BG) Wind-Tier-2 (Beginner): :Expand:

Because of the increase in his stats, unlike in the past, Cynrik rarely checked his Status these days. When he did, his left eye would begin twitching uncontrollably until he either lost his temper or closed the panel.

Unlike Brance, who hit the weight training extra hard, Cynrik relied more on AGI and DEX training, allowing the two stats to surpass his STR, leaving it in the dust. His strength had increased in the first place because of Professor Dennis’s boot camp, where he made everyone do a series of strength training exercises several times a day. Nobody was allowed to skip it, and you better believe Cynrik damn well tried MANY times to get out of doing pushups and burpees.

The most significant change he had undergone was with his INT and Dark Affinity; both had shown substantial changes over the last few months, thanks to using his cultivation skill at every opportunity. By either luck of the draw or because his [Requiem at Dusk] was tailor-made for Dark Affinity users, he had broken out of the Adept Stage and Into the Expert, opening several doors to new combinations and uses for how Cynrik utilized his Dark Mana. If before he was a shadow in the corner of the room, now, he was the darkness of night itself.

The way he used Dark Mana had changed fundamentally; unlike before, whenever he collected the Mana, it felt no different than flexing a finger or wiggling your toes. Because of this level of comfortability, Cynrik’s speed at conjuring skills and the power behind them had been radically increased.

This newfound versatility was why he tried so desperately in his experiments with Fire Mana. His goal was to attain the same level of expertise as he had with his Dark. If Cynrik could achieve this, he could create a more perfect version of his BlackFire, and maybe even turn it into the legendary Uchiha’s Amaterasu, unquenchable black flames that could burn forever and destroy anything.

Pushing these thoughts to the back of his mind, Cynrik brought up his Class panel and swiped through it until he found Rogue and selected the Evolve option.

-You have chosen to Evolve your Tier-1 Thief Class into the Tier-2 Rogue Class. Would you like to lock in your choice? Remember, once you accept, this change can not be undone (Y/N)-

‘Go ahead, Tobs,” Preparing himself for the incoming headache, Cynrik pressed the Yes option, but instead of getting barraged by notifications, a second window popped up.

-Would you like to set this choice as your Primary Class once the Evolution has been completed? Remember, once you accept, this change can not be undone (Y/N)-

‘Oh for crying out loud Tobs, just do the damn thing so I can get it over with and move on to the next one.’ Complaining in his heart, Cynrik watched the Yes option highlight in green before the notification closed and the predicted spam began.

-You have obtained the Tier-2 Primary Combat Class Rogue.-

-Your Physical Damage modifier when using bladed weapons has been switched from STR-based Damage to DEX-based Damage.-

-Your Stat Distribution has been adjusted; you will receive an additional 0.2 points in DEX and AGI upon increasing your Main Level. Current Allocation, 2.2 DEX, 2.2 AGI-

-You have learned five Tier-2 Rogue Skills.-

-Since the host has similar abilities to the traditional Rogue skills, some adjustments have been made.-

-You have learned the Tier-2 Rogue Skill Uncanny Dodge.-

-You have learned the Tier-2 Rogue Skill Luck of the Rogue.-

-You have learned the Tier-2 Rogue Skill Detect Weakness.-

-The Skill [Detect Weakness] has been merged with your Ocular skill, [Mana Sight].-

-You have learned the Tier-2 Rogue Skill Elusive Mind.-

-You have learned the Tier-2 Rogue Skill Danger Sense.-

-You have unlocked the Tier-2 Hidden Stat: Luck.-

-Your current luck stat is 5 points.-

Smirking to himself, Cynrik jumped to his feet, ran out of the kitchen, down the hall, and burst into the training room, startling the other members of MyrkLys and making them shoot him weird looks.

“YOOO, I got five new skills from upgrading my class to Rogue. Check this out!” Cynrik said as he acted like a child on Christmas, ready to try out his new toy.
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“We all did…well, at least Gabby and I did; those two freaks got seven.” Brance snorted while pointing at Selene and Benny, who were sparring on the far side of the room.

“Tsk, why must you always be the killjoy of the family? Couldn’t you just let me have this one thing?” Gritting his teeth and casting a glance over at Selene, who was shuffling side to side, and Benny, who was holding a practice Aspis and Estoc, Cynrik angrily scolded Brance.

“Hey man, no one told you to scamper in like a child all loud and shit. Now send me over the skills. I assume you got a 0.2 per level buff on top of your already 2 points as well?” Rolling his eyes and waving, stopping his sparring match with Gabby, Brance handed her a towel as he spoke before waiting for Cynrik to send over the data through the mind link.

“Yeah, that’s the point spread I got; give me a second, and I’ll compile it all for you and send it over,” Cynrik said as he pulled up the skill descriptions and scanned them.

– Tier-2 Rogue Skill [Uncanny Dodge]-

-Category: Passive Skill.-

– When an attacker in your line of sight hits you with a physical or metaphysical attack, you have a 20% chance of triggering this skill to reduce the damage taken by half.-

-When triggered, the skill user will lose 5% of their available Stamina.-

-Tier-2 Rogue Skill [Luck of the Rogue]-

-Category: Passive Skill.-

-So long as you have unlocked your luck stat, this skill can be used.-

-As a Rogue, you seem to have an uncanny knack for escaping death, finding riches, and making the impossible possible. Depending on how high your luck stat is, you will have a % chance (2% per point) to make miracles happen. This is not limited to getting the best rolls out of loot boxes or treasure, redirecting a missed attack at the last second to make it connect, or even surviving situations that would otherwise spell disaster.

-Cost: Your Luck points are a replenishable resource; the Central System Hub regulates the cost of inducing the skill. The higher the feat you would succeed in, the more points will be taken from you.-

-Tier-2 Rogue Skill [Detect Weakness] (Merged with Mana Sight)-

-Category: Active Skill.-

-This skill allows creating a marker, either thin red lines, or red dots, indicating where the weak point of a structure, being, spell, or some other solid object is. Since this skill has been merged with an already existing ocular skill, its cost will be tacked on to said skill, increasing the MP usage rate by 25%. Although the two skills have merged, you are still able to choose when you want to activate [Detect Weakness], and it is not always active upon using [Mana Sight].-

-This skill is prone to fail to show you a weakness if you haven’t raised its Proficiency high enough.-

-Tier-2 Rogue Skill [Elusive Mind]-

-Category: Passive Skill.-

– As a Rogue, you are prone to seeing the worst life has to offer; your mind needs to be neigh impenetrable. This skill activates when you are under the effect of any skills or phenomenon that may affect your mental clarity, reducing the effect these acts have on your mind. This is not limited to illusions, mental attacks, charm stats, or spells.-

-This stat has a 25% chance of activating under the right conditions, and the strength of the protection you gain will be dependent on how high your MIND stat is.-

-Tier-2 Rogue Skill [Danger Sense]-

-Category: Passive Life-Saving Skill.-

-Rogues and their evolved form Assassins are frequently put in dangerous situations, where even the slightest wrong move can end in death. As such, a special tingly feeling has been inherited over the long history of Rogue Class users, known as Danger Sense.-

-When presented with a situation that potentially causes you great harm or could end your life, you will feel uneasy and restless. Do not ignore this feeling, as it may very well be what saves your life one day.-

Brance stood stunned in silence, unsure what to make from the list of skills Cynrik had sent him.

“Pretty impressive, right? I can legit go beast mode now without worrying about anything.” Wearing a shit-eating grin, Cynrik gloated, but to his surprise, Brance was staring at him with a confused expression.

[Cyn, you do realize that EVERY SINGLE ONE of your new class skills is passive…right? You didn’t get any cool new attacks or any world-shattering abilities.] Narrowing his eyes and scrunching up his face in confusion, Brance double-checked to ensure he didn’t miss any hidden awesomeness.

[ARE YOU FUCKING DUMB! I LEGIT GOT SPIDEY SENSE BRANCE….SPIIIIDEY SENSSE! Pair that together with my already heightened reflexes, and thanks to my AGI and DEX, I can dodge attacks without seeing them even coming. OK, watch, I’ll close my eyes; I want you to shoot a [Stone Spike] at me. I don’t even have to see it coming; I will just rely on my [Danger Sense].] Cynrik said as he closed his eyes and placed his hands behind his back.

[Uhh, Cyn, I don’t think that’s how this skill works…] Brance said hesitantly while still manifesting a spike and making sure it wasn’t sharp, just in case.

[Blah, blah, blah, stop your yapping and just…]



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