The Over-Break System

554 Introductions and Contracts

'All on you now, Governor…' Cynrik said unhurriedly as he cleared his throat and stepped forward to introduce himself. 

[[ Brance, heads up, start making your way over to us; shit is about to pop off. Multiple hostiles are hiding at 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 10 o'clock. The Governor has alerted me to their existence, and if I hadn't burned an excessive amount of Mana, I wouldn't have been able to find them in the first place.]]

[[It's those fucking ghouls again, only this time they brought the big guns. Keep on your toes, and when I signal, we are fucking out of here. Have Gabby teather to Garrison and Geralt to inform them. Odds are there is about to be a big ass battle here.]]

Standing in place and watching as the people talking to Governor Samieer stepped aside and shot weird looks at him, Cynrik took a split second to inform his brother of what had transpired in less than a second. 

[[Fuck me, Quack fucking QUACK!!!]] Brance cried as he started shooting micro gestures to the members of MyrkLys, filling them in on what was about to go down with strings of premade signals. 

As this was happening, Cynrik had gone into full-blown actor mode, first making himself known, then he and Selene paid their respects again to the Governor. 

"My my, if it isn't the young and fearless VSFA Team Captain Cynrik Jetlensr, I didn't expect you to be bold enough to greet this old man." Looking down at the full-head and a half shorter young man, the Governor greeted Cynrik with a booming voice, smile, and an extended hand.

Seeing this, Cynrik flicked his wrist and withdrew a prewritten contract from his inventory before clapping it into the Governor's palm and feeling the warmth of Mana as the man signed it. 

'I have no idea how the hell you found out the Shadow is here, but since they are, that can only mean they wish to kidnap as many of the powerful youth here as possible.' Cynrik said through the Psychic link as he withdrew his hand and replaced the contract with a fresh one. 

'Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't have known, but nothing escapes my eyes since I have this Formation in place. The only problem is they came prepared and somehow have a way to avoid the restrictions the Formation Applies.'

'I was astonished when I noticed the arrival of so many half-undead beings. Unfortunately, the gap between Peak-Tier-5 and Tier-6 isn't high enough for me to combat so many opponents simultaneously. Not if I wish to ensure the safety of my family.' 

'When I saw you here, I remembered that not only do you have experience with these kinds of beings since you were involved in that incident, but thanks to my position, I also know that you and your brother brought them down.'

"That would be me; it is humbling that someone of your Tier and authority knows of me, Mr. Governor." Keeping up appearances, Cynrik laid flattering words for the public to hear. 

'So you are privy to quite a bit of my information, it seems, alright, I have a grasp on what is going on; you should probably introduce me to your children now.' Nodding in his mind, Cynrik used his peripheral vision to keep tabs on the motionless figures lying in wait. 

"Haha, young man, you are the one who has practically turned himself into a celebrity. Sure, my son, Sullaman, is competing, and I know all his potential opponents' names, but that doesn't mean I am blind to social media; you are practically all the news outlets talk about these days. Come, let me introduce you to my family." Gesturing with a sweeping motion, Governor Samieer nodded for Sullaman to step forward first.

Unlike the painting, where he was only a young child, the oldest of three siblings, Sullaman Samieer was the spitting image of his father, big and bulky, similar more so to Benny than Brance, with lavender hair.

Stepping forward, Sullaman put on a competitive expression as he closed the distance and shook Cynrik's hand.

"Well, if we weren't bound to be opponents, I would say it was nice to meet you, Cynrik, but seeing as you tend to get a tad overaggressive with those you face, all I can say is let's have a good and clean battle if we end up facing each other when the competition starts back up." 

Sullaman immediately felt the paper between his and Cynrik's hand. Without a second thought, he pushed Mana into it and felt something akin to his ears popping due to pressure, signifying he had signed it properly. 

When Sullaman spoke, everyone in the surrounding area held their breath; many were expecting a snide remark or backhanded comment from Cynrik, but those many nearly fell over spitting blood when he finally replied. 

"Nah, I only treat those who don't afford me a certain level of respect with hostility. I'm not as black-hearted as to return the kindness and well words with asinine remarks. I wish you luck if we face each other on the battlefield because we won't hold back." Wearing an unusual smile, Cynrik withdrew his hand and swapped out the contract for a fresh one. 

"Haha, as it should be," Sullaman said while tucking a loose lock of lavender hair behind his right ear and stepping aside so that his father could introduce his sister.

"This is my second-born and only daughter, Shamaira." Nodding with approval that Cynrik was being courteous, Governor Samieer had his daughter step up.

"Hello, although I have already finished competing since the Tier-2 Competition has closed, I hope to make it onto the Tier-3 team and face off against your team next year." The blond young lady, who appeared to be 15 or 16 years old, said with a gentle smile as she took Cynrik's hand in a ladylike fashion. 

Like with her brother and father, Cynrik quickly took her hand and waited until she had signed the contract and let go of hers. 

"Unfortunately, this may well be our only time entering. With the rate at which my group and I progress, we will most likely already be at Tier-4 by the time the next Competition rolls around. If not, I hope we both have a good future battle."

Cynrik's words went off like a bombshell for those who heard it. 

"Oh, ho, those are some lofty goals, young man; it isn't easy to reach Tier-4, especially in only a year. I can count on one hand the number of people I've met in my lifetime who had that kind of speed." Governor Samieer felt his mouth go dry as he thought of the potential truth in Cynrik's words. 

Maybe having his kids follow MyrkLys and learn from them wasn't so bad an idea. Although he had broken through to the next Stage, and he could leverage his experience and resources to his children, even they wouldn't have a leveling speed to that extent. 

Up next was the youngest Samieer, Salim. As with the other two, Cynrik quickly got the contract signed and, after a brief introduction, commenced with some small talk while getting serious in the psychic link. 

'Do you want me to take your wife as well? I have another contract…' Cynrik asked but was soon dissuaded by Governor Samieer. 

'There won't be any need; she is close to reaching the Peak of Tier-5 and refuses to leave my side if it means being a final bastion against our attackers.' 

--PPPST, READ The Conduit's Requiem!!! (My New Series) Also, JOIN US, JOIN US IN THE DISCORD,

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