The Over-Break System

Chapter 4 - Born Again...Literally


That was the first thing I noticed the second I finished saying my lackluster goodbyes in the Hall of Gods.

Comforting warmth spread throughout my whole body.

-Reincarnation Complete-

-Over-Break System full installation complete-

-Congratulations on Reincarnation Host, Good Luck-

-Prepare for Birthing-

As I heard the Systems monotone voice say the last sentence, my heart dropped.

'Birthing…. Oh, SON OF A BITCH COULDN'T YOU JUST LET ME BE BORN AlREADY! Why the hell do I have to experience this messy shit? You're Gods, for crying out loud!'

I roared in my mind; since I could barely move, let alone make any noise yet due to still being in the womb.

'OK, calm down; let's run through everything Odin said to us when he was giving the breakdown on using Relics.'

Quickly the memories flooded one after another as I combed through every word The AllFather said.

'After replaying the whole conversation with the big man himself, only now, I realized Odin had Said "Born" and not moved or transmigrated. I was too hasty in my thought process and rushed it a bit. This is fine, it's OK, I have to wait A year and ten months, and Brandon will show up alongside me; it's fine, everything's fine, we are OK. You got this.'

As if my mind couldn't get more frazzled, a sudden force started pressing against my whole body. It didn't hurt, but I could feel the pressure that seemed to be the equivalent of going up in an Airplane, the kind of pressure that would make your ears pop.

'Fuck, here we go. I hope my mom is hot. Wait…you know what fuck it? I hope she's hot; I don't wanna come out looking like a donkey or something. But, wait, hold up, were there hybrids on this planet.'

'UGHHHH Why didn't I look into that? I was more worried about magic, monsters, martial arts, swords…FUCK WAIT A MINUTE, WHAT ABOUT MY PRECIOUS CAT GIRLS AND WOLF GIRLS, FUCKKKK! No, calm down deep…well, I can't breathe so metaphorical deep breaths.'

'Damn it, there better be catgirls or some shit.'

Suddenly the world became cold and bright; sound flooded my newborn ears.

"Good…there all done, well done Cinyah, you did well."

I felt myself lifted into the air as the sights, sounds, and smells of the new world I was brought to flooded my baby body.

The person holding me started wiping me down with a concerned look.

"Why isn't he crying?" I heard this person mutter under their breath." The person holding me flipped me over, so I faced the ground and began forcefully rubbing my back.

'Oh shit…that's right, I'm a baby now. I can't keep quiet in this situation; In fact, I should be doing the exact opposite. I should cry to clear my lungs and get them working… But, UGH, HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO DO THAT? HELL, I CAN'T REMEMBER THE LAST TIME I CRIED. So, OK, it's OK we got this CMON DOC SMACK MY ASS OR SOMETHING.'

Just as that thought passed through my mind, I felt a sting followed shortly by a slap and…


Instantly burst out into tears and howls of pain. Now to call them howls was simply an overestimation. It was very clearly baby cries.

"Congratulations, it's a Healthy Baby Boy here you go, Cinyah!" the person (who I'm assuming was a doctor) thrust me into the bosom of my new mother.

Taking note of my extradition from the sadist of a doctor, I worked to get my timing right to shut off the leaky valves that were my eyes.

'OK, that should be enough crying. Let's take a look at my new mother; the Doc said her name is Cinyah. Thankfully, Odin gifted me Language Proficiency, and it imprinted into my System, thus carrying over to my skill tab; if not for it, I'd have no clue what they are saying.'

Slowly, I reigned in the tears and wails as I gave my new parent a good look. My first thought was, 'Wow, she's beautiful!'

The woman holding me was stunning; she looked to be around her early 20's, with Shoulder-length Black hair that gave off a strange otherworldly sheen, making it almost seem to sparkle. When the light would hit it directly, shades of purple and blue streaks mixed in with the black. Having just given birth, she was pretty pale, but her milky white skin showed under the room's lighting as if made of jade.

She also had a small but perfect nose. Which, for me, was more significant than it would be to most, considering I had a reasonably large one just like my father in my previous life. Hell, even my former older sister had her nose done because she too thought it was too large for a typical nose.

But none of this was the most shocking to me; what caught me off guard was her eyes. They were so blue that I almost got lost in them, but the strangest thing was her eyes seemed to shift between an Icy blue and a very light shade of purple. This color shift was subtle, but I quickly noticed these slight color changes since I was so close to her face due to her examining me.

"Hello, baby. I'm your mommy." Tears streamed down her face as she smiled sincerely while bringing me closer to her so she could kiss the top of my head.

It was clear just how happy she was that I had made it in one piece.

As our eyes met for the first time, I felt something well up in me for the first time in my life. A sense of longing that I never acknowledged. The surging feeling was also foreign to me. This feeling was hope. It was the hope to have a regular, complete family. But aside from this newfound feeling, I also developed a strange urge to catch the tears that were glittering they ran down my mother's cheeks.

So using what little strength I could muster, I reached out. Surprisingly it took virtually all my strength and willpower to get my new baby arms to reach and touch her cheek.

As I did so, she smiled even more expansive.

"My handsome son, Cynrik Jetlensr, welcome to the world," Cinyah said, once again kissing my head and resting me on her plentiful chest.

But these words were almost completely lost on me because I had already zoned her out after the successful tear removal. The moment she said my name, several notifications rang out in my head, followed by a window popping up in my line of sight.

: Status :

: Cynrik Jetlensr:

: Human Male:

: Age-0:

: Soul Age-29:

: Level: 0 :

: Essence(XP): 0/100 :

: Distribution: 1 Per All :

The System automatically opened up my newly acquired Status Panel, showing my basic information.

'Cynrik, not a bad name. At least it's better than my previous one. The last name is a little weird, but whatever Cynrik Jetlensr it is. System Open Stats Panel'

Answering my mental call, the System switched from Status to Stats.


: HP 10/10 :

: Mana 5/5 :

: Stamina 5/5 :

: Stat Points- 8 :

: Strength- 1 :

: Dexterity- 1 :

: Agility- 1 :

: Intelligence- 1 :

: Vitality- 1 :

: Mind- 25 :

:Affinity- Dark :

'Alright, so it looks like I'm starting with eight free stat points and 1 in everything. That's pretty nice for not even being level 1 yet.'

'I get what everything represents except for the mind stat. But if I had to make a guess, it's likely to have to do with defense against mental attacks or even mental offense.'

'So Vitality at 1 gives ten hp and five stamina that's not too difficult to remember. Essentially It means every stat point in Vitality will provide me with ten hp and five stamina. Of course, it could be worse.' I mentally shrugged my shoulders.

'It seems to be the same with Intelligence; it looks like it provides me with five Mana per 1 point.'

I didn't bother looking at my Skills Panel, considering I only have one skill, and it happens to be language proficiency.

After closing my System window, I rested my head on my new mom's bountiful chest and, while listening to her heartbeat rhythmically, slowly drifted off to sleep for the first time in this new world. However, even asleep, I could still vaguely hear the voices of the people around me.

"Is this him? Is this our new son Cinyah." A gruff man's voice quietly spoke out from somewhere behind me.

"Yes, my love, This is our firstborn son Cynrik." I could hear the love reverberating in her voice as she once again said my name.

"Cynrik, not bad looks like you merged our names, pretty cliché for the first kid, isn't it. Rikard and Cinyah to make Cynrik." The gruff voice, which I'm assuming is my new father retorted.

"Oh shut up, you muscle-brained moron. It's cute, and our son carries both our names. We tried so desperately to conceive, and here we are; I wanted his name to be special." Cinyah quietly shot back at her husband.

That was the last I heard of their conversation as sleep entirely overtook me.

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