The Over-Break System

553 The Gala (9)

[[Hm, would you look at that? He wants to talk to me…]] Hiding a smirk behind his usual expressionless mask, Cynrik straightened his back and placed his hand over Selene's forearm before cutting through the crowd and heading toward the Governor. 

[[Huh? How can you tell?]] Selene asked as she allowed herself to be escorted by her boyfriend.

[[Same way as always, his body language, specifically his eyes. The way he constantly keeps looking in our direction, although deep in conversation, is a sign that he wants something from us. If we take this observation one step further, his eyes flick rapidly between his oldest son, who is competing, and us.]]

[[If we analyze this situation, it can only mean one of two things, either he is sizing us up, then comparing our strength against his sons, or he has something to talk to us about.]] Cynrik assessed as he left Brance and the others behind while keeping his brother in the loop.

[[And knowing you, you've already crossed off the idea that he is assessing us?]] Brance replied as he attempted to calm down Geralt. 

[[Why, of course I have little brother. There is no logic behind him doing something like that here when he could easily show up to the arena during our fights and get a good feel of our strength. It would be a complete waste of an opportunity.]]

[[Thus, the only logical reason for him to be making signals at me is if he has something to say but doesn't want to cause problems by initiating a conversation with us first.]]

[[That… tracks; please be on your best behavior. Remember, this guy runs the capitol, basically on the level of, say, the United States President, so don't fuck around, or else things could get rough for Jessup and our family.]] Watching his brother walk past scores of fearful people, Brance sent up a silent Prayer to anyone listening, begging that his brother wouldn't end up picking a fight with a Tier-6 being. 

However, when he and Selene got within 10 meters of the Governor and his family, Cynrik's eyes narrowed as he spotted a thin threat of amethyst Mana extending out from the shoulder of the oldest son and connecting to the Governor. 

Upon spotting this thread, Cynrik watched it wiggle free and extend to him and Selene. 

Not sensing or seeing any hostile intentions from this thread, Cynrik allowed it to connect to them and soon formed a mental connection. 

'Well, that's new, never expected someone of your Authority to be such a mysterious person, Governor Samieer.' Cynrik said with a bit of sarcasm when the connection was solidified. 

Thinking he would receive an off-handed and witty remark in response, Cynrik's brain nearly shut down when he heard the following words come into the Psychic Link. 

'Young man, there is no time to explain; and I know I am asking a lot, especially since you don't know them or me, but I need you to get your people and my children and leave.'

'I will reward you for it later, but right now, all you need to know is that not only are you in danger that even I am helpless to prevent, but so are my children.' The frantic and gruff voice sent Cynrik on high alert and caused his pupils to constrict. 

'Get them to Jessup Pinhurst's; that place is a compound even Tier-6 beings can't break into. I will create an opening for you to the best of my abilities, so please, do me this one favor, and I will owe you more than you can imagine.'

For a second, Cynrik's mask cracked as he surged Mana into his eyes, allowing him to get a full 360-degree view of the surrounding 50-meter area. 

What he saw sent a chill down his spine because hiding in the shadows and in multiple what could only be called pocket dimensions were hundreds of masked individuals, some with a power level as high as Peak-Tier-5. 

If that wasn't enough, Cynrik spotted something on them that caused him to flinch as memories from the past flooded his head. The reason was each of these hidden people had a sickly grey and gross Mana Signature radiating off their bodies, one he hadn't seen in almost eight years. 

'I have seen the CCTV footage, and I know you have a strange movement skill that is untrackable, please…I am begging you.'

Cynrik weighed his options as his mind spun on all cylinders, and he listened to the pained and emotional words of a man who was clearly out of his league. 

*Fucking damn it, it would be these bastards, wouldn't it.* Cynrik thought as he mentally noted each individual's location before responding to the Governor. 

'You sure know how to put a guy in an unfavorable position. Although I would normally never humor the idea of helping someone who has little to no value to me, you have given me valuable information which, if my plan is followed to the letter, I will owe you as much as you owe me.'

*Plus, I happen to have a bone to pick with these assholes.* Cynrik added silently, leaving only Tobs to hear. 

Reaching over, Cynrik double-tapped Selene's arm, a signal to have her go and equip her version of the Assassins Tools. 

*Hey Tobs, can I manipulate items in my inventory? I have several contracts similar to the one I had Kurza sign, and I need it folded up and small enough to hide in my palm.*

  -Technically, no, you can't, but I can. It shouldn't be hard for me to infiltrate the subspace you use as an inventory. How many do we need? You want it to be sticky-note sized, right?-

  *Uh, five should do, and yeah, so long as the sign here portion faces up, that size should work perfectly.* 

Coming up with an idea on the fly and passing the ball to Tobs, Cynrik didn't watch as the tiny fairy on his shoulder vanished.

After receiving confirmation that the task was done, Cynrik mentally nodded and noticed several square-shaped small papers in his inventory. 

'Follow my lead; when I shake your hand, I will move to each of your children next. Each time I extend my hand, there will be a piece of paper; call it an insurance policy, but it is a Soul Binding contract.'

'Once you sign it, and your kids as well, I will take over from there, but they need to listen to every one of my commands if we are to make it out of here in one piece.'

'Given the drastic nature of our current predicament, you don't have to worry about me slipping in anything detrimental to you in the contract. It is basic and ensures none of you will speak to anyone about what you see or learn from me, or else your Codex will shatter. 

'I agree,' instead of the Governor, the first person to speak was a light-hearted female voice, the middle child. 

'We do as well,' without hesitation, both sons also spoke up, causing Cynrik to look in their direction and smile as if he was pleased to meet them for the first time.

'All on you now, Governor…' Cynrik said unhurriedly as he cleared his throat and stepped forward to introduce himself. 

--PPPST, READ The Conduit's Requiem!!! (My New Series) Also, JOIN US, JOIN US IN THE DISCORD,

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