The Over-Break System

555 The Shadow Moves

**It's Wednesday, you know what that means, 1500 Word Chapter.**

'Do you want me to take your wife as well? I have another contract….' Cynrik asked but was soon dissuaded by Governor Samieer. 

'There won't be any need; she is close to reaching the Peak of Tier-5 and refuses to leave my side if it means being a final bastion against our attackers.' With a slight hesitation in his voice, the Governor peeked at his wife from the corner of his eye.

While he had been introducing the children to Cynrik, the blond-haired bombshell Liandra Samieer stood like a perfect trophy wife. Never heard and only seen, but this was a façade, as in reality, she was the one who wore the pants in the relationship. 

However, in public, she played the role expected of her, a tender, loving mother and wife who was innocent. Her actual personality was more like Cinyah's, fiery and passionate. 

Feeling his gaze on her, Liandra smiled and introduced herself next.

"Pleasure to meet the young man who has given the Competition a run for its money." Stepping forward and extending her hand to Cynrik as a queen would, Liandra said gently. 

[[Sel, don't freak out about what ima do ok; I know how you can get, but I am ACTING, ACTING YOU HEAR!]] Bowing slightly, Cynrik took the Governess's hand and laid a soft peck on the top.

But not before giving fair warning to his girlfriend, who was known to turn feral regarding such matters. 

"Lady Samieer, you give me too much credit. All I did was say a few words and create an imposing persona for those watching, nothing my rivals hadn't done in the past." Releasing her hand and stepping back, Cynrik lay on the flattery but could feel a chilling sensation from his left side. 

He didn't have to look to know Selene was ready to kill; however, as quickly as the chilling sensation appeared, it vanished as she controlled her emotions. 

Ignoring how petty his girlfriend was acting, Cynrik continued the small talk with the Samieer family while monitoring the movements of the group of ghouls hiding in plain sight. 

*What are you bastards waiting for? Everyone is decked out in similar attire, and there appears to be no absolute deviation indicating leadership; I can only assume they are waiting for a signal…or worse, for someone stronger to appear.* Cynrik thought as his eyes flicked from one group to another. 

The oddest thing was the ghouls were broken down into groups of three, an unusual number considering they were laid out for an ambush. But that thought was brushed away as a sudden realization dawned on him.

*Fuck… they're capture squads, two defenders, and a third to do the actual kidnapping, and they aren't even restrained by the formation like their targets are. They are too prepared…too organized.*

'Governor, have you noticed the placement of these squads? Someone has planned this whole thing out. They are specifically set up in groups of three, meaning two will hold off any resistance, while the third proceeds to knock out the unsuspecting target before falling back and fleeing.'

'Indeed, that and they have been strategically placed throughout this room and the dining hall.' The Governor's eyes scanned the room while Cynrik conversed with Sullaman.

'I don't know how many of them you've located, but it must have something to do with that skill from your mother's bloodline. [Mana Sight], it's a pretty impressive skill in your toolbox. But I've never heard of it being able to see through pocket dimensions. Has yours mutated or something?'

Cynrik took a deep breath upon hearing the Governor's statement and had to fight back a wave of panic as if he had been caught stealing from the cookie jar. 

'No, I am just very experienced in using it. Although I have never met anyone from my Mom's side of the family, I know she isn't very adept at using the ocular skill, so I can only assume that my brother and I are better than them and have pushed it to a different extent.' Repeating in his head multiple times that it was fine, the Governor had signed a contract, Cynrik eventually calmed down enough to reply. 

'Interesting; regardless, the issue at hand is that they haven't made their move, meaning they are waiting for something. If I had known this would happen, I would have increased security tenfold and had multiple Space Affinity Users on hand.'

'Doesn't matter; not even Geralt spotted them, meaning whatever means they are using to hide isn't as simple as using a skill, there is more to it, or my Headmaster wouldn't be freaking out right now.' As Cynrik said this, he thumbed over his shoulder toward Geralt, not far away. 

It appeared that the Headmaster was enjoying the Gala with the members of MyrkLys; he even laughed when Brance said something.

'He's a pretty shitty actor, to be honest. The Man has too many tells in his body language, he's freaking out and has already tried calling in backup, but it seems the Shadow is about to move because we've already lost connection with the outside world.' On cue, Brance lit up the mind link.

[[Comms are down, Cyn, there is some kind of feedback interference on our Watcets, and we can't get messages in or out.]]

[[Yeah, I can see that; tell Geralt to stop fucking with his arm; he is being too obvious.]] Cynrik snorted as he rubbed the knuckles of his left hand with his thumb. 

[[Contracts have all been signed, and we are ready over here; when those creeps make their move, we blow this popsicle stand.]]

[[Are you sure waiting until then is a good idea? Shouldn't we go off somewhere, like, I don't know, have the Governor's kids give us a tour of the Mansion?]] Selene chimed in as she continued speaking quietly about nothing special with Shamaira.

[[There's no point; they've covered all the exits; if we leave now, all we will do is draw attention to ourselves, and considering we are guaranteed targets, you can count on a minimum of six groups of three following our asses. It's a no-go; stay put and wait for my command.]]

While he spoke, Cynrik noticed a lot of movement in the Mana particles surrounding the room, and although it was the wrong color, one he didn't recognize, he had a hunch about what was happening; someone was locking down the space. 

So without a second thought, Cynrik scuffed his shoe on the ground and opened up a micro tear in the fabric of reality, leading to the Shadow Realm. Upon realizing he still had access to it, Cynrik smirked and widened the tear to the size of his foot.

[[These idiots didn't use a spatial distortion or cube-like Geralt does; whatever they did has boxed us in, but it doesn't cut off my connection to the Shadow Realm, so we are good, start heading over.]]

'It's almost go-time, folks; the Shadow is making their move and cutting us off from the outside world. I have a way to get us out, so there is no need to panic, but I will need everyone to link up physically when I give the signal.'

'Hold hands, grab someone's shoulder; it doesn't matter so long as you are physically linked to me somehow.'


Fifteen Meters away from Cynrik and the Governor's family, Brance tensed up and made eye contact with Geralt. 

'Headmaster, the people planning their attack have made their move, my brother and I don't recognize the color of the Mana they are using, but he says they've closed off the area.' Brance stated as he motioned for everyone to start their approach to Cynrik. 

'Fuck, Brance; I need to know what color it is right now; not only has it cut me off from using Space Mana, but my MP has begun declining.'

[[Cyn, you know your color pallet better than me; what are we looking at here?]] Brance asked, hiding the nervousness in his tone as he, too, saw that his MP was steadily ticking down at a rate of 50 MP per second. 

[[It's an off, muted grey, like what the germans wore for uniforms in World War Two; I think it was called Feldgrau, or Field Gray.]]

Brance quickly relayed the information but didn't expect to see a look of pure horror plaster across Geralt's face upon discovering the Mana particles' color. 


Geralt didn't stand on ceremony and caught Melody and Kurza by the arm before running over to Cynrik. 

His reaction was enough for Brance and the others to move as well.

[[Cyn, get us out of here; we can't wait, It's Death Mana, and if it is here in such volume, that means Haylon himself has arrived!]] Brance shouted in a rushed voice as he arrived by his brother in half a second and grabbed his shoulder. He was already holding Gabby's hand, and she was holding her brothers.

'Time to go,' Cynrik said in a deathly serious tone as he reached forward, grabbed Sullaman by the shoulder, and extended out threads of Mana to everyone in the group, plus the other two Samieer siblings. 

--PPPST, READ The Conduit's Requiem!!! (My New Series) Also, JOIN US, JOIN US IN THE DISCORD,

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