The Over-Break System

Chapter 615 Battle Over Corus...CODEX PLANE (1)

Chapter 615 Battle Over Corus...CODEX PLANE (1)

**The entirety of this mini-arc will have "Battle over Coruscant- EPIC FANTASY"? by Mikhail Lesogorov as its soundtrack, so grab it from the discord and set it on loop for the best experience.**

-I can't really do anything like a typical droid to help out, but my presence should be enough PLUS, I ALWAYS WANTED TO FLY LIKE THIS AWOOOOOOO!-

Spinning her head around, Tobs emitted the standard howl R2-D2 was known for, and her mono eye flashed in multiple colors, causing Brance to burst out laughing.

"TZZZZT GOLD-LEADER, this is GS-7; we are beginning our approach." Brance's laughter was cut off by a gruff voice coming through the coms, and he whipped his head around the cockpit until he spotted hundreds of Gold and Silver space-fighters off in the distance.

All around him was pitch black, and he recognized it as the vacuum of outer space; however, given the setting for this battle, he didn't think it was weird.

Then, shifting his vision off ahead, Brance spotted a massive, glowing Barrier protecting what could only be described as a colossal Gate of sorts.

Recognizing the objective since it aligned with what he was attempting in real life, Brance knew what needed to be done and issued his order to the large army of battleships drawing closer from behind.

"Gold-Leader here, I read you loud and clear GS-7, slot in behind me and err...." Brance paused for a minute, at a loss for what to call Cynrik, but then he blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

If he was considered Gold-Leader, then Cynrik could only be considered BR-1 or Black/Red One.

"Slot in behind BR-1 and me; we will take point on this mission; our goal is to breach the gates and head through the lightspeed tunnel until we reach Coursan...uh...the Codex Plane." Stumbling once again, this time on what to call the battlefield, Brance nearly called it the same name as the battlefield in the movie but changed it on the fly.

Flying beside him, Cynrik didn't miss this hiccup in speech and scoffed mockingly, making Brance flip him the bird before continuing to respond to his troops.

"We will handle the shield generators blocking the Gate, and all you guys need to do is hold off the enemy forces until we can do so; then we will enter the battlefield; all weapons are hot."

"Tzzt, copy that Gold-Leader; GS squadron will do as commanded, over and out." With that final statement, the Coms fell silent, and Brance relaxed in his pilot chair while closing the distance between himself and the large shielded gate.

Only then did he thoroughly examine his fighter's cockpit. Scattered along the walls on both sides were multiple toggle switches, and buttons, while in front of him was a hologram display indicating his speed, shield health, and what looked like two long lines, which seemed to show he was set to blasters right now.

'Tobs, what kind of weapons loadout am I using here?' Clutching the rightmost flight stick and looking down, Brance noticed a configuration of three buttons, lining up with his fingers, on the grip of both flight sticks.

On the underside of the stick, Brance noticed a long button, which could only be the trigger mechanism to fire his weapons. The stick itself was anything but normal because a silver protrusion above his hand made it look like an upside-down "L."

-First, you should understand what the two sticks do, the left stick controls your Y-axis, while the right controls your X-axis. As you can see, both flight sticks can move forward and back, and each controls its respective side thrusters.-

'Got it; Left joystick is up and down, right is left and right, forward and back to go fast or slow. Since they have diagonal wiggle room, I assume I have full omnidirectional movement.' Nodding his head, Brance started playing around with the sticks to get a feel for how to fly.

Unfortunately, not only did the sticks refuse to move past a certain point, but the ship's movements also felt stiff, causing Brance to frown; noticing his reaction, Tobs quickly informed him why.

-You're in cruise mode right now, so you can't do aerobatics; for that, you need to drop your stabilizers, which will allow you to have a full range of movement.-

-To enable your stabilizer wings, you'll need to flip the toggle switch on the wall next to your elbows, one on each side...but don't do it now, or your flight speed will drop drastically.-

-Now, regarding what weapons you currently have, it's a standard loadout, nothing too flashy; you have three settings corresponding to what weapons are armed, each triggered by one of the buttons above the handgrips on the flight sticks.-

-You have three buttons and, as such, three weapons settings, and by pressing the two thumb buttons together, you can arm every weapon simultaneously, allowing you to unleash a high-powered attack, but be mindful that there will be a long recharge once you do so.-

-The button by your thumb switches you to the farthest lazer blasters positioned on the frontmost angled curvature of your wings. If you look directly before me, you will see what looks like a grey tube: these are what those buttons trigger, your short-range blaster cannons.-

-One on each side, and they have the shortest and almost non-existent cooldown time; however, their power is marginally weak. Don't expect to shoot anything down using them alone unless you can stack up the damage on your opponent.-

-The button under your index finger triggers the two long barrel cannons running the length of your ship's nose; if you look ahead, you can see them easily.-

-The extended barrel, or high power photon cannons, are your second most potent armament and have a longer cooldown than the short-range blasters, but it isn't too long, only a couple seconds, 2-3. By spinning the knob-like button slightly, you can increase or decrease their power and adjust their cooldown.- n-.o()V/-e./l-)b((1.(n

-Lastly is the button under your middle finger for your photon bombs; they are your most potent weapon. However, they have a full five-minute cooldown, and each time you use them, it will drain power from your shield generator, so be careful and only use them when necessary.-

-When you fire your photon bombs, they will launch from the black tube inside the short-range blasters.-

-Lastly, as I said, if you press and hold both thumb buttons, you can unleash all your weapons at the same time, which will place a heavy drain on your shields, but can get you out of a pinch; other than that, you have a couple of minutes to play around before you need to drop the stabilizers.-

-Oh, one more thing, if you hold the two blaster buttons, you can fire combination shots, but remember, everything you do reduces the power of your shields, so just be careful.-

-Since everything runs off your Mana, you don't need to worry about running out of power, per se, but you will eventually if you take too long. Everything you do in this illusion corresponds with what you are doing inside the Governess's Codex...but I don't need to tell you since this isn't your first time clearing the corruption.-

--PPPST, Go Read The Conduit's Requiem !!! (My New Series) Also, JOIN US, JOIN US IN THE DISCORD,

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