The Over-Break System

598 Mind, Body, and Soul Imprint (1)

**Partial NSFW inbound. HEHE, lemmie hear your guess on the changes they went through in the Discord.**

Bathing in the glowing light emitting from both their Arms, Cynrik collapsed face-first into the fleshy yet soft protrusions on his Kona's chest, panting and out of breath, without removing his member from Selene. 

"Huff….huff…amazing, simply amazing," he mumbled with a soft chuckle while Selene, who was in just as rough of shape, if not worse, wrapped her arms around Cynrik and felt the still flowing warm fluid pumping out of him and into her. 

"Yeah…it really was… mmm," she said as she kissed the crown of his head and hugged him tightly without wanting to let go. 

Her body was still trembling as micro orgasms wreaked havoc one after another, causing frequent spasms in her lower body.

Feeling his member pulsing repeatedly and expelling more semen than he ever imagined possible into Selene's womb, Cynrik relished in the ecstasy as he finally finished ejaculating after a solid minute.

Meanwhile, although he still wished to continue making love to Selene, he knew she needed a break. 

However, as Cynrik pushed his body up and removed his member from Selene with a squelchy pop, allowing a flood of fluids to leak out of her, a wave of soreness overcame him, making him feel like he had undergone a round of gravity training. 

"AH!" Selene let out a surprised moan as the protrusion which had burrowed deep into her lower body for nearly an hour suddenly vanished, and a wave of exhaustion washed over her. 

Collapsing beside her, Cynrik didn't hesitate to pull Selene into his embrace and rest his chin atop her head while she nuzzled him like a sleepy kitten. 

Seeing her eyes fluttering and threatening to drift into the land of slumber, Cynrik reached down and caught hold of the blanket, which had been kicked off the bed and balled into an unkept mess before covering himself and his Kona. 

"Cyn…I…mmm…love you." Half dazed and half exhausted, Selene spoke tenderly as her eyes finally shut, and she fell asleep in his warm embrace. 

"Un, I love you too…" Wearing a tired smile, Cynrik soon closed his eyes and fell asleep while holding Selene. 


While the two lovers drifted off, neither noticed the drastic changes occurring with their [Húðflúr], which no longer glowed in lavender light, but their original Royal Blue color.

The markings shifted and seemed alive, and they took turns moving from Selene's arms to Cynrik's and vice versa. Soon, a new pattern was formed, with a mixture of unique markings, until they shared the same style and knotwork as their partner. 

Following the combination of their [Húðflúr], the markings spread and expanded, breaching their owner's arms, trailing down their collar bones, and down both Cynrik and Selene's chest and back. 

What had once been only full-sleeve tattoos were now full body (from the hips up), even running up their necks and along the sides of their heads. 

The only space left open was their faces, as, for some reason, the markings didn't travel there and settled on stopping at their temples once they finished trailing their jawlines. 

The instant their [Húðflúr] stopped moving and died down, returning to their original lighter skin tone shade, Tobs appeared in the air, floating above Cynrik and Selene while looking down at them with a knowing expression. 

  -It's earlier than I predicted…I still can't believe these two went through having sex even while knowing the potential consequences.-

Tobs thought as she floated around and observed the changes to their bodies. Once satisfied, the tiny fairy phased through the blanket and arrived at Selene's legs, which had intertwined with Cynrik. 

  -Damn, he really did a number on her…tsk, reckless moron, he's lucky the transfer between them went off without a hitch; if not, the amount of blood Selene lost would have otherwise been fatal.-

  -Luckily, her Healing factor has been strengthened…sigh, fucking idiots, both of them. Then there's all this fucking goo sigh, fucking mortals and their gross bodily functions; I just gotta check one last thing. 

Pushing back her unhappy feelings and putting on a professional expression, Tobs locked onto Selene's pelvic area, puffing out her cheeks with strain as her eyes glowed with her host's Affinities.

  -Good, nothing to be worried about; it seems Selene was smart enough to handle birth control on her own, not that it is easy to conceive beyond Tier-1; it seems she understands they aren't ready to try having children at this stage in their lives, either that or Cynrik told her about how he doesn't want any.-

Floating up and phasing through the blanket again, Tobs glanced at the two and summoned her tablet.

  -Jeeze, so many fucking notifications; these two love making me work overtime.-

While grumbling discontentedly, her tiny hand swiped left and right, organizing all the numerous notifications before setting them to trigger when the two sleeping love birds decided to wake up.

It took Tobs roughly half an hour to organize the seemingly neverending flood of notifications in the style Cynrik preferred. Still, once finished, she released a loud sigh, stretched her back, and disappeared, soon after appearing back on Brance's shoulder. 


Back in the training room, Brance had been working for some time without rest and had only cleared the corruption in two of the ten young adults. 

Eventually, the mental stress combined with his MP and STAM Stats getting dangerously low proved too much for him to handle, and he was forced to take a break by Jessup. 

Seeing that Brance couldn't heal the others quickly, Geralt stored away the two he had healed within his discs and sent enough Mana into the construct to keep those inside unconscious for a minimum of 24 hours. 

"Take your time, and get a good rest, kid; I can keep the corrupted Codexes stable by strengthening the barriers put in place by your brother for a short period," Jessup stated as he fetched a warm meal for Brance and a cot for him to nap on from his inventory.

With rest and food forced onto him, Brance could only yield to the older man and follow his idea. 

As he lay down on the cot, Brance's eyes never left the strained faces of those with corrupted Codexes; however, the exhaustion caused by today's events finally caught up to him, and within 10 minutes after eating the meal provided by Jessup, he succumbed to sleep. 


When Jessup noticed Brance falling asleep, he motioned for Geralt to follow him, and the two left the training room, headed upstairs, and ended up in the living room.

When the two arrived, Gabby raced forward and practically attacked Jessup and Geralt, demanding to know if Brance was ok and where he was. 

As an intelligent girl, when Gabby saw Selene leaving earlier, she understood Cynrik had called for her with the strange mental link Cynrik, Brance, and her share, and she couldn't help but get upset. 

However, when she tried to enter the training room, the door wouldn't budge, so Gabby could only return to the living room in defeat. 

Now, after practically an eternity in her eyes, Jessup and Geralt had arrived, and she wanted answers. 

As a father who raised both Maeve and even, to some extent Cinyah when they were Gabby's age, Jessup knew there was no dealing with a teenager who was in her boy-crazy phase, so he took a deep breath and held up his hand to silence Gabby.

"Listen, Brance is fine, but he has been working tirelessly to heal many severely injured victims from the attack. Since he is the only one who can deal with Codex Corruption, thanks to his HolyFire and Light Affinities, he has pushed himself too hard and is now asleep, resting quietly in the Training Room."

"If you wish to see him, you can; however, I do not want you to, under any circumstances, wake him up. If you can abide by that one rule, you may go down and be with …and she's gone." 

Gabby didn't even wait to hear the rest of what Jessup had to say, and the moment she heard the phrase, "If you can Abide," she took off running at her fastest speed out of the living room and to the training room. 


**Eight Hours Later**

In the Shadow Realm, 2 kilometers away from Pinhurst Mansion, in a tiny stone cottage within what could only be described as a medieval neighborhood, Cynrik's eyes fluttered open, and upon feeling the warm body trapped in his arms, he couldn't help but peek under the blanket. 

Attached to him like a koala, Selene was breathing slowly, clearly still asleep, but had a happy expression on her face. 

'Heh, this girl is really something; she didn't even bother cleaning herself up. My cum is dried all over her legs, and then there are the bed sheets.' Wearing a pleasant smile, Cynrik shook his head and tried his best not to wake her on accident.

'Not sure what I did in my past life to deserve her, but now after everything…huh?' Midway through that thought, Cynrik noticed the new skin-tone markings coating all of Selene's upper body. 

'HUH?' he thought again as he soon saw the exact same markings covering his torso and arms. 

--PPPST, Go Read The Conduit's Requiem !!! (My New Series) Also, JOIN US, JOIN US IN THE DISCORD,

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