The Over-Break System

578 Conclusion of the Battle (4)

**Like Usual, Sunday Chapter Longer Chapter**

"Wow…he really just said that. Oi, Geralt, does someone intelligent become a dullard the moment they unlock the Divinity Stat? This dumb ass doesn't even realize that the Governor is trying to stop the City from going up in flames and views what is happening as Governor Samieer trying to stop him from exploding."

"Uh…not that I am aware of; why, what just happened?" Confused by Cynrik's reaction, Geralt looked between the young man and the captured Haylon. 

"The idiot thinks that Governor Samieer is trying to stop the explosion and even stated such, but from what I can tell, the Governor wants to contain the blast to a confined area." Scratching his chin in thought, Cynrik elaborated further. 

"Haylon is ranting and raving about how he can't be stopped and that it is useless even to try, to which I agree entirely. How he jumped to that conclusion…I have no clue. Between the Governor's actions and body language, everything about the man says he is protecting his City, even if the cost to himself is high."

"Selflessness is the sign of a good leader Cyn." Chiming in from the left, Brance almost smacked himself in the face because he knew what kind of response he would get in return. 

"Hardly; it's a sign of weakness; he is too weak to protect what he holds dear and is vying for mutual destruction if need be; you know better than that, Brancie." Rolling his eyes, Cynrik watched as Haylon continued to expand while the Net began constricting his body, causing strange box-shaped protrusions on his body to burst through the Net. 

"Really, you two, you choose now to argue about philosophy. You are two sides of the same coin, and I personally believe that what Abdul is doing is honorable and brave, but my opinion doesn't matter." Stepping in, Geralt broke up the potential argument before it could progress further. 


Back in the Pinhurst Mansion, everyone had found a spot on an open piece of furniture or were sitting on the ground, except for Cinyah and Rikard, who were still in a world of their own as the wife did her best to comfort her husband. 

In the living room, Jessup was standing and frantically typing away on his Watcet; unlike everyone else, he fully understood what was going on over at the Governor's Mansion, and the moment he saw the bright flashes of Gold and Blue Light, he went to work…what he was doing, no one was sure, but based on the thin trail of sweat running down his temple, whatever it was, took a lot of effort. 

Being the most sympathetic of the group, Gabby was sitting on the floor, with the Governor's three children circling her and acting as a pillar of support for them. 

As a Psychic Affinity User, she was greatly affected by any strong emotions given off by other beings, so the grief and sorrow of the three children as they watched their home in ruins and their parents fighting to the death against a seemingly unbeatable foe was unbearable for her, and tears wouldn't stop staining her cheeks. 

They had arrived a bit late, so they didn't know their mother's whereabouts, but the three feared for the worst. Their father, who had always been the most vital and caring figure in their lives, was in a haggard and bloodied state as he attempted to contain Haylon. 

Huddled around, everyone in the room watched as Haylon's body's growth slowed to a stop; even the Reporter had gone entirely silent, as the only sound that could be heard through the speakers was Haylon's defiant roar, he became a ball of pure light, and then everything went silent…the TV feed was cut, and a be back soon screen appeared. 

"What…" Jumping to her feet in a flurry, Selene bellowed but was cut off.


Before Selene could get the words out, the entire Mansion shook as if a magnitude ten earthquake was starting. Pictures flew off the wall, and furniture tumbled over. Anything that wasn't securely in place, including those sitting down, was thrown about. It felt like the world was ending for the weakest people in the room. 

Turning her head and looking outside the big French-style windows, Selene noticed the sky had changed drastically. Staring out at the sideyard, she witnessed swirling clouds, and the sky had become shades of black, green, and purple when it had been a bright and sunny day. 

"Everyone, TAKE COVER!" Maeve screamed as she threw herself on top of Aiden to protect her son from any falling debris.

"That won't be necessary." But before anyone else could move, Jessup spoke in a booming tone, making everyone look in his direction out of confusion; however, when they felt the tremors cease and saw the Gold and Blue Aura radiating off his body, not a single person in the room could stay calm. 

The Aura instantly shot out from his hands and engulfed the entire Mansion. It was now that Jessup showed his strength for the first time, even to Maeve, who always thought her father was a simple Blacksmith who was a retired military man. 

"So long as I am here, no harm will come to anyone under my roof." The old man said with such confidence that there wasn't a single person who didn't believe him. 


In the Shadow Realm, Cynrik, Brance, and Geralt were pinned to the ground as massive amounts of wind and pressure flowed through the barrier between realms, knocking them from the sky and pressing them down with a weight equal to 22g of force. 

"HOLY FUCK, HOLY FUCK, HOLY FUCK!" Brance screamed three times, so everyone could understand how freaked out he was. 

"Shhhut UP, BRANCIE!" Gritting his teeth and forcing himself onto his feet, Cynrik glanced down at Geralt and found him unconscious. Then, looking over to where the Governess was located, Cynrik kicked off the ground and appeared by her side, picked her up, and made a break toward the Spatial Cube housing the injured people. 

"BRANCE, GET GERALT!" He yelled while attempting to control as much Umbra Mana as possible to reinforce his body. Unlike Brance, who could easily brute force his way into moving, Cynrik had to rely on his acute Mana control to empower his body to move. 

"Ugh, ON IT!" Rolling onto his belly, Brance pushed himself up, feeling his muscles bulge from the effort, and picked up Geralt, tossed him over his shoulder, then chased after Cynrik. 

Upon reaching the Spatial Cube, which for some reason hadn't disappeared when Geralt passed out, Cynrik and Brance walked through the construct's wall. Surprisingly, the moment they did, the gravity returned to the Normal 1g seen in reality. With a loud exhale of relief, the brothers dumped the two unconscious fellows among the other unconscious people. 

Having gotten rid of the dead weight off their shoulders, Brance and Cynrik turned and looked toward the barrier, only to be greeted by the site of a black, green, and purple sky filled with ominous clouds. 

"Woah…" was all Brance could muster to say; however, Cynrik, unlike his brother who was so stunned he voiced it, frowned and watched as the surrounding ruins of the Shadow Realm crumbled and sunk deep into the ground due to the intense gravitational force. 

"We need to move, Brance; use Affinitiless Mana to form makeshift restraints on everyone so they don't move about when I do what I am about to do." As he spoke, Cynrik watched several micro cracks spider web throughout the Spatial Cube and knew they couldn't stay under the suppressive force from above. 

Without needing any explanation, Brance did as asked while Cynrik stepped to the very edge of the Cube and rested his hands on the construct's wall. Carefully, he pushed his hands through the Space Mana until only his palms were sticking outside by roughly two or three centimeters. 

"Alright, passengers, this is your Pilot Speaking; once flight attendant Golden Chicken ensures our Passengers here on MyrkLys Airlines are secure, we can begin the take-off procedures," Cynrik stated animatedly, causing Brance to shoot him a glare due to the nickname he was given. 

Unfortunately, when he did so, Brance, too, spotted the cracks forming on the Spatial Cube, making his pupils constrict as the glare turned into a frantic and hurried look. 

Brance knew that if push came to shove, he and Cynrik wouldn't instantly die and be fine under 22gs of pressure, but the same couldn't be said for the helpless injured people under his care. If the Cube shattered under the force, it wouldn't be long until they were the only two alive. 

Those unconscious would quickly asphyxiate due to the lack of oxygen; however, for that to happen, those with weak body cultivation would have to survive being turned into paste. Either way, they needed to somehow get the whole Cube out of the area of destruction. 

"Annnnnnddd AWAYYYYY WEEE GOOOO!!!" 


A loud sound came from Cynrik's hands and drew Brance's attention, but that wasn't what caused his eyes to widen; instead, the Rocket-sized flames shooting out the opposite end of the Cube did.

--PPPST, Go Read The Conduit's Requiem !!! (My New Series) Also, JOIN US, JOIN US IN THE DISCORD,

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