The Over-Break System

557 Breezing Through Tier-3 (1)

  "Cynrik, I hope you don't plan to pit yourself against Haylon. If you tell me, you do…I will knock you out and drag you away from here." Standing atop the ruins of what used to be a castle, Geralt stated while wearing a cautious expression. 

"I'm crazy, not stupid, Geralt, even I know that Haylon guy is pushing Late Tier-6; my targets are Lithlen and Viktor. I have a plan, but I will need you on standby." Landing on the shattered remains of what was once an impressive drawbridge, Cynrik said while looking at his brother. 

[What's the plan?] Was all Brance said in response. He knew there was no talking Cynrik off the path of revenge, so instead, he was ready and willing to join him, even if it meant fighting till the bitter end. 

[Before I get into the plan, we need to power up first. Viktor and Lithlen are both Peak-Tier-5 individuals, as we are now; aside from throwing our strongest attacks or ambushing them, we don't stand much of a chance…even if we bombard them with KIN.] Not standing on ceremony, Cynrik opened his Status profile and looked at the impressive amount of SPN-XP he had amassed.

At first, when he completed his Relic-Totem, as per Brance's prediction, Cynrik flipped out once he saw the abysmal exchange rate of 1000 XP to 1 SPN-XP. 

However, this alone already put the brothers leagues ahead of everyone else in the party except Selene. The reason is the Non-Legacy Charges all had an initial rate of 10k to 1 when it came to conversion rate. 

Unlike the native Gabby, Benny, Melody, and even Kurza, due to unlocking another one of their mysterious Divine Benefits after evolving to Tier-3, they had it way easier, and things only got better the longer they used their Relic-Totems. 

By the time Cynrik and Brance had converted half of their XP to SPN-XP, the rate dropped from 1k to 100, so now that they were ready to burn all they had converted, the brothers had around 1.2 Million SPN-XP. More than enough for powerleveling not only their Class and Sub-Class but also their Primary Level. 

Now, it wouldn't be enough to cap out their Prestige, but shooting up to Peak-Tier-3 was more than enough for what Cynrik had in mind. 

"Geralt, Brance, and I are going to burn our XP and shoot up in levels, so if anything important happens above, get our attention." With that, Cynrik lifted his legs and hovered in place while scrolling through his Status Profile and pressing the Allocate XP button. 

Like his brother, Brance followed suit, leaving Geralt stunned.

'Did I hear that brat right? He's choosing NOW  to level up…how much XP does he have? I didn't even know that Cynrik completed his Relic-Totem…' Shaking his head to clear his thoughts and assuming the brothers must have enough to shoot up a couple of extra levels, Geralt paid them no mind.

Looking up at the sky, Geralt saw a standoff between a flustered Lithlen and Haylon. Unlike Cynrik, whose senses weren't blocked by the Shadow Realm, and thus he could even hear what was happening in reality, Geralt could only strain his eyes and try reading lips to understand what was being said. 

A one-sided argument ensued, with Haylon forcing both Lithlen and Viktor to the ground and eventually flinging them across the room, with Lithlen bouncing off the staircase and struggling to get back to his feet and Viktor embedded in one of the walls. Growing bored of them, Haylon then turned his sights on the Governor. After some verbal exchange, Governor Samieer and his wife squared off with Haylon commencing in hundreds of combat exchanges where the once glorious parlor was eventually decimated. 

The spectators quickly became collateral damage, with the majority receiving grave injuries. There were even multiple fatalities, all of which were ghouls, who, unlike regular people, couldn't move and simply accepted death at the hands of their master. 

"TSSSSSSSS, mo..ther…fucker…!"

A sharp hiss and swearing from Cynrik caused Geralt to divert his attention and notice that Cynrik's muscles were pulsing and bulging, and his whole body was steaming up. Not to mention his skin had turned bright red; this was a clear sign he had overloaded himself.

From where Geralt stood, he could even feel the heat the young man was radiating, and his eyes shot open wide as he knew what was happening. 

The human body wasn't meant to increase rapidly in strength over a short time, and you would have to understand that doing so had consequences that would require a person to be either completely insane or desperate. 

He had no idea how Cynrik had gotten his hands on enough SPN-XP to increase his levels and subsequent stats to the point that his body was going into complete system failure. Still, seeing the state his student was entering, Geralt immediately took out batch after batch of potions. 

Mind soothing, muscle relaxing, HP, STAM, MP, you name it, and he had it, and with how deep his resources ran as a Headmaster, Geralt could put many pharmacies to shame. 


[DAMN IT, DAMN IT, WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING! TOBS!!!] Cynrik screamed as he gritted his teeth and tried to fight through the intense pain. 

  -Fuck, Cynrik, you absolute idiot, why in the seven hells did you pump everything up simultaneously. YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO GO ONE AT A TIME, NOT FUCKING MAX OUT YOUR CLASSES AND PRIMARY LEVEL ALL AT ONCE!-

Appearing in her fairy form, Tobs fluttered around Cynrik and thoroughly examined his body from top to bottom, and what she saw scared her. 

Beside Cynrik, Brance was frowning as he tried to work through the pain of only raising his Main Class, but hearing Cynrik's and Tobs' conversation, his eyes shot open, and he gave his brother a worried glance. 

[I…Got…this…pain…is…just…] Cynrik chanted as he took several labored and deep breaths. 

  -Weakness leaving the body, but that only applies if you aren't a fucking MORON! Ugh, damn it, Brancie, you need to hurry up and start launching all your healing Skills on him. If not, his body may explode!-

Flapping her wings and darting to Brance, Tobs danced around in his face while anxiously pointing at Cynrik. 

[NO! Brancie…do it too…trust me…sure it hurtssss like a mother fucker, but I am literally…watching my Stats break through…the cap right now!] Wearing a scrunched-up face and leaning forward with his hand's death gripping his thighs, Cynrik's eyes focused only on the slowly increasing numbers beside his DEX, AGI, INT, and MIND stats. 

These four stats had instantly capped upon leveling his Class, Sub-Class, and Primary Level and stopped at 7850; however, something miraculous happened soon after. 

  -HUH? Whoa…what the actual fuck…this isn't supposed to be possible…the only way to increase your cap is…holy shit CYNRIK YOU ABSOLUTE MAD GENIUS!-

An array of emotions flooded the little fairy's face as she looked from Brance to Cynrik multiple times before double-checking Cynrik's status window. 

To her surprise, his four stats had already reached 8k and were steadily ticking up. 

  -Brance, do as he says; unlike him, you can heal yourself in the worst case…but please…be careful; it is dangerous; look, even Geralt is trying to find a way to help, that should tell you how crazy this is.-

After confirming what was happening, Tobs gave Brance the go-ahead, and soon enough, his bulky body inflated and began steaming, too, causing Geralt to enter full panic mode. 

--PPPST, READ The Conduit's Requiem!!! (My New Series) Also, JOIN US, JOIN US IN THE DISCORD,

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