The Over-Break System

601 Mind, Body, and Soul Imprint (4)

**Sheesh, I didn't even realize until after I posted the last chapter that we hit 600; I'll be damned, it seems like just yesterday we hit 100, and now we are only 400 away from 1k.**

"I…I…I thought it would be bad if I got pregnant, and when I felt the sudden exhaustion, the notification about my pregnancy popped up, so I dealt with it…." 

Selene's words caused Cynrik to draw in a deep breath before reaching up and wiping away a tear trickling down her cheek. 

"Cyn…I didn't know…I didn't know if you would be upset if I…." Selene started to say but was soon silenced as Cynrik cupped both cheeks and pulled her face forward to kiss her lips lightly. 

Pulling back slowly and looking into her eyes, Selene tried speaking a second time, but Cynrik repeated his actions. 

On the third attempt, she finally realized that he wouldn't let her speak and sat silently with her legs wrapped around his waist. 

Sitting in this position, Selene in his lap, with their hips pressed together, and her legs wrapped around his body, naked, was a little too stimulating for Cynrik, so after the third kiss, he had to control the natural reaction of his hardened dragon forcefully, or else no matter how serious his tone was when speaking, there would be no way for either of them to keep on topic. 

They were so close that all Selene needed to do if she wanted him inside her was raise her hips a little and angle him correctly, and boom, round two would begin easily. 

"I wouldn't have minded," After what felt like an eternity to both of them, Cynrik spoke softly.

"Huh?" Not believing what she had heard, Selene tilted her head to the side and did her best not to look at the throbbing hard protrusion pressed tightly against her abdomen. 

"If it were with you, I wouldn't have minded... having a child. Sure, we are technically too young, but both of us could be considered as an uncle and aunty by Earth Standards. Not to mention physically, we are already in our early 20s thanks to the multiple evolutions we've undergone." Making sure to look his Kona in the eyes so that his own didn't wander around her highly attractive, nude, and provocative body, Cynrik continued. 

"Would it have been difficult? Absolutely. Would we struggle for a while? Sure 100%. Would I have made a good father? Probably not, but that's why I have you around."

"As for the Country and Academy rules, haven't we already said fuck them? My family, especially Brance, would probably throw a fit, but Cinyah and Rikard are too damn soft and loving when it comes to us, so they would come around and smother you relatively fast."

While he spoke, Cynrik couldn't help but feel a slight scratching around his pubic area, caused by the dried fluids on Selene and his legs and lower body, so without hesitation, he willed a certain amount of BlackFire to burn it away, cleaning them up, an action which caused a soft moan to leak from Selene. 

"Honestly, when I read about you being pregnant, my heart fluttered, and although there was a lot of fear and hesitation, I accepted that we would have a child." Giving her a weak smile and noticing the freely flowing tears mixed with happiness and sorrow, Cynrik reached to wipe them away with his thumbs. 

However, when he finished and was about to withdraw his hands, Selene swiftly caught them, kissed both, and laced her fingers through his before placing them in their collective lap. 

"And I can't say I wasn't affected…emotionally when I read about your choice, but not for the reason you may be thinking. Although I accepted we had a child on the way, I still am against it to some extent, but my primary focus was you."

"We both know it is no walk in the park to conceive in this world, and the difficulty only increases the more your Tier increases, and I understand that it is an instinct to want to reproduce, but I was more worried about the potential consequences to your body in that instant."

Clasping her hand in his, Cynrik placed their hands on the area above Selene's womb. 

"You didn't hurt yourself for my selfish prerogatives, right?" He asked in a voice not far off from a whisper.

Looking into his eyes, Selene noticed a lot of new emotions were swirling around in them, the most prevalent being Fear and uncertainty, so she gave him a weak smile and leaned forward to kiss him gently before separating, and almost giggling as he gave her a look that indicated he wanted more. 

"The only thing I hurt was my ability to conceive when we try for real. The birth control method, or er…skill technically, I learned from watching that she-bitch who birthed me." She said confidently; however, Cynrik's face practically collapsed as he misunderstood. 

"Stop making that face, my love; it isn't as bad as you think. Initially, it is a rough skill, considering its effect stacks, and it reduces your overall chance of conceiving a baby by 15% with each use."

"But I have been using my skill points on it for a couple of months now in anticipation of our first time. So right now, it only reduces my chances by 0.1%."

"Still, I never expected your swimmers to be so potent that you'd knock me up on the first shot!" Finishing her statement with a joke that even made the Stoney Cynrik smile, Selene leaned forward and hugged him tightly."

"Besides, even if I found out tomorrow that I could never have a baby, I wouldn't care because I have you, and you matter more to me than anything, your happiness, your sorrow, your pleasure; I want to share it all with you, even your burdens. That is why I so readily accepted the Oath and even gave you my first time." 

"You are my everything Cynrik." Selene's words triggered a strange reaction the moment they left her mouth. 

The markings on their arms suddenly began glowing in Lavender light and swirled in harmony, traveling from Cynrik to Selene and back as if they were dancing. 

Along with the visual effect, a couple of notifications appeared in both their eyes. 

  -Selene Jetlensr has activated the Mind, Body, and Soul Imprint.-

  -For the next 30 minutes, your Health and Mana Pools will be combined.-

  -All stats have raised by 25%-

  -You can now read each other's thoughts, and your bodies will move in perfect synchronicity.-

  -While the Imprint is active, you and your Eiginkona are one, and you can hide nothing from each other. However, that matters not because there is no existence in eternity, which you have a greater trust or love for than your Eiginkona.-

  -You may transfer skills, stat points, or any numerical value shown on the Status Profile between you and your Eiginkona, as everything she owns is yours, as with the reverse, everything you own is hers.- 

  -When the Imprint is deactivated, you both will return to your normal states, and all transferred numerical values or skills will be returned, as the effects are only available when the imprint is active.-

--PPPST, Go Read The Conduit's Requiem !!! (My New Series) Also, JOIN US, JOIN US IN THE DISCORD,

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