The Over-Break System

614 Operation Saving Asses (10)

'Sigh, as much as I want to continue enjoying my time with her; I need to help them first…" with one final kiss atop her head, Brance laid Gabby down, tucked her in, and changed into his workout clothes before exiting the tent. 

Upon stepping out of the tent flap, Brance's eyes fell on the expectant fluffy face of Milo, who jumped up and looked as excited as a kid on Christmas morning. 

Chuckling lightly, he reached down, scooped up the small cat, gave him a good couple of chin scratches, and placed him down inside the tent before zipping it up to allow Gabby some much-needed rest. 

Tossing one final glance at the tent, Brance's face hardened, and he appeared beside one of the cots holding an injured person. 

Having cleansed the Codex of multiple people by this point and feeling fully refreshed, Brance made quick work of the remaining few people until he stood before the sleeping beauty of the Governess. 

'Holy…fuck…how am I supposed to handle this? Sure, Cyn practically set me up with a tutorial to prepare me for working on her Codex, but none of those situations were this bad.'

'So far, everybody I've worked with has been below me in Tier and power, yet the Governess… she's at the Peak of Tier-5…, and this level of corruption is well beyond anything I've ever seen.' Brance mused as he scanned through the damage on her Codex with [Mana Sight]. 

The longer he examined the current state of her body, the deeper the crease lines on his forehead became. 

If before, Brance could compare all of the other people's Corrupted Codexes to a sports game, now, he had no other choice but to compare what was transpiring in the Governess's Codex to a full-blown Space Battle. 

Although Cynrik had calmed things down and effectively created a ceasefire of sorts, it was all he could do to stop the multiple warring fronts from constantly attacking each other with his Umbra Mana. 

Another issue that separated Brance's previous work from what needed to be done with the Governess was the fact that she had not one or two but four different Affinities. In contrast, the most challenging case he has handled so far was two. 

Then there was the size of her Codex, which was five to six times as large as the weak Tier-2 and Tier-3 people he had worked on; thus, him skipping over the analogy of a typical ground war and comparing it to a full-blown space battle like something from a science fiction movie. 

  -Not a bad comparison, Brancie; frankly, the situation in her body is way worse than even the most challenging clearing you've completed. So jumping from a Soccer match to a Space Battle isn't that far of a leap.-

Reading his thoughts and appearing above Brance's shoulder with a small flash of light, Tobs popped into existence and sat down in her favorite spot. 

  -Then there's the case of her Mana Veins, Circuits, and hubs; if it were anyone else attempting what you are trying, they would surely fail; however, with the combination of Light and HolyFire Mana, you can, at the very least, break into her Codex in the same manner as before.-

'Why do I feel a "but" coming up in your next sentence?' Looking over at the tiny fairy perched on his shoulder, Brance gave her a weak smile before redirecting his attention back down at the Governess's Codex. 

  -I mean, you've already made the judgment yourself, so me saying, BUTTTTT, you cant play virtual soccer anymore, is entirely irrelevant. If you want to go with the Space Battle analogy, you could always go with something similar to the one at the beginning of Revenge of the Sith.-

'Hm, that's not a bad idea, it was one of the best space fights in my memory, and I've watched it a hundred times, so recreating it should come as second nature.' Wearing a faint smile as he remembered the good old days of fighting on the trampoline with toy lightsabers with the Episode 3 soundtrack Blaring, Brance's mind returned to that epic opening for the movie. 

'Right, I've got a plan…' Taking a deep breath, Brance calmed his mind, closed his eyes, and placed his hand above the Governess's Codex while trying his best to ignore the soft, bouncy mound under his palm. 

  -Build your scenario and expect the retaliation to be many times stronger than before Brance, slow and steady, wins the race.-

Mentally nodding his head, Brance's vision spun as his imagination took over; aided by both Light and HolyFire Mana, he soon envisioned himself within a fighter-style spaceship, one similar to what he remembered Anakin flying, only instead of yellow; his ship was Silver with bright, golden accents. 

Wearing an adventurous smile, he couldn't help but chuckle at what he had subconsciously created; he was even wearing the standard kaki Jedi robes like Obiwan would have. 

"Alright, Brancie, let's begin our approach.." Suddenly, over his headset-like communication device, Cynrik's voice came through the ear muff-style speaker on his right ear. 

Looking over his left shoulder, he found Cynrik piloting a similar style Eta-2 Jedi Starfighter, only instead of Silver, like his own, Cynrik's was pitch black with red accents. 

'Hah, of course, my brain puts him in an emo paint job.' Rolling his eyes as he watched Cynrik execute a barrel roll before gliding beside him, Brance noticed his brother wearing an outfit befitting a Sith lord. 

"Our armies are two minutes out and en route…so what's the plan this time, little brother?" Cynrik asked as he looked over and rolled his eyes at the happy expression on his little brother's face. 

"Oh? Letting me take the lead this time, Cyn? That's quite out of character for you." Brance couldn't help but chide as he watched Cynrik's face devolve into a scowl. 

"You are the one who always bitches about me coming up with complex flight patterns; just tell me where you want me, and I will bring hellfire down on those droid fucks." With a scoff, Cynrik sped up, causing Brance to match his speed or get left behind. 

Matching Cynrik's pace, Brance was surprised by what happened next and broke into a massive grin.

  -Now playing "Battle over Coruscant- EPIC FANTASY"  by Mikhail Lesogorov.-

'REALLY TOBS HAHAHAHA!' Unable to contain his excitement at the background music, Brance gripped the flight stick positioned on the armrest with his right hand while his left arm relaxed on the left armrest, with his hand not gripping the second stick. 


  -I mean, why not? You hardly ever ask for background music, but you deserve some this time to keep your head in the game.-

To his surprise, there was a small flash of light, and Tobs, in the form of an R2 droid, appeared on his ship's left wing in her typical black-and-white color scheme. 

  -I can't really do anything like a typical droid to help out, but my presence should be enough PLUS, I ALWAYS WANTED TO FLY LIKE THIS AWOOOOOOO!-

Spinning her head around, Tobs emitted the standard howl R2-D2 was known for, and her mono eye flashed in multiple colors, causing Brance to burst out laughing. 

--PPPST, Go Read The Conduit's Requiem !!! (My New Series) Also, JOIN US, JOIN US IN THE DISCORD,

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