The Over-Break System

Chapter 620 Battle Over Corus...CODEX PLANE (6)

Chapter 620 Battle Over Corus...CODEX PLANE (6)

**The entirety of this mini-arc will have "Battle over Coruscant- EPIC FANTASY"? by Mikhail Lesogorov as its soundtrack, so grab it from the discord and set it on loop for the best experience. Of course, there is a special cameo song, so do play that one for a bit before switching back.**




"Gs-7, we need to head over to Q3, break away, and head over now."

"Copy that Gold-Leader, breaking away and heading to Q3," GS-7 replied as he linked up with the rest of the multi-pilot ships Brance knew were from Episode three of the franchise, a stark contrast to the X-wings and ships he recognized from the later movies.

Breaking away from the fight, Brance shoved both flight sticks forward and soon reached his top-flight speed with the stabilizers down, but that didn't mean he was out of danger because no sooner than did he head toward Q3 did a large mixed squadron of enemies followed suit.

"Oi, Brancie, if you are going to drag us out suddenly, stay on your toes and expect to get followed," Flying up beside him and unleashing a barrage of lasers, Ill-Cyn saved Brance's ass and took out a large chunk of the enemy forces, enough so that the ones following him thought twice about continuing their pursuit and turned back.

"Sigh, isn't that what you are here for, to be my wingman?" Brance snorted as he angled his ship at a 45-degree angle and whizzed through another battlefield without being touched by any attacks.

"Nah, I'm not your wingman; you're mine, don't get it fucked up, little brother," Ill-Cyn, clearly unhappy with Brance's words, quickly replied as he pulled up alongside him and glared.

"You know, ima needs you to stop cross-pollinating your movie references, TopGun or SW, pick one and stick to it; the sudden shifting quotes are getting on my nerves."

"Bah, at least I don't have Tobs playing the theme song from TopGun, hell I could use some Kenny Loggins right now; that would make this much more enjoyable." playing "Danger Zone" By Kenny Loggins.-

"HAHA, THAT'S MY GIRL; LETS GOOO!" Cheering obnoxiously, Ill-Cyn twisted both flight sticks and started a horizontal spiraling barrel roll while laying into his laser cannons.


"Oh, for fuck sake Tobs, why are you humoring him...." Shaking his head, Brance didn't know whether to laugh or cry, especially since the actions of Ill-Cyn tracked perfectly with how his brother would react in real life.

-I mean...he had a point; danger zone is the way to go, Brancie! WOOOOOOOOWWWWW!-

Spinning her head, Tobs got into the upbeat song and even rattled about in her droid seat along with the music, causing Brance to smile bitterly as he rolled his eyes and engaged the vanguard forces of Q3.

"Headin' into twilight, Spreadin' out her wings tonight!"

'Great, now he's fucking singing along...' Complaining in his head, Brance didn't realize he was subconsciously tapping his feet along with the beat and even ended up executing flashy maneuvers as he tore through one enemy after another.

Luckily, he was smart enough not to press too hard on the foot pedals, which were used for breaking, but he couldn't help but admit the song did add a bit to the experience.

"TOBSIE GOT ME JUMPIN' OFF THE DECK, SHOVIN' INTO OVERDRIVE HAHAHAHAHA! DIE YOU FUCKERS DIEEEE!" With Ill-Cyn having the time of his life, blowing up everything in sight, it didn't take long for the brothers to take the strain off the allied Purple Squadron, and soon enough, they got word to move on to Q2, where their assistance was required.

Like they had with Q3, Brance, Ill-Cyn, and what remained of GS-Squadron, made quick work of the enemy forces in Q2, relieving Hazel-Squadron, before heading over to the final quadrant, Q1.

However, unlike their previous experiences, when they arrived at Q1, there wasn't a friendly ship in sight, and what awaited them was a fleet of enemies with weapons charged and waiting...all of Green-Squadron had been eliminated. They unknowingly walked...or flew into an ambush.

"FUCK, CYN, GS-7! EVASIVE MANUEVERS, IT'S A TRAP!" Brance shouted as he pulled hard on both flight sticks and shot vertically into the void of space, narrowly avoiding a massive red and blue energy beam.

"SHIT!" Was all Ill-Cyn could say as his right-wing grazed the particle beam, tearing through his shields and causing a large amount of damage to the right side of his ship.


"DAMN IT! CYN STATUS REPORT!" Snapping his head twice in his fake brother's direction, Brance made a hard left turn and circled the enemy, a massive star destroyer, and two fleets of drone ships and tie-fighters.

"I am fine; my ship, on the other hand...shields took a massive hit there, and I can only get them primed back up o 43%; they won't charge passed that point." Ill-Cyn's fingers tapped away on the multitude of buttons on his armrests as he diagnosed the damage aloud.

"Both my vertical and horizontal stabilizers on the right side of my fighter are shot; I am limping here, Brancie!"

"Fuck...FUCK! GS-7 REPORT!" Frantic and attempting to weave in and out of the fire, Brance dropped down alongside Ill-Cyn, released both flight sticks, and gripped his armrests while glowing with Mana.

In half a second, a flash of White and Gold Light blotted out his vision, and all the damage to Ill-Cyn's ship was instantly repaired; however, now, Brance was covered in sweat and gasping for air.

What he had done was send a powerful pulse of HolyFire and Light Mana through his ship and directly into Ill-Cyns, and this was only possible because he had brought down his left wing onto the damaged right wing, forming a circuit between the two ships, allowing for the transfer of Mana between them. n()o--v-)e))L)-b--1/-n


"I Read you give me a damage report GS-7." Catching his breath and regripping his flight sticks, Brance shot forward and engaged the fleet of attack ships.

"We only have three Arc-370 starfighters, five z-95s, and three gunships left, Sir...everyone else was lost in the ambush," GS-7 stated in a dire tone filled with sadness.

'11 ships left in GS-Squadron, and then there is Cyn and isn't enough...we don't have enough forces to combat an entire fleet.' Brance thought as his eyes scanned the imposing space army before him.

'Then there's the D.Star...everything is a metaphor for what I am doing with my subconscious...what am I supposed to do now...' Feeling helpless and underpowered for the first time in a very long time, Brance didn't know what to do.

Usually, this was the point where Cynrik would come up with a crazy plan that would no doubt end up failing at some point but still put them in a decent position where recovery and victory were ensured.

-Don't panic; keep a level head and plot out what needs to be done, Brancie. Not all of the Governess's Chloro Mana was destroyed by the Death Mana; there is still a lot lingering around on the fringes of her Codex; you need to coax it into joining you in the battle.-

Reading his mind and understanding the helplessness her host was experiencing, Tobs refused to allow the dark thoughts threatening his mind to take over.

--PPPST, Go Read The Conduit's Requiem !!! (My New Series) Also, JOIN US, JOIN US IN THE DISCORD,

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