The Over-Break System

Chapter 617 Battle Over Corus...CODEX PLANE (3)

Chapter 617 Battle Over Corus...CODEX PLANE (3)

**The entirety of this mini-arc will have "Battle over Coruscant- EPIC FANTASY"? by Mikhail Lesogorov as its soundtrack, so grab it from the discord and set it on loop for the best experience.**




If there was one thing Brance noticed, it was the high g-force his body experienced when making evasive maneuvers, something that seemed to be overlooked by every science fiction novel and movie he had ever read or watched.

If it weren't for his high resistance, there was no doubt Brance would be struggling greatly against the forces applied to his body, but luckily that wasn't the case.

Brance's eyes narrowed as he took sharp, short breaths and zoomed in toward the Shield generator at breakneck speeds.

Keeping his hands locked in position so that he didn't miss his target, he tapped both thumb buttons, held them to switch to all weapons, and launched a full power barrage onto the generator.


Knowing that he was coming in too fast, Brance immediately pulled back on both flight sticks while angling them to the right and, with near-expert precision, broke off from the gate before pulling back.

Only once he was safely away from the gate did he look over his shoulder and out the cockpit to double-check his attack had worked.

This simple act was utterly unnecessary, as the moment the generator was destroyed, the shields coating the gate blipped out of sight, and Ill-Cyn's obnoxious voice threatened to deafen Brance's right ear.

"HAHA! WELL, I'LL BE DAMNED; IT LOOKS LIKE YOU'RE A CRACK SHOT, BRANCIE! Huh? What in the actual fuck, oi oi oi." Ill-Cyn was mid-shout praise when confusion took over.


Brance didn't have to wait even a second or bother asking what was wrong because his illusionary older brother began cursing and screaming. n-.o()V/-e./l-)b((1.(n

"What the hell did you expect, Cynrik? The thing controlling the drones was located in the same spot as the shield generators; OF COURSE, THEY WOULD POWER DOWN!" Rolling his eyes and executing another flashy flight maneuver, Brance lined up alongside Ill-Cyn.

His eyes scanned the surrounding area, and he couldn't stop himself from whistling loudly at the sight of tens of thousands of motionless hunks of metal.

It was a surreal sight, as seconds earlier, all this floating space junk was moving around and shooting lasers all over the place; however, now they were no different than inanimate objects.

"Plus, why are you getting your panties in a twist? We are heading to a warzone; I don't doubt there will be more enemies; who knows, maybe we will get to fight something as large as star destroyers." Brance chided as he decided to ignore Ill-Cyn and have the GS-squadron group up and get ready for sortie.

"Tsk, there better be, or ima kick your ass when we get back." Illusionary Cynrik complained as he got comfortable in his cockpit and adjusted his stabilizers to cruise mode.

Since the battle was over, there was no need for either of them to be agile, especially since they were about to enter a lightspeed tunnel.

Although their ships could enter lightspeed, if Ill-Cyn or Brance were dumb enough to leave their stabilizers down, they would be ripped off the wings, and the destruction to the ship would be irreparable, leaving them dead in space.

It didn't take long for what remained of GS-squadron to get into formation behind Brance and ILL-Cyn, and once Brance had locked his stabilizers back in, he took point and guided everyone toward the gate.

"Sigh, how exactly am I supposed to open this thing there a password, like open that would be dumb." Drumming his fingers on the flight sticks, Brance lowered his ship's speed to a crawl and examined the hulking metal gate.

To his surprise, he did not need to take any further action because the instant he came within a certain distance from the gate, it trembled and opened wide enough that a group five times their size would be able to enter.

"Well...I didn't expect to see those guess it makes sense since we need to go hyperspeed to enter hyperspace." When the gate finally stopped moving, Ill-Cyn spoke up and flew his ship forward toward one of the two halo-like floating rings inside what could only be described as a large, grey tunnel.

By Brance's estimates alone, the tunnel appeared to be well over a kilometer wide and shaped like a giant hexagon; unfortunately, there wasn't anything interesting about its interior.

As far as Brance could see, it was never ending Grey walls; what was weird, though, was that the tunnel was dimly lit in warm yellow light.

"Hey, get your head out of your ass Brancie; link up with your hyperspace transport ring so we can get the hell to the so-called WAR you told me about. The longer we stay here, the more bored I will get." Looking over his shoulder and spotting Brance staring absentmindedly at the never-ending tunnel, Ill-Cyn snapped while finishing up the docking procedure, quickly working on the necessary adjustments to his ship and readying his Hyperdrive engine.

As stated, the Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor, IE the ship they were flying, came stock with a Class 1 hyperdrive rating, meaning with a few micro-adjustments to the ion engines and the addition of a hyperspace transport ring, they could easily make the jump to hyperspace.

"Uh...yeah, got it," Lost in thought, Brance went through the motions of linking up to his Hyperspace transport ring, and with a few switch toggles, button presses, and some much-needed help from R2-Tobsie, his ship began vibrating softly, indicating the Hyperspeed engine was whirling up.

"GS-Squadron, Ready your HS engines, and prepare to jump to hyperspace." Finishing up some last-minute adjustments under the aid of Tobs, Brance didn't forget to give the proper commands to the pilots flying behind him and Ill-Cyn.

"Sigh, it's jump to hyperspeed, Brance...not jump to hyperspace." Smacking his lips in disappointment, Ill-Cyn lazily glared at his younger brother.

"And that matters why?" Pulling up on his flight sticks, Brance questioned while turning them into horizontal throttles instead of vertically mounted sticks.

"Because you need to go hyperspeed to enter the hyperspace dimension. Come on; this is basic fucking SW knowledge." Noticing his younger brother swapping the grips of his flight sticks, Ill-Cyn corrected Brance while mirroring his physical actions.

"Well, excusssse me, Cynrik, since you're so smart, why don't you enlighten me on something? How fast are we supposed to go, oh so knowledgeable one?" Shooting Ill-Cyn a glare, Brance rebutted.

"Approximately 23,000 Mph...that is the estimated speed necessary to jump into the hyperspace dimension; at that point, we will break through the dimensions, er... I guess in the same way we do when entering the Shadow Realm, and so long as we don't drop below that threshold, we don't need to worry about dropping out of hyperspace." Shrugging his shoulders, Ill-Cyn slowly pushed the dual throttles forward and began moving down the tunnel.

"Of course you know the exact speeds and shit. Why wouldn't you know the most insignificant details from a famous movie franchise," Brance grumbled, causing R2-Tobsie to giggle at his expense.

--PPPST, Go Read The Conduit's Requiem !!! (My New Series) Also, JOIN US, JOIN US IN THE DISCORD,

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