The Over-Break System

552 The Gala (8)

**It's Sunday, so 1500 Word Chapter.**


"Since the more likely of the two options being presented is that you are attempting to bully me into handing over my knowledge and skills, I have to say two words, Fuck…Off." When the words left his lips, Cynrik felt the sensation of the world weighing his body down as all the military officers unleashed their Killing Intent.

However, since it only amounted to around 12g of pressure, Cynrik calmly popped his neck and flashed a sinister smile at the eight men, causing them to frown. 

"Tsk, tsk, things aren't going your way, and you know you can't assault me physically, so you resort to using your KIN. It's fortunate that even if the pesky Formation on the building suppresses me right down to Tier-1, that won't affect my Resistance, oh...or this."

[[Selene, Brance, 4g each, now!]] Cynrik chirped into the mind link, causing the other two to act at his command.


In an instant, Cynrik, Brance, and Selene unleashed their Killing Intent in a restrained fashion, forcing the eight to their knees with precisely 12g. 

The scariest thing was this was only around half of what the three could release, considering Cynrik and Brance have an upper limit of 8.5g, while Selene's KIN capped out at 7.25g. 

What's more, if every member of MyrkLys stepped up, they could put out a whopping 49.5g, which by any other standard, would utterly pulverize anyone under Tier-6. 

Seeing the eight high-ranking officials drop to their knees before Cynrik, the Gala descended into silence; even the orchestra, which had been playing background music the entire time, halted their fingers and watched the scene in horror. 

"Heh, what is it with you High Tiers always having a week Resistance Stat. Shit, that was the first thing I had everyone train, and even the youngest of us, Gabby, has a Resistance that puts each of you to shame." Slightly increasing the pressure by 1g, Cynrik whispered so only those eight Officers could hear before stepping forward and crouching in front of General Braddick, whose face was bright red with a mixture of embarrassment and rage. 

"It's kind of funny; you are three times my age and nearly three Tiers ahead of me in levels, yet here you are, kneeling like a servant to a monarch. I suppose I shouldn't expect anything more from a fucking dog of the military." Cynrik's hands hung limply in front of his body, with his fingers grazing the ground.

"You…arrogant…snivling brat." General Braddick mustered up the strength to say while using a technique similar to that Cynrik used when Yennifer threw him through space not long ago. 

"Sigh, be more cliché; while you are at it, why not add a few words about making me suffer or how I won't get away with this? Listen, General, based on how your body is reacting, I assume your Resistance is somewhere between 9.5g to 11g, meaning if I wanted, I could have easily killed you with my KIN alone." Cynrik said as he curiously tilted his head to the side and watched the Mana swirl around the General's body through his [Mana Sight].

With how the Mana particles were reacting, he noted how the Man was using his Mana to create a thin protective layer over his body to reduce the force weighing him down. This was enough for Cynrik to toss out an approximate estimate of the General's Resistance.

"Frankly, if we weren't in the public eye, I would have no quims with turning you into mush, regardless of the consequences, but luckily for you, there are too many eyes watching."

"So take this moment and commit it to memory because the next fucking time that you or your cowardly masters decide to attempt some shit like this, or what you did the day of the opening ceremony, I will eradicate everyone they send, High Tier or not." Cynrik stated in a chilling tone, sending each of the eight men into a downward spiral of fear.

Standing up, Cynrik was about to release them or move them away from his group, at the very least, when he remembered something important and extended his left arm forward. 

"Oh…and one last thing…" Clicking his tongue and finding it slightly difficult with the Formation suppressing him, Cynrik shot out eight tethers of Mana from his fingertips, one for each Officer, and snatched their Anti-Formation Pins. 

"I'll be taking these since you clearly won't be staying after getting your shit handed to you by a 14-year-old. The next time you see me will be when I mop the floor with your teams, followed by the Auction." Returning to his usual expression, Cynrik applied a pin to his tie and distributed five pins to his Faction members, excluding Selene, with a smirk.

[[Sigh, Cyn, this will probably blow up in our faces later; you know that, right?]] Brance said with a heavy sigh as he clipped the pin to his tie and felt a rush of energy course through his body due to his stats returning to normal. 

[[No, I don't believe it will; check the staircase; they saw everything, and based on the look the Man in charge was giving me, I didn't push things too far.]] Facing Selene, Cynrik then gently clipped the pin to the plunging neckline of her dress before spinning around and giving a short, curt bow to the family atop the staircase. 

[[This time, you didn't push things too far THIS TIME, don't leave out stuff important for your personal growth Darling~.]] Rolling her eyes, Selene snaked her arm around Cynrik's and curtsied toward the staircase, matching the respect her boyfriend was affording the family there. 

Without hesitation, the other members of MyrkLys mimicked their leader in paying respects because the Man throwing this shindig had finally arrived at the party with his wife and children in tow. 

Standing atop the long and lavish staircase stood a man whose physique rivaled Brance's, Governor Samieer was imposing, to say the least, but even his title alone wasn't enough to cause Cynrik to bow his head under normal circumstances. 

Instead, it was the insane Mana fluctuations radiating off the Man, indicating that the rumors about him had been wrong. Governor Samieer had unknowingly broken through the barrier of Tier-5 and completed his Tier-6 Evolution. 

MyrkLys' sudden respectful gesture roused the crowd, and they all noticed that, at some point, the Governor and his family had arrived. With all eyes on the family, the crowd soon took part in paying their respects, causing Governor Samieer to chuckle.

"What's with this tense atmosphere? Isn't this supposed to be a party? Where's the music, the camaraderie?" Using a booming voice filled with Mana that shook the hearts of those in attendance, Governor Samieer addressed the masses. Soon after, the orchestra began playing again, and quickly the Gala returned to how it had been before Cynrik picked a fight with every branch of the nation's military. 

However, although no one said a word, everyone saw how the four generals and their subordinates fled the scene like dogs with their tails between their legs. 

As things returned to normal, Garrison and Geralt appeared beside Cynrik, with the Headmaster red in the face as he wanted nothing more than to tear into Cynrik. 

He had been away from the little asshole for five minutes, and the kid had somehow found a way to piss off one of the most influential organizations in the nation, if not the continent. 

"We will talk about this little stunt you've pulled later, Cynrik." Geralt snarled under his breath, but his words fell on deaf ears as the young man in question ignored him and tossed a small silver object toward Instructor Garrison.

"Got you one; now you won't be the oddball out stuck at Tier-1," Cynrik said aloud, putting a little sass on his words.

Catching the object with his left hand and clipping the pin to his tie, Garrison had to stop himself from making strange sounds for everyone to hear as his power soared back up to its peak without the interference of the Suppression Formation. 

"Thanks, kid; also, good job, although I can think of one Dean who will probably have some words for you, aside from the Headmaster." Garrison shook his head and thought about a certain uptight Dean fascinated with Brance. 

"Meh, when isn't someone pissed at me? If I had a credit for everyone I've turned into an enemy in my lifetime, I'd be so rich that I could do whatever I wanted without worrying about repercussions." As he spoke, Cynrik's eyes never left the family not far away as they slowly made their way down the long staircase and merged into the crowd to mingle. 

[[Hm, would you look at that? He wants to talk to me…]] Cynrik thought aloud as he noticed the Governor's eyes flick in his direction every few seconds as if he was giving a signal to come over. 

Hiding his smirk behind an expressionless mask, Cynrik straightened his back and placed his hand over Selene's forearm before cutting through the crowd and heading toward the Governor. 

--PPPST, READ The Conduit's Requiem!!! (My New Series) Also, JOIN US, JOIN US IN THE DISCORD,

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