The Over-Break System

Chapter 619 Battle Over Corus...CODEX PLANE (5)

Chapter 619 Battle Over Corus...CODEX PLANE (5)

**The entirety of this mini-arc will have "Battle over Coruscant- EPIC FANTASY"? by Mikhail Lesogorov as its soundtrack, so grab it from the discord and set it on loop for the best experience.**




"Holy...HOLY FUCK IS THAT THE GOD DAMN DEATHSTAR!!!" Ill-Cyn and Brance screamed in unison as the hulking behemoth of a metallic planetary weapon came into view.


Before either of them could admire the fake planet, Brance and Ill-Cyn were instantly greeted by a barrage of blasts, which took out two of the hyperspace engines on Brance's ring and four on Ill-Cyn's.

"No time to think, move!" Ill-Cyn shouted as he disengaged from his hyperspace transport ring, locked his throttles back into flight sticks, dropped his stabilizers, and fired his engine on full power spinning away from his ring right as it blew up.

Brance wasn't any slower in his reaction and mimicked his brother as he, too, put distance between his ring and engaged in battle with a swarm of vicious-looking enemy spaceships.

"DOWN, GO DOWN; GS-SQUADRON IS BREAKING OUT OF HYPERSPACE, DON'T GET HIT!" Ill-Cyn screamed as he spiraled down, weaving in and out of laser beams and explosions.

"I FUCKING KNOW THAT, CYN!" Brance's head was on a swivel as he shouted back and noticed a group of what he recognized to be Tie-fighters following him.

High above, in the void of space, Brance watched as, in groups of three, GS-squadron suddenly blipped into reality one after another, but unfortunately, even after he had given his command to be ready, multiple of the less than 100 ships were instantly vaporized by the enemy.

'Damn it,' Brance complained as he took out a handful of tie-fighters, only for another dozen to suddenly group up and chase him down.


The iconic sound made by the Tie-fighter engines was no different than the sound of death to Brance as he frantically tried to throw them off his tail; however, just as he feared he was going to be swarmed, and overwhelmed, nearly all of the enemy ships exploded after being hit by a volley of green beams.

"I got you Gold-Leader!" A familiar voice came through Brance's headset, making his head snap in the direction the green laser blasts originated.

' that a fucking X-wing?' With wide eyes, Brance executed multiple evasive rolls and flew up alongside a group of X-wings.

"Thanks for the help Red-Five; what is the situation," slightly starstruck because he recognized the pilot as a particular main character from the franchise; Brance was quick to use the call sign the young man had used during the big battle in the movie.

"Presently, there are four large squadrons, Red, Green, Hazel, and Purple; each one is designated a specific quadrant to handle; right now, we are in q4, or the northwest side of the D.Star." Red Five responded as he opened the iconic bladed wings of his X-wing.

"Make that Five; GS-Squadron, myself, and BR-1 are joining the fight. Has anyone attempted to push in on the D.Star?" Looking over his shoulder and seeing what remained of GS-squadron linking up with Red Squadron, Brance asked, until his eyes noticed someone missing from the group.

As per usual, fake or not, Cynrik wasn't one to be controlled and was off on his own, engaging the nearest enemy forces. Shaking his head and deciding to join his fake brother, Brance looked back at Red Five, awaiting a response.

"No, we have sent multiple pilots over, but they get shot down before we can ever cause any damage; why, have any brilliant ideas we can use?" Red Five replied, gesturing to his squad to separate and fight the opposing force.

"I've got a couple, but we need to thin the herd of tie-fighters and vulture droids before we can do anything else."

"Although I'd like to rush in and try attacking the prime target, I see multiple star destroyers and other enemy forces, so we need to work on them before we go after the big boss."

"Copy that Gold-Leader, stay frosty out there, and do try not to get trapped again; I can't always swoop in to save the day, you know, I am only one guy. Red Five out!"? With that said, Red Five broke away from Brance and dove headfirst into battle.

'Che, only one guy with protagonist plot armor and force powers.' Brance snorted before heading off to join Ill-Cyn; smiling bitterly, Brance angled himself away from the Red squadron and met up with Ill-Cyn, but wasn't prepared for his cheeky fake brother's antics.

"Oh, lookie here, if it isn't my little brother. Have you finally gotten your bearings and come to kill steal me? I'll have you know, I've already wrecked 58 vulture droids and a dozen tie-fighters, so if you plan on catching up to my kill count, you better hurry up!" Inverting his ship and flying over the top of Brance, Ill-Cyn flipped him the bird and then spun away while cackling like a madman.

Feeling at a loss for words, Brance gritted his teeth and unleashed a mixture of short and medium-range laser attacks on a nearby cluster of vulture droids.

'Tobs, remind me to punch Cynrik in the face when I get outta this battle.' Brance thought while expertly navigating the void of space and taking down one enemy after another.

-Uh...real Cyn, or Ill-Cyn...-

Turning her round head to look at Brance through her mono-eye, Tobs asked with concern apparent in her voice.

'Yes.' Was all he replied with, causing Tobs to frown mentally. She could understand wanting to hit Ill-Cyn since he had been nothing but annoying since the start of the fight, but if Brance randomly walked up and decked his brother in the jaw IRL, wouldn't that be no different than a wife waking up after having a dream that her spouse cheated on her and beating her husband half to death?

Deciding it was better to stay quiet instead of answering or, worse yet, asking a dumb question, Tobs spun her head in the opposite direction and chose to target nearby enemies so they would show up on Brance's radar.

It wasn't much, but since she was severely limited in what she could do to help, she figured it was better than staying idle.

For about an hour, the battle in Q4 was heated, and many incidents of Brance and Ill-Cyn nearly getting shot down occurred, but somehow they came out in one piece.

Strangely enough, as time passed, and the longer they fought, the better they both became at piloting their ships, until eventually, Red Five flew up alongside Brance and got his attention.

Noticing the x-wing, Brance flipped a switch on the center console of his cockpit and changed the radio frequency to the one meant for Red Squadron.

"Gold-Leader, we need you to disengage Q4 and head over to Q3; they are requesting assistance and are under heavy fire, so we are sending your group over." Red Five stated with a worried expression.

"Copy..." pausing to swap channels to the one meant for Gs-Squadron, Brance started issuing orders as he noticed Red Five pull away and get back into the fight.

"Gs-7, we need to head over to Q3, break away, and head over now."

"Copy that Gold-Leader, breaking away and heading to Q3," GS-7 replied as he linked up with the rest of the multi-pilot ships Brance knew were from Episode three of the franchise, a stark contrast to the X-wings and ships he recognized from the later movies.

--PPPST, Go Read The Conduit's Requiem !!! (My New Series) Also, JOIN US, JOIN US IN THE DISCORD,

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