The Over-Break System

634 Raiding The Vault (2)

Soon enough, he was back on his feet, and in the same position as before, only this time, he mumbled the numbers he had cracked, allowing Selene to hear. 

In an unspoken agreement, she began memorizing them not to feel useless in case he asked for them later, not that she expected him to. 

"107.5, 423.3, 221.2, 012, 339, 08, 297.5, 03, 444, 104.9," when he got to the final number, Cynrik crept to a crawl because he knew it was in the 104 range but didn't know how high of a decimal he needed to reach.

That was why he had passed it and ended up resetting everything originally, the decimals were annoying because initially, it wouldn't make a sound as he passed the whole number, but the instant he hit a certain point, the click would occur.

Up until now, the highest decimal he had hit was 0.5, so when he didn't see any Sound Particles upon hitting the 0.5 mark, Cynrik instinctually continued to 105, completely ignoring the fact that there could be a higher decimal, and thus, he passed 0.9 and screwed everything up. 

A careless mistake was caused by his complacency and ended up setting him back half an hour. Still, he didn't worry about it too much because, at the very least, he got to enjoy getting a massage from his woman while resting his head in her lap, so overall, it was two steps forward, one step back. 

Plate by plate, Cynrik slowly and methodically worked through each spin of the dial until he reached the 20th plate, where he paused before ticking away in such a way that each decimal point was observed until finally, Cynrik saw the cluster of Sound particles indicating he had connected plate 19 to plate 20 causing him to exhale.

"Plate 20, 499.9, fuck, that was nerve-racking," he mused while glancing over at Selene, who was still sitting on her pillow. 

"Hey, at least you didn't goof up this time, although I would have loved to give you another nap and massage; the quicker you crack into this vault, the faster we can get out of here and continue exploring." Teasing Cynrik, Selene stuck out her tongue and smiled, to which he rolled his eyes before getting back to work. 

25, 30, 35, 40, 45…49, by the time Cynrik got to the 50th and final plate, he had been hard at work for over 4 hours, and thanks to the taxing use of his filtering ability, Cynrik's vision was blurring, and the lines had extended across his entire face, making him look like a burn patient. 

'Please be easy, please be easy, please be easy," Cynrik chanted in his head three times as he spun the dial for the final time; if he fucked up here, it was no different from getting blue-balled after hours of foreplay. 

The Code for plate 49 was 326; however, as he spun the dial in the opposite direction and reached 325, there was a loud click, followed by the array of gears moving on top of a loud THUNK as the bar positioned above the plates slammed down and into place.

"LETS FUCKING GOOO!!! EASY WORK IS EASY WORK, SEE I KNEW SAYING THINGS THREE TIMES WAS THE FUCKING WAY!" Spinning around and revealing his horrendously marred face to Selene, Cynrik was all smiles and excitement as the gears inside of the Vault door moved, generating a faint rumbling through the basement. 

However, when he noticed the worried look in Selene's eyes and her not joining him in his excitement, he knew he had fucked up somewhere. 

Unfortunately, he didn't have the time to ask what was wrong, as his vision went black…and he fell face first toward the ground, unconscious. 

  -Sigh, I was worried about this…why must he always push his body to the limits to prove his stupid theories true.-

Tobs stated while floating up and watching Selene race forward to catch Cynrik before he could hit the ground. 

"What's wrong with him, Tobs?" as she spoke in a hurried tone, Selene retrieved a cocktail of all three Mana potions, rolled Cynrik onto his back with his head in her lap, and began feeding them to him, starting with the Mana potion. 

  -On the surface, nothing other than his Stamina and MP being low, internally…well, he won't be able to use [Mana Sight] for a few hours until his eyes recover.-

  -By over-exerting his ocular nerves with that new filtration ability, he essentially destroyed every nerve ending in his eye, rendering him completely blind temporarily.-

  -Other than popping his eyeballs like grapes, they are entirely shredded under the flesh. Frankly, I can't help but be amazed that he didn't react to the pain and probably doesn't even realize how much damage he has done to himself.-

"For fuck sake," Selene growled as she resisted the urge to beat up her unconscious Maður.

"All I ask is one day where he doesn't somehow end up maiming himself for the sake of our Honeymoon, and he goes and does this." After finishing the first batch of potions, Selene took out some healing salve from her inventory and began rubbing it on Cynrik's closed eyelids, hoping it would speed up the healing process. 

  -To be fair, you never openly stated that and only thought it once yall left the Shadow Realm…plus you can't fault him for his nature; you know as well as I that he has always been like this. So there is no point in trying to change him.-

Shrugging her shoulders, Tobs landed on Cynrik's chest and gave him a couple of pouty stomps on his sternum before crossing her arms in disdain. 

Although her actions were intended to get back at her host, in Selene's eyes, it only came off as cute or adorable, so even though she was upset that her Maður was in such a state, she still smiled and almost ended up giggling at the Fairy AI's antics. 

That little incident aside, the two fell silent and patiently waited for Cynrik to wake up. 

"Will it be like this every time he uses his new ability?" After twenty minutes, Selene finally asked. Acknowledging there was nothing further she could do after using the salve and potions, Selene ended up sitting there with his head in her lap, rubbing his cheeks. 

  -Mmm, no, or at least I don't think so…as you know, the two of you have your "Zenkai" boost, as Cynrik calls it, so his body will adapt to the strain quickly.-

  -Not only is that a thing, but the [Mana Sight] skill by itself works like a muscle, where the more it's used, the stronger it becomes, so between the stress of overuse, and his "Zenkai" boost, I have no doubt that he will be able to persist two to three times longer than he previously did when using the Mana Filter ability of his ocular skill.-

  -For now, let's wait it out; you should probably make yourself comfortable, though; I expect him to be unconscious for at the minimum 4 hours, while the max is 12.-

--PPPST, Go Read The Conduit's Requiem !!! (My New Series) Also, JOIN US, JOIN US IN THE DISCORD,

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