The Over-Break System

Chapter 5 - First Day As A Baby

♪Darling, My darling baby♪

♪Rest your sweet mind♪

♪Mommy will always be near♪

♪Don't you cry♪

♪I'll always protect you from all of your fears♪

♪So worry not, my darling baby, for all of your years.♪

I was woken up by a sweet melody that seemed to wrap itself around my entire being.

Slowly I opened my eyes only to notice how dimly lit the room was.

As my eyes wandered around the room, I came to realize I was being held gently by Cinyah, who was slowly rocking me and humming a soft tune with her eyes closed.

The minutes seemed to tick by as I watched my new mother rock my petite body and hum softly. Her beauty and grace seemed to radiate with a light violet aura.

Her voice, crystal clear and pleasing to the ears, was able to put me completely at ease for the first time in my life.

A mother's love and gentle care were something that I couldn't remember the last time I had experienced. And against my better judgment, I fell into a lull of complete ease and relaxation.

My vision slowly drifted from Cinyah to around the room.

What was reflected was a typical baby room on Earth. Minus the fact that several strange technological instruments adorned the walls and shelves of said room.

The room housed a crib that lay directly in the center of the room, and a small dresser lined the 12x12 foot room. A circular purplish-blue throw rug was stationed under the crib and took up a good amount of the floor plan.

Hanging above the crib was a fluffy-looking cloud that emitted several soft colors. As I watched, it shifted from warm greens to blues, to purples, green, red. It not only triggered my ADHD, but It reminded me of those color shift lights that I used to have in my computer room back on Earth. Except that this light was in the form of a large storm cloud.

The walls were a light shade of blue, which I could only assume reflected that I was a baby boy.

As time slowly moved by, Cinyah eventually fell to slumber and stopped humming her loving tune. But the chair we were in continued to rock as if motorized.

Noticing her soft rhythmic breathing, I quickly determined that my new mother was finally asleep.

I sighed internally, opened my Status Panel, and attempted to figure out a little more about this world.

: Status :

: Cynrik Jetlensr:

: Human Male:

: Age-0:

: Soul Age-29:

: Level: 0 :

: Essence(XP): 0/100 :

: Distribution: 1 Per All :

'Ok, first things first, I'm human. I can't be too sad; at least I'm not a donkey hybrid as I had feared.'

Scanning down the seven lines floating on the invisible panel in my line of sight, I fell upon the level portion.

'Level zero, tsk. He couldn't even start me off at level 1. It looks like the form of experience points here is called Essence.'

When I got to Distribution, I was momentarily stumped.

'System Define the Distribution Status.'

-The Distribution Status is the notifier of how many Stat points will be applied to specified Statistic Fields upon the Hosts level   increasing.-

'1 per all. Wait, System, does that mean ill receive one stat point to all of my stats every time I level up.'

However, instead of answering my question, the monotone female voice of the System stayed silent.

'Tsk, Stingy.' I retorted while scrunching up my baby face.

I brought back up my Stat Panel and began having the System read off each effect of every stat listed with a quick thought.

-Strength represents the amount of power the Host is physically capable of generating.-

-Dexterity represents the Host's action speed or hit rate as well as weapon handling.-

-Agility represents the Host's physical speed and maneuverability.-

-Intelligence determines the Host's base Mana pool and has an allocation ratio of 1 point =5 Points of Mana, and the strength of attacks that utilize Mana can output. This statistic also determines the Host's cognitive abilities, such as memorization and thought-processing speed.-

-Vitality represents the number of health points the Host's HP pool contains; this stat has a ratio of 1 point = 10 hp, as well as it determines the stamina the Host's body contains, which has a ratio of 1 point= 5 points in the Stamina Pool.-

-Mind represents the Host's Defense and Offensive capabilities when using Mental Skills and runs parallel with the Host's Intelligence Stat for memorization and thought-processing speed.-

'It looks like my initial assessment was correct. The only thing throwing me off is the Distribution line in my Status Panel. I can only assume it's an enate option for Builds. I wonder if it's a randomly generated perk. If so, I wonder what the average Distribution per level is.'

-The average Distribution of common System hosts on this planet is between 1-3 stat points. This Host's Distribution is a Benefit from the Deity Odin.-

The System chiming in made me raise one of my eyebrows.

'hehehehehe, the benefits from Odin's Relic are indeed Over Powered.'

While I continued to look aimlessly at my System Panel, unconsciously, I nestled myself closer against Cinyah in an attempt to get more comfortable.

As my eyes drifted from the System to Cinyahs profile, it Chimed again.

-Quest Panel installation complete.-

-Daily Quests Generated-

A mental smile formed on my figurative face as I quickly opened the newly added Quest Panel.

-Daily Quest: Drink Mothers Milk – Incomplete (repeatable)-

-You require your mother's milk for sustenance-

-Reward: +5 Essence(XP)-

-Daily Quest: Occular Strengthing- Incomplete (repeatable)-

-As A newborn, your eyes aren't strong enough to acquire the innate abilities that come from your bloodline.-

-Look Up 0/100 -

-Look Down 0/100 -

-Look Left 0/100 -

-Look Right 0/100 -

-Reward – 5 Essence(XP)-

-Secondary Reward- Upon 100th Completion – Tier 0 Skill: Inspect-

-Daily Quest: Mana Breathing- Incomplete (Repeatable)-

-The World of Vinestra has a high level of ambient Mana, unlike the Host's original homeworld of Earth. Due to this, The Host must acclimate to Mana to not cause permanent damage to the Host's body, mind, and soul.-

-Use Newly Acquired skill Tier 0: Mana Breathing to acclimate to the ambient Mana in the world.--

- 0 hour / 1 hour-

-Reward- + 0.1 Points to Mana Pool.-

-Tier 0 Skill Mana Breathing Acquired-

Before I could even finish reading my daily quests, the System chimed in about the new skill.

'Alright, so three daily quests. The last two aren't that difficult. At least, I don't think. But let's put those two aside for now.'

'The quest that I'm most worried about is this mother's milk. Like it's one thing to be a baby, but I'm 29 years old, for crying out loud, and even though it's my mother, it's still strange.'

'Sigh, well, the reward is 5 XP; if you partner that with the second quest, that means I can gain 10 XP per day, so in 10 days, I'll get to level 1, after 100 days, I'll get the inspect skill.'

'That final quest is interesting, though let's take a look at Mana Breathing.'

-Mana Breathing – Tier 0: -

-Proficiency- 0%-

-The User slows their breathing down to match their heart rate, drawing in minuscule amounts of Mana from the atmosphere to merge it with the User's body-

-Higher tiers of this skill allow the User to regenerate their Mana quickly.-

'Figures. I sighed again internally. So basically, I have to use this skill for an hour a day to increase my base MP by 0.1 points. That's ten days for 1 MP. So let's put all that aside for now and start with our first quest.'

Even though I knew it was natural for a mother to breastfeed their child, it still made me incredibly uncomfortable to be on the receiving end.

Accepting my fate, I scrunched up my face and clenched up my tiny body to work out some tears.

Since I didn't want to startle Cinyah completely, I started making tiny whimpering noises instead of going full-blown Banshee.

After all, she was kind enough to rock me and sing a sweet song, so I didn't exactly want to frighten her from her nap.

It didn't take long at all for Cinyah to notice my struggles.

"Ah, what's wrong little Cynrik? Are you hungry?" Her sweet melodious voice greeted my tiny scrunched-up tear-filled face.

"Shhh, it's ok, my darling. Give Mommy a second." Then, smiling sweetly and gazing lovingly, she spoke in an attempt to calm me down.

What happened next was a slight shock to me as one second she was wearing a shirt and the next she wasn't. Her glorious white, jade-like mountains are appearing in my eyes.

But instead of being shocked at the bare breasts that I was drawing closer towards, my mind lit up as I screamed one statement with as much force as I could muster in my thoughts.


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