The Over-Break System

Chapter 457 Operation: F**K S**T UP! (3)

While Cynrik was charging up his Umbral Tailed Beast Bomb in the Shadow Realm, dozens of beings who could be considered "Higher-Ups" from different organizations around the continent were thrown into a panic by his and the two Ravens' actions.

Three were in the same VIP booth as Geralt and Saylin. However, unlike what one would expect, instead of causing an uproar, two of the three quickly and quietly left while furiously typing away on their Watcets, leaving the final one, Colonel Brenden Hawthrone, Headmaster of Renson Military Academy, alone in the corner of the room.

As a prominent military member, he was currently being screamed at through texts by dozens of higher-ranking Generals from the different Military branches fed into by his Academy.

'What the fuck went wrong. We dispatched over 30 expertly trained Shadow Operatives to ambush those brothers, yet all of them have gone offline. How in the fuck can a group of newly evolved Tier-3 kids eliminate three squads of nine Tier-3 people with a Tier-4 leading the group.' Closing his eyes and inhaling a slow, deep breath, Col. Hawthrone glanced at Headmaster Rivia out of the corner of his eye.

'Shit, did Geralt assign two of his strongest as bodyguards in the form of Chaperones?' He thought for a moment before quickly dismissing this idea.

'No, there have been zero reports of fighting outside the Arena; that means it is even worse than I expected. Several trained fighters must be hiding in the shadows, silently protecting the Tier-3 group. There is no conceivable way a group of children could hop Tier in battle, not in the Supernatural Stage at least. The power gap is simply too high.'

Like Col. Hawthrone had concluded, several underground criminal organizations made the same connection and, although thoroughly pissed off at the loss of their forces, began issuing orders to spread out and look for the silent attackers making a show of picking them off one by one.

Aside from that, they could only grit their teeth and curse Headmaster Rivia for his expert foresight.

Be they wealthy tycoons, criminal overlords, or even government officials, nearly everyone searching for the members of MyrkLys suddenly went on high alert; this included the Tier-5 being floating above the Arena.

The man in question, Bentham Illionia, was a man who although the leader of one of the largest Criminal organizations in the nation, felt the need to step in and do things himself when it came to situations as important as dealing with the Jetlensr Brothers.

His Organization, named Alabaster Falling, was notorious in the underworld due to their black and underhanded way of dealing with drugs, prostitution, and of course, human slavery. Bentham's heart was as black as coal, and if something like a Karma or Sin meter existed, it would be broken due to the atrocities the man had executed with his own hands in his life.

After seeing the lucrative bounty posted on Cynrik and Brance, followed by how many different and diverse groups wanted to get their hands on the two, Bentham had the "brilliant" idea of kidnapping the brothers and selling them off to the highest bidder.
Once he learned they had finally left the safety of VSFA, Bentham dropped everything and headed for Valor City, where he had been quietly observing everything from the sky, including the chase scene, which occurred less than an hour previously.

As a Tier-5 being, there wasn't much that could affect his mood. Still, when he saw the explosion resulting in Cynrik's crash landing diversionary tactic, Bentham frowned heavily, feeling he had made a colossal mistake in not capturing the brothers when he had the chance.

Only for his mood to be uplifted minutes later when he noticed no bodies had been found in the wreckage. He was smart enough to piece together that MyrkLys had escaped somehow and had been waiting for them to appear for the Opening Ceremony.

Yet it wasn't until he noticed a large amount of movement below that he realized something had transpired right under his nose.

Confused by their erratic movements, Bentham checked his Watcet, which was turned to silent, only to find he had over fifty new messages, all of which were from large organizations panicking in a dark web chatroom.

**PLAY SONG, Assassin's Creed III: Main Theme, I've posted it in discord**

"What the fuck, how? Why didn't I see or sense anything happening?" He mumbled as he spread out his Aura to "sense" the area below, which sent Brance, who had been cautiously eyeing the floating Tier-5, into a panic.

In his vision, a massive orange dome appeared to be expanding out from the man, covering nearly the entire area. Holding his breath and even clenching his butt cheeks, expecting the worse, Brance shouted into the mind link…



With his voice cracking into a shrill tone, Brance scooted closer to everyone and franticly motioned for them to condense into a tight circle while shuffling behind the Tier-2 team as he watched the Orange dome inch closer and closer.

"NOW ENTERING THE ARENA, VESEMIR SCHOOL FOR AFFINITIES!" As if on cue, a booming voice announced the arrival of the Tier-1 team as they crossed into the open field of an Arena and began waving toward the cameras with giant smiles.

[CYNRIK HURRY UP!] Brance shouted once again. Everyone in the group could feel something was wrong, but since Brance was keeping quiet and only using the brothers' mind link, they only knew something bad was about to happen, thus preparing themselves mentally for all hell to break loose.

[Brancie, why are you so worried? You know what they say, Art is an Explosion.]

Just when Brance was about to lose his shit completely, Cynrik's calm and chilling voice spat out another weeb quote as he floated through the Veil of the Shadow Realm with four orbiting mini black spheres floating above his left hand.

Each of the four orbs crackled with chaotic lightning-like energy since Cynrik had expended 95% of his available Mana to create them. With his feet touching down on the solid pavement of a dark Alley, Cynrik tilted his head up and locked onto the Tier-5 man before raising his eyebrow as he watched the orange dome growing close to his location.

"It's now or never, Tee Hee…." Cynrik quietly stated as he drew back his arm like a baseball pitcher and began his creepy laugh…

"Ha, Ha!" and lobbed the Overcharged Umbral-Tailed Beast Bomb toward Bentham.

For a moment, time seemed to stop, all sound disappeared, and the space around the attack appeared to bend and warp as it flew nearly too fast for the naked eye to see.

Two things happened the moment the UTTB left Cynrik's hand, and the first was he sunk back into the Shadow Realm before using his makeshift flame thruster technique to rocket himself through the void toward the Arena without breaking eye contact with his attack.

The second was the four orbs crossing through the orange dome, alerting Bentham to its arrival.

"What the fuck is that!"


Like a vortex sucking in all the surrounding air, the attack generated an eerie sound as it landed square on Bentham's chest before imploding.

The explosion was so loud that it caused windows for several dozens of blocks to shatter instantly, and the ground shook from its sheer force. From below, all anyone could see was a strange purplish-black flash of light, followed by the concussive sound of which the heads of nearly everyone who saw it in Valor City turned to look at what had happened.

Meanwhile, the creator of such a devastating technique popped out of the Shadow Realm with a cocky grin on his face and a Mana Potion in hand.

His sudden appearance startled the man wearing a headset, causing him to jump in fright literally.

"Heyah, Cynrik Jetlensr, leader of VSFA's Tier-3 team, man, it's crazy that we just had a small earthquake, amirite? Anywho it seems the Tier-2 team has already made their entrance. If my timing is correct, we should be good to go, right?"


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