The Over-Break System

556 The Return of Haylons Shadow

'Time to go,' Cynrik said in a deathly serious tone as he reached forward, grabbed Sullaman by the shoulder, and extended out threads of Mana to everyone in the group, plus the other two Samieer siblings. 

Without being the least bit gentle, Cynrik yanked MyrkLys, Garrison, Geralt, and the three Samieer Siblings into the Shadow Realm before sinking in himself. 

Before his vision converted into the negative colors of the realm, Cynrik's eyes met those of his Grandfather across the room. A mixture of terror, anger, and humiliation could be seen on Lithlen's face, but more than that, the most prevalent emotion was confusion. 

Cynrik watched as the man mouthed, "how did he know" and smirked before sealing himself out of reality in the safety of the realm only he could access. 

Feeling the familiar sense of weightlessness take over his body and gliding downward, Cynrik's eyes flicked away from Lithlen, and he observed the rest of the building from underneath. 

Sucking his teeth and strengthening his [Mana Sight] with more MP, Cynrik watched as multiple, sickly gray, circular portals appeared before each group of Ghouls, and they went on the attack. 

A chaotic battle kicked off as chaperons from every Academy went on the defensive to protect their young proteges. Unfortunately, it was an almost impossible task for the weaker Academy Headmasters to fend off two or more of the Peak Tier-4 Ghouls. 

Within the first five minutes, over a dozen of over 100 formerly proud Competitors vanished into thin air after being dragged into the portals while unconscious. 

"Cyn…" Floating up beside his brother, Brance shakily said. Although he had seen atrocities in both lives, knowing what kind of future was in store for the captured young adults pulled at his conscious.

"I know, Brancie…but there isn't anything we can do. I can barely keep up with how fast those half-dead guys move, and they move with a purpose while using hit-and-run tactics. Tsk, and now the boss has arrived." Cynrik's eyes narrowed as he balled his hands into tight fists, noticing a significantly darker cluster of Mana particles swirl and forming another portal. 


From the portal, a bald man wearing an expensive suit with pale yellow eyes stepped out and tugged at his sleeves before glancing around the room and locating the Governor.

This man was the very same person responsible for the thousands of kidnappings and murders of Tier-0 Children all those years ago, Haylon Nightingale. 

However, unlike before, the short, round middle-aged man who had been atop the hotel when Cynrik and Brance were children was no more.

  Now, standing at 177.8 cm (5ft 10in) and trimmed down, Haylon appeared to be in his late thirties; however, he still kept the physical traits, such as his bald head and pale yellow eyes. 

The reason for this drastic change was simple: at some point during the Seven years after having his experiment destroyed, he had succeeded in stepping into the next Stage.

Taking it one step further, Haylon now not only radiated the power of a Tier-6 individual, but he was already pushing the Late Tier-6 barrier and was at the tail end of Mid-Tier. 

Stepping forward and closing off the portal, Haylon's brows furrowed, and he took count of how many younglings were present in the Parlor. But when his number returned less than expected, and he noticed a lack of a certain few, a vein bulged on his right temple. 

"Where are Cynrik and Brance Jetlensr?" Haylon spoke calmly, but each word was laced with hostile intent and Mana. His Aura instantly flared, forcing everyone under Tier-5 to their knees, including his lackeys, who were still present. 

The room fell silent, and all battles ceased instantly at his words and outburst.

"You said they would be here, those grandchildren who thwarted my plans back then; I have invested time, and resources beyond your comprehension, now where are they, LITHLEN!" Haylon's voice remained calm throughout, only changing tone when he spoke Lithlen's name.


"THAT PIECE OF SHIT, HE FUCKING SOLD US OUT!" Cynrik screamed at the top of his lungs, losing his cool. In response to his outburst, his Mana responded, surging out of his body in waves of tangible quad-color particles. 

"He never fucking planned on letting us progress further in the competition; when we fucking escaped the kidnapping and ambush attempts, he went to the bastard who set up that murder ring when we were kids. Not just that, but he planned on selling us off for experimentation." Cynrik was fuming mad now. It was one thing to beat him in a game of wit, but this was cheating. 

It was bad enough that he was playing 4d chess against someone way older and stronger than himself, but now that bastard of a grandfather had even gone so far as to enlist the help of someone with power beyond his own. 

Spinning around, Cynrik glared at Geralt and the others before his eyes fell on Garrison.

"Garrison, take everyone and leave, bring them back to Jessups," holding up his hand and pointing in the direction where he knew the Mansion to be, Cynrik flicked the air and redirected his attention to Garrison, who was already in the process of gathering everyone and moving. 

"Geralt, Brance, you two stay behind."

[[BUT CYNRIK!]] Selene began to protest but was immediately cut off. 

[[Stop and listen to me one goddamn minute, Selene, before you get pissy and fight back. I am fucking finishing this, and you being here will only hold me back. This has nothing to do with you, and if you care about me even a fucking little bit, you will do as I say.]]

[[I am only keeping Geralt as a fallback; this is a battle that Brance and I must go about alone. If you are here, I will constantly be worried about you being in the line of fire, and I can't have that, so just wait for me back at the Mansion, I've already opened a portal into the living room, and it will close the moment you step through, so be sure you are last.]]

[[Selene, I won't let him do anything drastic, such as fighting that Tier-6 bald guy, but Lithlen…that is another story, go.]] Feeling his brother's way of handling things lacked critical info, Brance added.

"I am not leaving you and Brancie behind." Gabby practically screamed as she tried rushing forward but was soon caught in a full nelson by Benny.

"No, Gabriella, now isn't the time; look at them; even Brance isn't arguing with Cynrik." Benny's voice was crystal clear, and even though his eyes showed hesitation, upon seeing the calm and collected body language of Brance, Benny knew there was no arguing. 

So with his sister in his arms, he spun around in the air and propelled himself forward to follow Garrison and the Samieer siblings. 

Behind him, Kurza and Melody were hot on his tail; meanwhile, Gabby had already broken down into tears, but her eyes never left Brance. 

Now, the only one still under the Governor's Mansion was Geralt, Brance, Cynrik…and Selene, who was hovering in place with tears streaming down her cheeks. 

"You…you better come back to me alive and in one piece or so fucking help me; I'll kill myself to join you where ever we are meant to go." With that said, Selene brought up her arm and wiped her tears with her forearm before spinning around and bolting off at full speed to catch up with the others. 

--PPPST, READ The Conduit's Requiem!!! (My New Series) Also, JOIN US, JOIN US IN THE DISCORD,

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