The Over-Break System

599 Mind, Body, and Soul Imprint (2)

'Not sure what I did in my past life to deserve her, but now after everything…huh?' Midway through that thought, Cynrik noticed the new skin-tone markings coating all of Selene's upper body. 

'HUH?' he thought again as he soon saw the exact same markings covering his torso and arms. 

With his mouth so wide open he could catch a horde of flies, Cynrik ran his fingers along the intricate yet delicate markings covering his entire chest in the form of a skin tone tattoo. 

'What in the actual fuck…."





With confusion clouding his thoughts, Cynrik was about to reach out to his not-so-friendly neighborhood System AI when a wave of Ding sounds triggered in his mind, followed by a never-ending stream of scrolling notifications.

  -You have achieved something once thought to be a wives tale or a topic from romance novels; you have successfully found your Soul Mate.-

  -Having spoken the Ancient Oath of the Æsir, under the eyes of creation, you have sealed this Oath with Selene Nilsson, making her your wife for eternity.-

  -Your Wife has accepted your Surname, Jetlensr, and her Status will now reflect her name as Selene Jetlensr.-

  -You have received the Title: Eiginmaður of Selene Nilsson *Jetlensr*-

  -Your Wife, Selene Jetlensr, has received the title, Eiginkona of Cynrik Jetlensr.-

  -As an Æsir Warrior, customs forbid you from taking another Wife; however, you are not forbidden from taking an additional lover if your wife Allows such a thing. But only one, and only to continue your Bloodline, pleasure must not be the sole purpose behind your mating with the additional lover.-

  -As an established Eiginmaður, the subject of your affection shall only be toward one, your Eiginkona, and thus, you must never allow her to play second fiddle to another woman.-

  -However, her status is sealed as the one and only wife, and even if your mistress bears you a child, she will never obtain the title or benefits associated with being an Eiginkona, especially if your mistress is of another race.-


  -In a physical expression of unyielding love, you have opened yourself up to another being, giving them your Mind, Body, and Soul.-

  -You have formed a Mind, Body, and Soul Imprint with Selene Jetlensr.-

This was only the first batch of notifications; the longer he read through them, the more his mind became a hazy cloud as Cynrik began disconnecting from reality due to the absurdity of the previous messages. 

'What in the hell, why did Maeve get dragged into this? Sure, I have my Milfy dream, but what in the ACTUAL FUCK! I NEVER WANTED TO BE A HAREM PROTAGONIST TO BEGIN WITH!' Feeling wronged, Cynrik could only cry internally as he continued scrolling down and reading more of the notifications. 

  -Congratulations, you have lost your Virginity and taken the Virginity of the Maiden who has become your Eiginkona.-

-You have successfully impregnated your Eiginkona, Selene Jetlensr.-

-Your sperm has merged with Selene Jetlensr's egg and is now in the process of animating life.-

-Be aware the Average Gestation period of an Æsir female is One year and six months.- 

-During the Gestation period, an Æsir female will enter a weakened state, with all her stats falling to 25% of their initial value.-

-As her Eiginmaður, it is your duty to protect both your Eiginkona and unborn child, even at the risk of your own life.-

  -Due to having swapped vital bodily fluids through the natural mating method, you have received additional benefits, as well as given an equal amount of benefits to your Eiginkona.-

  -You have passed on your Limit Broken Status and helped your Eiginkona break through her limits in the same stats you have. 

  -Due to having ejaculated within the Vagina of Selene Jetlensr, her body has naturally absorbed your Male Essence, increasing her Limit Broken Stat to match your own.- 

-Your Eiginkona's DEX, INT, AGI, and MIND Stats have increased drastically.-

-The process has made you lose 2.5% of your DEX, INT, AGI, and MIND Stats.-

Cynrik's entire body tensed up as he read the notification stating he had knocked up Selene, and his head robotically turned toward the girl sleeping comfortably in his arms. 

'…sigh, I suppose this is how it is meant to be…what should I expect? I came inside her; of course, this was a possibility.' Cynrik thought as he sighed lightly and reached over to tuck a lock of hair behind Selene's ear. 

When he made this small yet tender gesture, Selene subconsciously recognized it, and a warm smile spread across her face as she nuzzled into his hand like a cat without waking up.

'If fate dictates that I am to have a child, no matter how much I am unwilling, so long as it is with her, I won't fight it.' Resolving himself to fate and fighting back the nerves threatening to overwhelm him, Cynrik's eyes left the sleeping face of his Kona and continued reading through the notifications. 

However, the instant he read the following line, his heart dropped to his feet, and he felt a slight stinging sensation in his tear ducts. 

  -Selene Jetlensr has taken notice of her status effect (Pregnant). Subsequently, she decided to terminate the pregnancy of her own volition by obliterating the impregnated egg within her womb with Mana.-

  -She has come to this decision on her own after weighing the potential detriments to both her health and the thoughts of her Eiginmaður.-

These two lines of text caused Cynrik's heart to break for some reason that he couldn't understand. One second he was on track to becoming a father, then the next, Selene had made the obvious and more mature decision.

Giving up the opportunity to become a mother when it was already complicated to conceive in the first place was a decision that he would never have forced her to make.

However, he understood that apart from them both being too young even to consider the option as viable, Selene didn't have a nurturing family like he and Brance had grown up with, so it was apparent there would be some fear involved, especially when she had such a bitch of a mother, to begin with. 

'Still, if she had told me she wanted to keep it, I would have told her to come what may, and we would have dealt with things…together. I only hope this won't have any adverse effects on her body; I remember things such as plan b and abortions had all kinds of negative repercussions back on Earth, apart from the mental health issues generated by using such methods.'

Laying down and pulling Selene closer to his body, Cynrik gently caressed her hair.

'Sigh, when did I become such an emotional sap…well, I suppose this is a side effect of the Mind Body Soul Imprint thing, or at least that's what I plan on blaming if the topic comes up, not that I expect it to.' With that final thought, he jumped back into the notifications and breezed through what was left. 

--PPPST, Go Read The Conduit's Requiem !!! (My New Series) Also, JOIN US, JOIN US IN THE DISCORD,

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