[Uhh, Cyn, I don’t think that’s how this skill works…] Brance said hesitantly while still manifesting a spike and making sure it wasn’t sharp, just in case.

[Blah, blah, blah, stop your yapping and just…]



Without any warning, Brance released the [Stone Spike], aiming it at point-blank range, right at Cynrik’s chest, and just as he predicted, Cynrik’s [Danger Sense] didn’t trigger, and he received the attack square in the chest with enough force to send him sailing right into a cluster of workout equipment.

“Cough, Cough cough, what the fuck just happened?” Utterly confused about why his skill didn’t trigger, Cynrik lay in a heap under a pile of machinery, coughing up saliva and phlegm.

“I tried to tell you dumbass; it doesn’t work like you think it does. But noooo, we never listen to Brance, cause how could he EVER be right?” Rushing over and digging his brother out of the pile, Brance remarked sarcastically at his overly impulsive brother.

In contrast to Cynrik and Brance, Gabby, Benny, and Selene all went about as if this was an everyday thing, ignoring the fact that Brance just fired a close-range magic projectile directly into Cynrik’s chest for seemingly no reason at all.

[The hell went wrong?] Dusting himself off and pointing at his chest, an indicator that he wanted healing, Cynrik thought aloud while pulling up the skill description and re-reading it several times.

[You know what, Cyn? You have to be the dumbest intelligent person I’ve ever met. The damn skill LITERALLY SAYS “Life-Saving” in its category. It won’t activate unless you face a situation presenting the potential of sustaining great bodily harm or life-threatening injuries; it doesn’t make sense to activate just because you may get a bump on the head.

[What kind of backward bullshit is that? That doesn’t make any sense. I get that it would work against pitfalls or other Assassins trying to off me, but for it to not work when ANY kind of danger presents itself makes absolutely ZERO sense.] Cynrik complained as he shook his head and re-read every one of his new skills again.

[Ima be honest with you, Cyn, I pretty much only see you ever using [Detect Weakness] and [Elusive Mind]. The rest are way too situational.] Reading the new skills alongside his brother, Brance offered his opinion.

[No, uncanny dodge is also practical. 50% damage reduction on a 20% trigger chance is a bit broken; the only issue is the cost. Suddenly losing 5% Stamina at random would definitely sting if it happened at the wrong time. However, it too could be considered a life-saving skill as long as I get that trigger chance increased.

[Where as something like [Luck of the Rogue] will only be a last resort until I can figure out how to increase my Luck Stat.] Closing his skill tab, Cynrik glanced over at Benny and Selene’s sparring match. From the looks of it, the fight was pretty even, but if one looked closely, they would see that Benny was actually leading Selene by the nose.

[He’s getting pretty good in standard melee combat.]Brance stated, noticing that Cynrik was paying heavy attention to their friendly training match.

[Indeed, he moves like me but fights like you. It kind of makes him a completed version of us once he gets in a few dozen more years of fighting experience. How is his stat sheet looking?]

[Well, I would expect him to be good, considering all the time he spent with us both as trainers and as watchers of our fights, except for the incidents in your SOC]. Agreeing with Cynrik’s observations, Brance motioned to his brother and passed over the stat sheet he had received from Benny earlier.

: Status :

: Benjamin Sanford (Benny):

: Title – Perfect Foundation, Perfect Clear Expert, Reforged Body :

: Human Male:

: Age-11:

: Tier-2 :

: Primary Class – Tier-2 Hoplite-Vanguard : (+0.2 DEX, +0.2 AGI, +0.2 VIT Distribution)

:Former: Tier-1 Warrior : (+2 To STR,VIT Distribution)

: Sub-Class – (Empty) :

: Level: 0/35 – 0/252,616 :

: Essence Pool(XP): 104,258 :
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: P-Class (Hoplite-Vanguard): 0 – XP :

: S-Class (Empty): 0 – XP :

: Distribution: 2 STR, 2 VIT : (STR 4, DEX 0.2, AGI 0.2, VIT 4.2,)

: Mana Codex & Cicuits Tier-2 :

: Stage 3 :

: Body – Tier-2, 6g Resistance :

: Credits: 213,045 :


: HP 10,260/10,260 :

: Mana 3900/3900 :

: Stamina 5130/5130 :

: Stat Points- 268 :

: Skill Points- 276 :

: Strength- 423 : (+48)

: Dexterity- 406 : (+31)

: Agility- 407 : (+32)

: Intelligence- 410 : (+35)

: Vitality- 474 : (+99)

: Mind- 390 : (+15)

: Killing Intent- 228 – 4.0 G :

: Affinity- :

:(BG) Water-Tier 2 (Adept): :Expand:

Seeing Benny’s stats, Cynrik couldn’t help but groan at the mismatched numbers, but pushing through the screaming agony in his mind, he read through everything and nodded his head, pleased that Benny had shown so much growth over the last few months.

[He’s doing well, aside from VIT, which he clearly spent a bit too much time training in the Gravity Room, he has kept things relatively balanced, something vital to bring out the full potential of his fighting style. So long as he keeps his speed and physical power reasonably close, he won’t have to struggle too badly in the foreseeable future. The only issue is that Vitality…] As Cynrik spoke, his eyes flicked to Benny’s Distribution.

[STR 4, DEX 0.2, AGI 0.2, VIT 4.2, is pretty dirty. He will rival us in stat growth on that point. When he reaches level cap, he will bring in an annoyingly high 11 points per level in VIT, which is detrimental compared to the 7 points in DEX and AGI.] Cynrik finally said, looking over at Brance.

[I mean, you realize just how high your DEX will end up, right, you are going to be chilling at what, 13 points per level, whereas I will be hitting like a truck with my 13 points in STR.] After running a quick calculation, Brance realized just how many stat points they would pull in per level up.

[Oh, I forgot to mention, when I made my Class evolve, one of the notifications I got was about my physical damage modifier swapping over from STR-based Damage to DEX-based damage, so long as I am using a bladed weapon. This means that while you may hit like a truck, I am like a 50 caliber sniper rifle, precise and powerful.] Crossing his arms over his chest and smirking, Cynrik bragged.

[About time, your damage output was always on the weaker side, even though your strength was decent. Soooo my skills from Paladin were pretty good, but the issue we predicted about sword skills popped up.] Rolling his eyes at his older brother’s remark, Brance changed the subject.

[Oh? Got some sword skills now, do we, Mr. Double Shields.] Cynrik teased, only to get flooded by information from Brance, who didn’t say anything and sent over all five of his new skills.

-Tier-2 Paladin Skill: [Prominence Strike]-

-Category: Active AOE Skill.-

– By infusing your sword with ample Light Mana, you can create illusionary replicas of your weapon and execute a downward slash, attacking designated enemies within a 5-meter radius.-
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-Cost: 200 MP per designated target up to 5 targets.-

-Damage Calc: Based on STR, INT, and Light Affinity.-

-Cooldown: 15 minutes.-

-Tier-2 Paladin Skill: [Hallowed Ground]-

-Category: Active Life-Saving Skill.-

-As the party’s hope and defense, you must always stay standing. You, who have been blessed by the Light, and fight for justice and all that is right in the world; using your attunement with Light, cast a divine shield around your body, making you impervious to most types of damage for 5 seconds.-

-Cost: 1000 Stamina, 2500 Mana Points.-

-Cooldown: 48 hours.-

-Tier-2 Paladin Skill: [Lay on Hands]-

-Category: Active Healing Skill.-

-The Paladin is not only the party’s shield but also a combat medic; as such, they can heal their friends in need and themselves when in a pinch.-

-By infusing your hands with nurturing Light Mana and placing them on yourself or a designated friendly target, you can Heal for 25% of your MAX HEALTH POINTS.

-Cost: 25% of Current Available MP, Mp must not be below 50%.-

-Cooldown: 2 hours.-

-Tier-2 Paladin Skill: [Devotion’s Halo]-

-Category: Passive Damage Debuff Skill.-

– The presence of an awe-inspiring and strong Paladin will give courage and inner power to those who are close to them. Your natural charisma and presence is enough to keep your party fighting against all odds.-

-Reduces 5% of all damage taken by designated allies within a 30-meter radius

-Tier-2 Paladin Skill: [Divine Sword Storm]-

-Category: Active AOE Skill.-

-This skill requires the use of a two-handed sword, the heavier its weight, the longer the attack can persist and the more damage it can deal. By infusing your two-handed sword with a large amount of Light Mana, you manifest a turbulent storm of Light constructed replicas of your weapon and chaotic streams of visible Mana, which swirl around you, hacking down any nearby enemies with the power of Light-

-Attack Radius: 7 Meters.-

-Cost: 10% of Current Available Stamina and MP.-

-Damage Calc: Based on STR, INT, Light Affinity.-

-Cooldown: 30 minutes.-

[WHAT KIND OF BULLSHIT, BROKEN ASS, OP, AHHHH!] Cynrik howled in jealously as he read through all of Brance’s new skills. Unlike himself, who only got passive skills, all but one of the Paladin skills were active, two of which were actually powerful AOE skills.

[This is favoritism, I DEMAND A REFUND ON MY PRIMARY CLASS, OI, TOBS CONTACT THE CSH, TELL THEM TO GIVE ME BETTER SHIT!] Fuming with both jealousy and anger, Cynrik demanded.

-Request denied; the skills received upon unlocking a new class are randomly generated based on the strength of the being and their potential. You can only blame yourself for having created so many flashy techniques. Host Brance lacks offensive Affinity skills and has barely relied on making new attacks and techniques, unlike you.-

[What the hell Tobs, this is a blatant bias towards Dark Affinity users, why does this flashlight asshole get cool shit while all I get is a useless spidey sense that doesn’t even work as it should. Fucking assholes in the CSH, man!]

[Uh…Cyn…it isn’t that big of a deal…I am sure you’ll get fantastic skills as you progress through your class levels.] Trying his hardest not to burst out laughing at his older brother, who was pacing back and forth while ranting about how unfair the CSH was, Brance shook his head and attempted to calm him down.

[Let me guess, Benny, Gabby, and Selene all got a shit ton of new active skills as well, didn’t they? You know what, on second thought, I almost feel like I would rather be left in the dark on the two freaks with Unique Classes. I have too much to worry about with making preparations for our Farming marathon. Fuck this bullshit.] Throwing his hands in the air, Cynrik stormed out of the training room and left the dorm to go for a walk to cool his head.

-It seems he took that better than you thought.-

‘Sigh, yeah, I half expected him to hit one of us or at the very least start breaking shit. Storming off is totally fine in my book.’ Sighing in his mind, Brance walked back over to Gabby, who was currently sitting on the floor chewing on the eraser end of a pencil as she worked on copying her Stat sheet for Brance.

-This series is exclusively published on WebNovel if you are reading it anywhere else…You Wrong, Fam. PS Check out the discord, https://discord.gg/dcxKNJEMwg

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