The Over-Break System

Chapter 616 Battle Over Corus...CODEX PLANE (2)

Chapter 616 Battle Over Corus...CODEX PLANE (2)

**Alright, Three chapters for today; Diablo 4 kidnapped me for a week, so I will make it up to yall by three chapters a day until we catch up to the monthly chapter goal.**

**The entirety of this mini-arc will have "Battle over Coruscant- EPIC FANTASY"? by Mikhail Lesogorov as its soundtrack, so grab it from the discord and set it on loop for the best experience.**




'I see,' was all Brance could say as his head spun from information overload. However, thanks to the combination of his INT and MIND stats, it wasn't too bad, and he could memorize everything quickly.

Still, it was nothing compared to if Cynrik were the one learning everything. Having wasted a good chunk of his last life playing video games and flight simulators, Brance didn't doubt that his brother wouldn't need any help from Tobs.

He would have instantly recognized everything before dropping his stabilizers and playing with the fighter ship.

That led him to a strange thought...

'Hey Tobs, should I replay this all for Cyn...or is that a bad idea?'

-Eh, he will probably get jealous and immediately start ordering all kinds of parts to build his own IRL ship. Unfortunately, I doubt he will be able to get his hands on everything, but he has memorized a few diagrams for the Eta-2 actis class interceptor, uh, the thing you are flying now.-

-It was with my aid and his memories that you could accurately recreate the ship; the only problem is if he has the technological know-how to build one. Either way, he would eventually succeed since he is stubborn as hell.-

Spinning her head and flashing her mono-eye, Tobs concluded, making Brance shiver at the potential destruction Cynrik could unleash if he made a ship like this in reality.

'It's better not to bring it up then; knowing him, a project that large would eat up all his time, and that isn't the best idea right now.' Brance stated as he pictured his older brother covered in grease like a mechanic.

-I mean, at least he won't end up bored, plus you guys will be stuck in the house for a while, so it wouldn't be a bad idea to give him a task to work on, or else you know how he gets.-

"Look alive, Brancie, it's almost time to drop our stabilizers and engage the enemy. Ehh, shit, that gate is fucking crawling with vulture droids," Cynrik complained as he narrowed his eyes and focused on the weird bug-like ships spilling out of the housings on either side of the large gate.

"I see them...oh, this will be easy." Wearing a smirk and speaking in a mocking tone, Brance quoted the movie alongside his imaginary brother and released the flight sticks to flip both toggles for his stabilizer wings.

In unison, Cynrik also dropped his stabilizers before regripping his flight sticks.

"Gs-7, do you copy?" Playing out the dialog, Brance got the GS squad to mark his position and fall in behind him as they drew closer to the swarm of "vulture droids."


Catching sight of Brance and company, the droids began unleashing a torrent of photon bombs and lasers, which caused turbulence for them as they got closer.

"Hehe, this is where the fun begins, little brother, WEAPONS ARE HOT. LET'S FUCK SOME SHIT UP!" Cynrik cackled as he pushed the throttles forward and did a spinning downward dive, causing some of the droids to follow suit.

"Oh, for fuck sake Cyn, we were supposed to let them pass between us, not break off, REMEMBER?" Brance didn't know whether to laugh or cry as he peeled off to the right, breaking up the formation of enemies and pulling the aggro of a batch while leaving the GS squadron to deal with the bulk of the swarm.


"BAH, this is our show now, not Anakin and Obiwan; we can do things our way Brancie, HAHAHA SHOCK ONE, DIE MOTHER FUCKERS DIEE HAHAHAHAH!" Loud booms and explosions added cadence to his words, causing Brance's head to snap in the direction his brother had gone, and he saw multiple fireballs indicating Cynrik was destroying the droids like flies.

However, it wasn't the explosions but Cynrik's manic laughter which sent a chill down Brance's spine, as he didn't doubt that was precisely how Cynrik would react if this were real and not an illusion.


Letting loose his medium and short-ranged blasters sequentially and spiraling downward to mirror his older brother's maneuver, Brance began engaging the enemy.


Colorful red and green explosions rocked his fighter left and right as the concussive blasts ripped through space; however, Brance kept his ship stable while counter-attacking as he rapidly swapped between the two blaster types.

"Cyn, I need you to stop playing around and target the shield generators on the left of the gate; I will target the ones on the right!"

Whipping his head all around to keep sight of the abundant enemies as his ship spun, flipped, and cut through the enemy, Brance gave his order.

To his joy, he then saw his brother's ship breaking off and heading toward the farthest bubble-like structure representing the shield generator.

"TSK, killjoy," with verbal complaints, moving freely and zipping through the increasing swarm of enemies, which were a manifestation of Cynrik's Umbra Mana; Illusion Cynrik destroyed everything before lining up and launching all his weapons on the bubble.


It didn't take even half a second for the bubble device to succumb to Illusion Cynrik's onslaught, and a massive explosion ensued as Cynrik weaved in and out of the debris before re-engaging with the vulture droids.

"Left shield gen is down; I am going back to play, have fun taking out your side Brancie!" Cynrik chirped as he jumped back into battle without helping Brance.

'Fucking asshole, hey Tobs, why is fake Cynrik just as annoying as the real one.' Brance complained as his cockpit shook violently, a sign that he had taken a few hits; luckily, his shields held, so there wasn't any damage.

-Don't look at me, he's a manifestation of your consciousness, and I had no hand in making him. All I did was nudge you in the right direction when it came to designing the venue layout and ships for the battle.-

'Sigh, greatttt, the way he is acting is no different than if he were actually here; I guess that means I can only rely on him for minor tasks.'

-Pretty much, after all, it's you working on clearing the Codex alone, err... well, right now, you are still attempting to break into the Governess's Mana circuits and Veins, but you get what I mean.-

Narrowly avoiding a wave of photon bombs, which threatened to throw him off course, Brance spun his ship and made a B-line straight for the right shield generator.

'Damn, these fuckers are hot on my tail,' Brance thought as he pushed both sticks to their forward maximum and picked up speed, which in turn slammed him into his seat.

If there was one thing he noticed, it was the high g-force his body experienced when making evasive maneuvers, something that seemed to be overlooked by every science fiction novel and movie he had ever read or watched.

If it weren't for his high resistance, there was no doubt Brance would be struggling greatly against the forces applied to his body, but luckily that wasn't the case.

--PPPST, Go Read The Conduit's Requiem !!! (My New Series) Also, JOIN US, JOIN US IN THE DISCORD,

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