The Over-Break System

544 One-On-One Interview (4)

"Unfortunately, that wouldn't last long due to the younger brother of Hashirama, a man named Tobirama, forcing the leadership to be decided by vote, which saw Hashirama being chosen as the true first Hokage."

"Now, you may be wondering why I am telling you all this background information, and I assure you there is an excellent reason. For you see, the early memories I received were like a hurricane of information, fleeting and powerful." 

"They were lacking substance or meaning aside from learning about the person who created these skills, it wasn't until after the title of Hokage had been ripped from his hands that the skills were passed down to me, and I learned the name of the being who created the Inheritance Crystal."

"The man's name…was Madara Uchiha."

[[GOD DAMN IT, CYNRIKKK!!!]] Hearing this, Brance finally lost his composure and stood up before taking a deep breath and playing it off as he needed to stretch. 

Ignoring his younger brother's outburst, Cynrik pulled everyone's attention back. 

"Madara, although angry, stewed in it and basically allowed things to continue as they were for some time, but for reasons unknown to me, due to a gap in time, everything collapsed one day, and a massive war started."

"This war…it was like something I had never seen and will likely never see again in my life. Without using a System as we have, powerful beings utilized hand signs and what they called Chakra to generate powerful skills. I don't know if Madara came from Vinestra since, in my research, I have never located anything resembling his era or even the power system they used."

"But what I do know is that the CSH was able to transition his skills into ones that worked with Mana; however, they still require hand signs and a vocal chant."

"Unfortunately, that doesn't even scratch the surface of the numerous qualifications someone needs to pull them off. Hell, in the beginning, I could only do the most basic of them because forming hand signs while focusing on the flow of my Mana was a daunting and seemingly impossible task until I reached Tier-2."

"Not only are Mana Control and the hand signs mandatory, but the Vocal chants and even what type of Affinities one has are so stringent that it takes particular things to pull them off. For example, if I didn't have both Wind and Fire Affinities, I wouldn't be able to pull off even the Tier-0 skills, let alone the Tier-3 onward, which require a fusion of at the very least three different Elemental Affinities."

"What I do know, though, is that this being, Madara, reached untold power and, by our standards, had broken past Tier-7 and into greater Tiers we can only imagine, becoming an unbeatable existence."

"Still, since the man left an inheritance crystal behind, I can only assume that he has somehow died, passing down his series of skills, known as the Uchiha Clan Skills, of which the Katon Series is the most prominent."

The room was utterly silent for a time as everyone digested what they had just heard. The mere prospect of a being of unfathomable strength passing down his knowledge as an Inheritance Crystal was outlandish and borderline impossible…yet it wasn't unheard of because it happened occasionally.

However, the Crystals located seemed to have a Tier cap, with the most sought-after one being at the Peak of Tier-5. 

Cynrik allowed everyone to ruminate over his story for a short while in silence until dessert was served, but he soon started talking again. 

"Now, I know what I have said will more than likely paint an even larger target on my back than what already existed, but allow me to add this part."

"That day, the Crystal was destroyed; not only was it a single-use item, but it also meant to self-destruct upon someone coming in contact with it."

"Not only that, but I am the SOLE PERSON, who has this knowledge, and as such, have been labeled as the Creator of these skills by the CSH. It is impossible to replicate or even learn these skills without my blessing and the confirmation of the CSH."

Finishing up his hot fudge Sunday, Cynrik placed his spoon down and met the gaze of Andrew and Amaris. 

"For example, no one, not even my brother Brance, has learned or has access to the Katon Series or any of the other Uchiha Clan Skillsets."

"HOWEVER…." Pausing for dramatic effect, Cynrik crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair. 

"That doesn't mean, if the price is right, that I can't be convinced to sell a few here and there, so I will go ahead and announce that after we, VSFA win the Championship, I will be attending the Valor City Auction, and placing a couple of the skills up for grabs to the highest bidder."

"WHAT!!!" This time it was Geralt who exploded in anger, kicking back his chair so hard it shattered into splinters. 

"Calm down, Headmaster," wearing a smirk, Cynrik rolled his eyes. 

"There are more than a few things I need, and I keep getting ads when I watch videos online about this auction, so I figured I'd hit it up after the Competition concludes."

[[And how the fuck do you plan on selling FAKE SKILLS that you ripped off from an Anime Cyn? Pray to tell.]] Calming himself down, Brance said while shooting his brother a fierce glare. 

[[No clue, but I'll figure it out, OI, Tobs, any ideas?]]

  -I've got a couple; we should be able to work something out, all we need to do is run it by Yennifer, and I'm sure things will work out so long as you donate something to the Academy.-

Appearing in her fairy form, Tobs sat down on Cynrik's shoulder while tapping her chin in thought.

[[See Brancie, between our lovable Tobs and Pocket CSH admin, there's nothing to worry about. Not to mention, by phrasing things the way I did, not only will we score a hefty payday, earning all the cash and gubbins we can dream of, but I can deflate the egos of those greedy fucks wanting to hurt us.]] 

[[In this way, not only is public opinion on our side, but I have added a higher level of value to myself, ensuring no one can touch us for fear of losing out on something potentially game-changing.]]

After this announcement, everyone finished their dessert, and the reporters paid the astronomical tab with tears threatening to spill over and wrapped up their interviews. 

They had gotten such a big story that everyone in their field would be beyond jealous, but getting the interview was only the beginning. Now they needed to return to their respective offices, edit the footage and audio, type up news reports, and run them past their editors. 

Little did they know, the footage they had recorded today would shake the whole continent.


A month later, Roni and Cesar were still discussing the highly anticipated auction, which appeared to overshadow the competition. With Cynrik's absence from the final event of the Qualifier Rounds, their attention turned toward tonight's Gala, which, like the events, would be live-streamed. 

As if it were a movie premiere, gossip sites, and stations were broadcasting live footage from the Red carpet. Even Cynrik had been impressed by the attention it was getting; after all, it was just another pretentious party to him.


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