The Over-Break System

602 MBSI (5) / Operation Saving Asses (9)

**Split chapter here, I didn't want to jump back into an NSFW and had to go back to check in on Brance, so this chapter and the next one will be similar to each other. Don't worry; we will get back to smexy time and finally read the remaining notifications Cynrik and Selene ignored in the heat of the moment.**

The Notification caused Selene and Cynrik to freeze in place as they suddenly became aware of everything in the other person's mind, on top of the pleasant feeling of each other's bodies. 

From the moment they began their conversation, the two of them had kept their urges in control, a task which proved to be incredibly difficult since the level of attraction between Selene and Cynrik was so high that their hunger for sex had reached new levels. 

Especially Selene, who not long ago experienced the most intense pain she had ever felt in her life, was burning inside to feel Cynrik press her down and ravage her again, to be shown more love. 

This hunger flooded Cynrik's brain the instant their Imprint activated, and their markings began glowing in lavender. His body's reaction was to be expected, as within seconds, his sleeping dragon was at full mast and pulsing against Selene's pubic area. 

No sane or straight man would be able to last for long with such a stunning beauty sitting in his lap naked, and Cynrik, although mentally very strong, practically crumbled when waves of intense hunger and fear hit his mind. 

However, the fear wasn't his own; the thoughts running through his head belonged to Selene, who didn't want to disappoint her Maður. She had experience in bed but didn't feel confident about being with him in that respect. 

The pleasure she received last time, plus the unexpected pregnancy, had shaken her heart, and Cynrik now knew everything, resulting in fear. 

Still, there was one thing that overwhelmed everything in her mind: her unyielding love for him, and this was the trigger that pushed Cynrik to ignore the still unread notifications, pull her body against his until their chests touched and hungrily devour Selene's lips. 

Meanwhile, Selene could feel the lust and tender affection Cynrik had for her. His mind was…different, to say the least, and she was almost lost in the storm of random chaos swirling around in there, but then as they embraced and their lips met, Selene could feel the overwhelming love he had in his heart and that love was directed only toward her. 

The emotions and feelings she received from the Imprint were too much, causing Selene to give in and allow the pleasure to wash over her, ignoring the pain radiating from her lower body.

Since she could read her beloved's mind now, she knew what he wanted at that moment, so without hesitation, Selene raised her hips slightly, snaked her right hand between their legs, and lightly wrapped her fingers around his cock. 

Then, to Cynrik's surprise, Selene took the initiative, guiding his member's fleshy glans to her lower mouth and slowly inserting him inside.

This action caused them to separate their kiss and moan in unison as a higher form of pleasure than their first time took over, and the lavender markings pulsed in the rhythm of their synchronized breathing.

Thanks to their new connection through the Imprint, Cynrik, and Selene didn't need to speak; instead, they simply understood what the other wanted, and needed, which frankly made sex far more intimate than they could have expected. 

After insertion, Selene sat impaled, without moving, allowing her body to adjust to the sudden girthy invasion of her little sister, and kissed Cynrik fiercely. 

Three words seemed to echo in their minds, I…Love…You…, and then round two officially began. 


While Cynrik and Selene began their second round, back at the Pinhurst Mansion, Brance's eyes were still closed when he felt a light yet present weight on his chest. 

For a moment, he was confused, but when he felt the soft breathing coming from this weight, a wry smile crept onto his lips, and his eyes slowly opened, revealing the sight of a sleeping Gabby on his chest and using him like a mattress. 

'Sigh, I got so caught up in things that I neglected to tell her I was back. Crap, Cynrik had enough of a brain to grab Selene and Leave; why the fuck didn't I have the mind to have Gabby come too.' Beating himself up for being a bad boyfriend, Brance gently wrapped his arms around the sleeping young lady resting on top of him and couldn't stop himself from kissing the top of her head. 

The sudden warmth brought about by his arms entrapping her was highly comfortable to Gabby, and although asleep, she nuzzled into his chest like a small cat and brought up her hand to cup his cheek. 

'Heh, this girl, sigh, I wish I could stay like this longer, but…' Brance's thoughts trailed off as he turned his head to observe the remaining people with corrupted Codexes. 

However, his eyes widened slightly as he noticed that each of them was now on similar cots. Unbeknownst to him, when Gabby arrived and saw the situation, she quickly set about transforming the training room into a makeshift triage, and with the help of her trusty kitty Milo, she had moved everyone to a bed, with a pillow and blanket for their comfort. 

As he observed the situation in the training room, Brance became aware of another presence on the cot, curled up between his feet, and it didn't take him long to realize it was Milo.

'So they both fell asleep with me, heh; I really don't deserve their affection, I feel like I don't do enough for the two of them, yet they give me this much attention.' Brance thought. 

Laying on his back, Brance turned his face back toward the ceiling and fell deeper into thought; that was when a tiny fairy materialized above him and floated right in his face, startling Brance enough that he almost flinched.

However, his unwillingness to accidentally wake up Gabby and Milo took hold, and he forced himself to remain still while glaring up at Tobs. 

  -Morning, sleepy head, I thought you would never wake up. Hey, now, don't give me that grumpy look; you can only blame yourself for not calling out to me first.-

Seeing his reaction, Tobs puffed out her cheeks and placed her hands on her hips, giving him a pouty pose.

-You've been out cold for almost 9 hours. As you can see, Gabby found out you were down here and did her best to take some of the burdens off you.-

  -And I gotta say, although she can't see Mana, she's a capable enough healer to understand what was wrong with those on the beds over there.-

  -Even though she couldn't do anything about the Codex Corruption, Gabby went ahead and treated any prevalent ailments caused by the lingering Death Mana in their bodies which had progressed.-

-Moving them to beds, tucking them in, and applying vital first aid, the girl ran herself to exhaustion, and she only fell asleep a couple of hours ago.-

--PPPST, Go Read The Conduit's Requiem !!! (My New Series) Also, JOIN US, JOIN US IN THE DISCORD,

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