The Over-Break System

577 Conclusion of the Battle (3)

*With the last chapter, we finally met one of my micro-goals for the series and passed through the 1 MILLION WORD COUNT!!!  Couldn't have made it here without yalls support. Also, don't forget tomorrow is a Single yet longer chapter since it will be Sunday.*

  -To put it into terms a nerd like you would understand, think of Divinity Points as more of an ELO rating system in ranked matches.-

  -If a being wishes to break through into Tier-6, they must first meet specific requirements. Many of these are standard, and I don't need to delve further into them, such as Level, stats, and so on; however, the most significant requirement is having unlocked your Divinity Stat.-

  -I am forbidden from explaining how or when you should unlock the stat but know it is something that must be done.-

  -Moving along and ignoring the first bit, like any other Tier, the higher ones are also broken down with names, Initial, Low, Middle, High, and Peak, but these titles hold a particular value to them, much like how levels do in early Tiers.-

  -The corresponding titles indicate certain thresholds the beings Divinity Stat has crossed over, for example, 500 being the Middle indication. It doesn't take a genius to figure out from that point the breakdowns.-

  -Now, I say that Divinity Points resemble an ELO rating system because depending on where a being is on the title chart determines how many points they would receive upon killing a stronger or weaker being.- 

  -In the case of Haylon and Governor Samieer, since the Governor is only at the Initial State of Tier-6, he would receive a heavy chunk of Divinity Points upon the physical death of the opposite, meaning Haylon has a lot to lose.-

  -Whereas if the roles were reversed, Haylon would only receive a tiny fraction of points by winning. With such a large discrepancy between them, Haylon chose to burn his points, as you see above, making it so the number of points Governor Samieer receives will be SIGNIFICANTLY less.- 

  -I wouldn't be surprised if Governor Samieer only walks away from this victory with five or fewer new points.-

Shrugging her shoulders, indicating it was a matter of fact, Tobs finished speaking and didn't add anything further. Still, it was enough to satiate Cynrik for the time being. 

As if on cue, a massive chunk of the fat and disgusting Haylon exploded at once, cracking the surrounding Space and ripping multiple holes in the natural order. 

Surprisingly The shockwaves were strong enough to pass through the barrier between Reality and the Shadow Realm, albeit only causing slight tremors or gusts of wind. However, it was still enough to send a shiver down Cynrik's spine, as up until now, he thought of the barrier as indestructible. 

[Fuck me…] Bringing up his left arm to shield his face out of habit, Cynrik's breathing and heart rate accelerated as he observed what could only be described as a spatial storm above. 

Multiple fissures formed as the Space surrounding the Governor's mansion grew incredibly unstable, destroying the terrain. Trees were uprooted, and chunks of buildings turned weightless and flew through the air; there were even several multi-colored flashes as strange, and unknown bolts of energy lightning tore through the air freely around the place.

Spotting movement out of the corner of his eye, Cynrik noticed the frantic movements of the people surrounding the area as they all moved back in fear while those in charge barked orders. 

"It…it's like armageddon up there," Brance whispered, lowering his right arm from his face. Like his older brother, he had shielded his face instinctively upon feeling the winds. 

"This is what happens when someone breaks the natural order of things. Divinity isn't something meant for the mortal realm, and the devastating effects it can have on it are always like this, overly destructive. Ultimately, the long-term effects can be catastrophic for the environment." Geralt stated aloud. 

Even though the Shadow Realm was an isolated space compared to reality, he could still see how Haylon's actions were folding and shattering the area above. Unlike Cynrik and Brance, who could only see particles, as a Space Affinity User, he was naturally in tune with Space as a whole; as such, what he felt when that brief gust of wind hit him, was utterly different from the brothers. 

To him, it was as if Vinestra was crying in pain…and the feelings he received instantly caused Geralt to grip his chest in agony as if it were him being injured.


"HAHAHHAHA! THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU STAND AGAINST ME, ABDUL SAMIEER!" Haylon cackled as insanity seemed to take over his mind. 

By this point, his body had enlarged well over ten times his initial size, and along with each part of his body that succumbed to overinflation, his Divinity Stat rapidly dropped. 

Frantic and knowing the end was near, Governor Samieer gave up his aggressive push. Instead, he put a considerable distance between himself and the humanoid BOMB that Haylon had transformed into. 

'Can I even survive this…' he thought while batting away Energy lightning every few seconds. Having only recently stepped into the Sixth Tier, Governor Samieer was still green regarding Divinity, so it wasn't surprising that he was frightened and second-guessing his chances of survival. 

Glancing at the ground, where he imagined Cynrik was watching, a sad smile crept onto his lips before the Governor turned and met the eyes of the thousands of men outside the Death Mana Domain.

'No, I can't think in such a pessimistic way. I have more than enough life-saving treasures; all I need to do is contain the blast's radius; otherwise, the damage to Valor City will be immense.' Steeling his resolve and making a decision, Governor Samieer erupted in Gold and Blue light. In contrast to what happened when Haylon did, instead of expanding, he seemed to form an armor-like barrier around his body.'

Next, That armor slowly receded and condensed, moving like a shiny liquid until it amassed around his hands. Then, taking several long, slow deep breaths, the Governor thrust both arms forward, causing the Divine Aura to shoot on and transform into a hazy and transparent energy net; its target was evident, and soon it completely covered the horrendous mass that was Haylon. 

"WHAT? DO YOU THINK YOUR PITIFUL LACK OF DIVINITY IS SUFFICIENT TO STOP ME? ABDUL, I KNEW YOU WERE A FOOL, BUT EVEN THIS IS TOO IDIOTIC!" Stunned momentarily by the net encapsulating his body, confusion struck the man causing him to misinterpret the Governor's actions. 

To him, who was practically crazy, Haylon viewed the Governor's actions as a way to stop the impending explosion from happening. In actuality, the Governor only had one thought in mind, mitigating the damage. 


"Wow…he really just said that. Oi, Geralt, does someone intelligent become a dullard the moment they unlock the Divinity Stat? This dumb ass doesn't even realize that the Governor is trying to stop the city from going up in flames and views what is happening as Governor Samieer trying to stop him from exploding."

--PPPST, Go Read The Conduit's Requiem !!! (My New Series) Also, JOIN US, JOIN US IN THE DISCORD,

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