The Over-Break System

Chapter 543 One-On-One Interview (3)

"The two of us had gone out on another exploring mission, and that was when I spotted something falling from the sky. At first, I thought it was just a normal shooting star, something we weren't unfamiliar with since we didn't have bright City lights blotting out the sky all night."

"But boy, oh boy, was I wrong." Steepling his fingers and resting his chin atop them, Cynrik's face went from its usual expressionless mask to one of a serious nature. 

The sudden change startled the two reporters and everyone else in the room, except for Selene, who was fighting back some serious laughter, and Brance, who felt the urge to strangle his older brother. 

"W…wrong how?" Seeing as Cynrik had gone silent for more than a few seconds, Amaris summoned up the courage to ask, snapping Cynrik out of his thoughts. 

"Hm, well, as I was saying, shooting stars were nothing new. Being in a back woods and quiet town like Lawton, we often saw meteor showers." 

"Streaks of light seemingly close enough to reach up and touch would flash across the night skies, only to vanish as quickly as they came, and I thought this was no different until I felt to slow rumble and shockwave, which was strong enough to knock me to the ground."

"At the time, Brance was half a kilometer away, exploring some ruins, but he too felt it, and upon hearing the loud BAM!" To add some special effects to his story, Cynrik suddenly slammed his hands on the table, startling everyone.

"The sound carried for some distance, but since we were not only off the beaten path but quite far from the actual town, assumingly only the two of us heard it."

Steepling his fingers again, Cynrik observed the body language of those at the table and knew he had them all hook, line, and sinker. 

"Being the curious and adventurous child I was, of course, I took off at my fastest speed in the direction of the sound, and do you know what I found?"
Pausing, Cynrik watched as Andrew and Amaris shook their heads. 

"A crater the size of my house, but not only that, down in the center of the crater was a glowing, amethyst light that pulsed as if it were a beating heart."

"Standing at the top of the crater and peering down, I could not see past this glowing light. It was simply too bright for my eyes, and since it was otherwise pitch black, without getting closer, there was no plausible way for me to determine the source of the light."

"So I did what any other fearless adventurer would have done in my place, tripped and fell head over heels while attempting to slide down the crater face." Shrugging his shoulders and smiling, Cynrik was blasted on all sides with a chorus of laughter. 

"What can I say? I wasn't always as stable and poised as I am now, haha. Tumbling like a snowball, I eventually ended up face-planting mere centimeters from the light source, and soon after, Brance finally arrived before shouting down to see if I was alright."

"However, once I realized he was waiting at the top of the crater, which was at the very least a hundred meters deep, I quickly collected myself and told him to stay up top, just in case it was too dangerous. I am, after all, the big brother; how could I put my kid brother in a precarious situation like what I had stumbled into."

Hearing about Cynrik's display of brotherly protection, the reporters glanced at Brance, who couldn't bare to meet their gazes and instead found a nice shiny object on the far side of the room to look at. 

Smirking at his younger brother's actions, Cynrik continued his story. 

"Anyway, back on my feet and a stone's throw away from the light source, I couldn't help but notice the heat coming off the object and feel a tangible strange yet familiar sensation."

"More than anything, I recognized the color because a particular young lady in our Faction was able to generate a similar one at the time. The light and the radiation being emitted were all too familiar, and I quickly recognized them as Psychic Mana."

"Gaoooo!" At that moment, the realization that Cynrik was talking about his Mama set in for Milo, and he let out a surprised gao sound making Gabby giggle. 

"Hehe, after recognizing the type of Mana but feeling the intense sensations coming off the object, I fought against my curiosity. Eventually, it got the best of me, and I knelt and reached for the object."

"However, the second my fingers touched its warm and angled yet smooth exterior, my Head was assaulted by a massive wave of pain, a pain the likes which I had never experienced." 

"Looking back now, I have since experienced something similar, multiple times in fact, as have you and most everyone listening to this interview. The cause was a sudden and forceful push of knowledge and information loaded into my mind."

"Only, when we go through this upon learning, let's say, Class skills, it is a much more streamlined and albeit gentle procedure. It would be best if you remembered that I was nine years old and still only at Tier-0 when this happened."

"There was no way I could handle such an invasive and large amount of information loading into my still developing brain."

"So the sudden influx of new information was overwhelming, to say the least. It felt like my head was an egg on the verge of cracking into a billion pieces. I could feel wetness around my ears, mouth, and nose, which after the fact turned out to be blood."

"That's right, blood, it was practically pouring out of every hole on my face at the time, and although, according to Brance, the whole thing lasted less than 10 minutes, it felt like years to me." 

"To my surprise, though, images resembling a video came with the pain." 

"GASP, YOU FOUND AN INHERITANCE CRYSTAL!" Amaris blurted out, cutting Cynrik off but soon blushing and looking down at her tablet. 

Smiling and shaking his head, Cynrik continued speaking unhindered.

"In the video, I learned about a man who stood above all others in his time. I saw his whole life, from being a young child born in a village surrounded by a forest and learning the ways of what was called Shinobi to the day he achieved his first milestone, becoming a rank in his time called…Genin."

[[Oh, for fuck sake…Cynrik…don't do this.]] Brance muttered, unable to look away from the shiny object on the wall lest anyone see his disgusted expression.

[[HE-HEHEHE,]] meanwhile, Selene was creepily laughing.

"From the rank of Genin, the young man went on many dangerous and perilous adventures, traveling the realm he lived, growing stronger along the way until he reached the second milestone, known as the Rank of Chuunin."

"Eventually, he progressed until he and his rival, a man named Hashirama Senju, grew their village. This village eventually became known as the Village Hidden in the Leaves or Konohagakure and was initially appointed as the first leader or Hokage."


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