The Over-Break System

Chapter 458 Opening Ceremonies (5)

"Heyah, Cynrik Jetlensr, leader of VSFA's Tier-3 team, man, it's crazy that we just had a small earthquake, amirite? Anywho it seems the Tier-2 team has already made their entrance. If my timing is correct, we should be good to go, right?" Cynrik told the confused man before waving toward the rest of the group to drop their stealth skills.

"You, what, where, HUH? Hold up, did you say you are the leader of the Tier-3 VSFA Team?" Looking from Cynrik to all the other members of MyrkLys, along with the two chaperones, the headset man was at a loss for words.

"Yep, That's me, so do we go through the tunnel now, or do you need to make a call to get the cameras panned back this way? I assume due to our late arrival you…." before Cynrik could finish his statement, a small crack appeared in the open space beside the group and the wall. Half a second later, Headmaster Rivia and Saylin stepped through with aghast expressions painted across their faces.

But before either of them could speak, they saw a thin amethyst line of Mana expand out from Gabby's hand, who had disguised her gesture as a yawning stretch. Recognizing what was happening, Saylin and Geralt didn't resist and allowed a connection to be formed between them and Cynrik.

Meanwhile, Cynrik, who felt the Psychic connection, finished his previously paused statement.

"Look at that; even the Headmaster and Consul Garn have arrived; I do believe any misunderstandings can be cleared easily. Please speak with the production team; I'm sure they will be ecstatic we've shown up." Waving his hand discreetly toward Geralt and Saylin as if to say, "give me a minute." Cynrik showed no physical reaction to their arrival and continued addressing the Staff member.

"Sigh, I literally got off the comms with the production team saying we were finished. Give me a moment." Trying to act professional and giving a slight nod toward the two High-Tier beings, the headset man moved the microphone attached to his temple closer to his lips. Turning away from the group and peeking his head through the curtain concealing the Arena, he began chattering, giving Cynrik and MyrkLys a moment to readjust their mindsets.
'I don't plan on wasting time, so let's get this started. Yes, I understand the consequences of my actions; I registered myself and Brance with our real names and allowed some previously hidden data to be printed.' Cynrik said without looking back or giving Saylin and Geralt any time to react.

'Since you two are here, it's safe to say you received my text, so that means I won't go too deep into it, but upon leaving the Telly Terminal, we were followed by several teams of high-tiered individuals. Thinking on my toes, I took over piloting the vehicle and hacked into its software to remove any safety protocols. I led our trailing pursuers on a chase across the City, which, might I add, I did with expertise and finesse.'

'The escape from the attempted kidnapping was a given, and I'm sure you'll learn more about it relatively soon, considering I made quite an impact. But that isn't even our biggest issue; upon using one of my trump cards to get us out of the line of fire, the rest of my Faction, located well over a hundred assholes from lord knows how many different organizations setting up an ambush.'

'That was when I devised a plan that could kill two birds with one stone, hehe well, three.' Wearing a twisted smirk under his hood, Cynrik's eyes stayed locked on the back of the headset man, who was still fully immersed in his conversation with the producers.


The booming voice echoed through the speakers positioned along the tunnel's walls, making the headset man flinch and Cynrik tap his left foot impatiently.

'Let me guess, that explosion which rocked the whole building was your plan. Ivar, what the hell did you do? Don't you realize you can be classified as a Terrorist for setting off such a destructive attack in the center of the City? Not even with all of VSFA's Legal team would I be able to get you out of the mess you could have potentially created.' Unable to hold back any longer, Geralt frantically cut in, causing Cynrik to tilt his head to the side and look over his shoulder in his direction.

'Hm, that was step three. Step one was planting everyone but me in the Arena behind the Tier-2 team unnoticed. Step two involved my killing off 48 of the 139 people setting up an ambush to capture Brance and I. By the way, drop the Ivar nickname; you already know my real name; I'd prefer it if you used it.'

'48….you killed FOURTY-EIGHT PEOPLE?' This time, Saylin spoke while examining Cynrik from head to toe. Gone was the little boy he had previously met. However, although the boy was gone, his mischievous and frankly dangerous antics had gotten much worse.

'I mean, yeah. It wasn't that hard; most of them were Tier-3, while only a handful I eliminated were Tier-4. Once we got the drop on them, my two Ravens and I quickly cleaned up the dregs. The main issue was that fucker floating above the Arena. To be honest, I'm pretty sure you could go toe to toe with him, Old Man, but the Headmaster would likely get his ass kicked.'

'But then again, I've never seen either of you fight and am only basing your strength off of the Mana Fluctuations I observe. Still, the Tier-5 guy was the most significant threat, so I gave him a little present in the form of my new skill. From there, all that was left was to slip away unnoticed and appear here.'

In response to his words, Saylin and Geralt looked at each other before Saylin sliced at the air with his hand, opened another spatial crack, and then disappeared.


"Hey, Kid, you said your name was Cynrik, right? Well, I've been authorized to allow your entrance; you go on in 1 minute. I hope you aren't camera shy because the Techie chat exploded in an uproar at the mention of your name." Wearing an inquisitive expression, the headset man suddenly whipped around and addressed Cynrik.

"Got it, all we need is your signal, and we will enter," Cynrik said with a slight salute at the man before turning to the members of MyrkLys.

"Form up, two lines; Brance and Benny take up the position at the back, Selene in front of Brance, Kurza in front of Benny."

"Then Gabby, you stand ahead of Selene, and Melody, you're in front of Kurza."

Without saying a word, everyone got in place as if they had done this formation hundreds of times. Soon enough, everyone was arranged by order of height, with Cynrik standing two paces forward between Gabby and Melody.

[[You are still wearing your Armor, Darling~,]] peeking over Gabby's head, Selene chimed in upon noticing Cynrik was the only one out of place, not wearing the gold uniform.

[[Good looks, babe.]] Cynrik shot while tossing his girlfriend a wink before swapping loadouts and dawning the same golden uniform as everyone else.


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