The Over-Break System

Chapter 3 - God's Relic

Odin's words caused my mind to break for a split second. The amount of information he had just dropped casually was astounding.

If you died wearing what he called a God's Relic, your memories would be kept intact, and you would meet that God instead of being sent directly into the cycle of reincarnation.

This kind of information would shock everyone in existence.

Noticing the visible shock on my face, Odin continued.

=However, this is a one-time deal that has a massive drawback. Suppose a God's Relic is used. You will be reincarnated with your current memory. However, if you die in your next life, you will never enter the cycle again. Instead, your soul will completely dissipate, into nothingness becoming fuel for that God's divinity.=

As Odin spoke, my eyes followed the Pendant as it slowly lifted into the air and hovered several inches above Odin's hand.

With this statement, my mind went completely blank. My eyes were moving from the Pendant back to Odin's eye.

We sat in silence as I tried to process the information given to me. Each sentence was like a bombshell exploding in my head, causing the wheels of my mind to shudder.

Slowly my comprehension of this information started to lock into place, as I inherently accepted my current state.

Just as I was about to speak, however, the realm I was in shook, and space next to Odin fractured like broken glass, and a bright white light burst forth from the Spacial tear.

=It took you long enough to get here Yahweh.=

Completely unaffected by the sudden bright light, Odin spoke out while making two more chairs appear at the table.

With the sudden appearance of the chairs, the bright light slowly dimmed, revealing two people. One was a man of similar height to Odin, but his grace was seemingly in a different category.

He was slim and draped in pure white robes, and his appearance screamed regality. He sported long flowing white hair and a cleanly shaved, handsome yet fearsome face.

In his right hand was a shepherd's staff that stood a full head taller than the God himself.

As I gazed at the God that appeared before me, I noticed I didn't have the same innate feeling to prostrate myself before the new God, who I knew as the God Of Christianity, who was named Yahweh, as I did when I first met Odin.

*Still as uncouth as ever Odin.* Yahweh's attention went from the Norse God to me.

*This must be my Child's elder brother, Interesting that even though they are siblings, one worships a Norse God instead of me* A fearsome smirk drew across Yahweh's face as he examined me with contempt.

"Looking at someone you just met with contempt, and you wonder why my faith went to the AllFather instead. How could I put my trust in a God who not only has a habit of genocide but also like to drop frogs and fire on people." I spat back without hesitation.

My words drew a boisterous laugh from Odin, who found great amusement in my ability to take cheap shots at a God even though I was but a mortal.

=Well said Drengr=

Odin continued to laugh while directing a stunned Yahweh to the chair next to him.

"Tyler, I get that you've always been unruly, but you're going to talk to God that way?" A voice from behind Yahweh spoke out in my direction

"Tsk, look, if he came here and didn't look at me like some hooligan who was lower than dirt, I would have been respectful." I grinned as my get met the spectral form of my brother Brandon who had emerged from the Spacial Tear behind his God.

"For some reason, I highly doubt that. You don't have a filter." Brandon half walked, half floated towards the table, and sat down in the chair next to me.

Coming back to his senses and taking a seat next to Odin, Yahweh spoke up, completely overlooking my last snarky remark.

*Odin, I assume you've informed your follower of his current predicament.*

=Of course, I'm no slouch who sits around watching over his flock as you do. My Drengr has been fully informed of the consequences of using a Relic, But you interrupted me before I was able to tell him the benefits.=

Odin cleared his throat before continuing.

=Now then, by using one of God's Relics, you are given several benefits as using it would remove you from the cycle of reincarnation. First and foremost, you will be able to choose which world you are sent to for reincarnation.=

=The Next perk is you will be given the same affinity as the God whose Relic you used. In my case, it would be the Darkness element, and in Yahweh's, it would be the element of Light.=

=Next, depending on which world or realm you have chosen, you will receive certain physical benefits depending on the System used there. For example, if a world's System is based on techniques, it could be a particular skill.=

As Odin spoke, I noticed the System attached to my soul pop-up listing several benefits mirroring the information thrown at me.

*We will give you some time to speak with each other and decide your next course of action. Odin didn't mention that if you both choose to use the Relics, you will be able to Reincarnate into the same family with the same age gap as your soul age. Effectively becoming brothers once again in your   next life.*

Yahweh stood up, dragging Odin away to give Brandon and me a chance to speak alone.

As the two Gods left, I let out a sigh and, using both of my hands, rubbed my face slowly in an attempt to digest everything that had happened.

"I don't know why you're so stressed out right now, Tyler. I'm sure You've already decided to use your Relic." Brandon lightly laughed while making fun of me like usual.

"I mean, this is pretty much you're wheelhouse. I'll follow your decision. I only hope we go somewhere that lets us use swords and magic or something." Brandon said while placing his astral hand on my shoulder.

Taking a deep breath and then exhaling, I looked over at my brother, who, up until a short time ago, had his whole life together, a good job, a house of his own, and a fiance. He had way more to lose than I did; however, he's calm and resolute instead of panicking and losing it.

"I'm stressed about what world to choose. I've got a pretty good grasp on everything else; it's just a matter of where to go next. There are too many options and too much for me to experiment with. First things first." I waved my hand in front of me and spoke clearly.

"System show me all possible choices for reincarnation using the following filters. As the technically advanced or more advanced than the previous world of our soul's residence."

A look of shock appeared on Brandon's face as the systems in front of both of us started up and began showing a list of billions, if not trillions, of possible choices.

"Wait, how the hell do you already know how to use the system," Brandon asked incredulously; he couldn't fathom how I seemed to know exactly how to navigate the System. But in reality, I had already concluded several things based on how it had acted up till now.

Ignoring him, I input another thirty or so filters rapidly until finally there were only two choices for reincarnation.

"There are virtually no differences between these two worlds, so let's go with the one on the left."

After choosing the World, Odin and Yahweh materialized back in their chairs. While Odin looked amused, Yahweh showed an incredulous look and was clearly and might I add ungodlily confused about how easily I navigated and used the System.

=Alright, based on your choice, your benefits have been decided; however, it would take away all the mystery and fun in you having to figure them out on your own. Now then its time for you both to merge with your relic.=

With a flick of Odin and Yahweh's wrists, both my Pendant and Brandon's Cross Flew from our respective Gods and collided with our chests.

Instead of doing damage, the relics merged into our bodies and disappeared, which seemed to trigger several notifications.

-You have Received the Darkness Affinity-

-Legacy Distribution Set to 1 Per All-

-Reincarnation choice selected-

-Status Panel created-

-Stat Panel Created-

-Skill Panel Created-

-Benefits all completed awaiting Odin's Blessing to begin-

=Alright, it's time to begin, say your goodbyes=

I stood up from the table and saluted Odin once again before

"Thank you, AllFather" I turned to Brandon, who had finished thanking his God, and we stood in front of each other in silence for several minutes.

It was me who broke the silence. "Welp looks like it's gonna be almost two years before we see each other again; I'll lay the groundwork and get us all set before you get there, Little brother."

With resolution in both of our eyes, we gripped each other's left forearm and led into a hug.

When I let go, Brandon Spoke up, " Don't get into too much trouble without me."

I snorted and replied, "I'll be a baby; just how much shit can I stir up."

With that final comment, my astral body started fading until I was overcome by darkness yet again.

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