The Over-Break System

635 Raiding The Vault (3)

Contrary to what Tobs predicted, it only took Cynrik 2 and a half hours to wake up, but when he did, his eyes fluttered open; to anyone looking at them, it was apparent that they were absent of light and unfocused.

"Ah…shit, looks like I fucked up this time…" he murmured while trying to understand his situation. 

From the plush pillow under his head, Cynrik could tell he was resting in Selene's lap, and by the lack of response from her when he spoke and the faint breathing he could hear coming from his woman, Cynrik determined she had fallen asleep while watching over him. 

'So how bad is it, Tobs?' Re-closing his eyes and trying his best not to move so that he didn't wake Selene, Cynrik asked the only person who didn't sleep. 

  -Bad…if it were anyone else, they would be blind for the rest of their life.-

-Not even Brance's healing skills could do anything for your vision, although they could heal the immense physical damage you caused to the nerves in your eyes; none of his Light Affinity Skills, in their present form, can restructure something as delicate as the Oculus.-

-One false move and boom, you can't see the color green; the damage is so immense that apart from ripping your eyes out and growing new ones with High Tiered skills, there would typically be no fix for them.-

  -In overusing the new Filtration ability of your [Mana Sight,] you basically shredded the fleshy insides of your eyeballs, turning them into soup.-

  -Luckily, or unluckily since you'll never learn your lesson, between your Supreme Mana Body, Zenkai boost, and high regeneration factor, you will be healed up in the next few hours as long as you keep your eyes closed and focus on repairing them.-

'Well, I suppose it was to be expected; the longer I held the Ability active, the blurrier my vision became, so I felt this would be the outcome. Still, turning my eyes to soup, that's a bit funny.' Wearing a bitter smile, Cynrik relaxed on Selene's lap and began running multiple applications for his new Ability through his mind. 

'For starters, I should be able to track people's Mana signatures, so long as I can see them once. The only question is how long the emitted particles stick around in the air.'

  -It depends on the strength of the being or Individual. The higher someone's power is, the stronger and more invasive their Natural Mana is when introduced to ambient particles.-

  -Let's take Geralt as an example; after activating a skill, his converted Mana will interact with the ambient Mana for some time, leaving a trail where ever he goes, for at the very least half an hour, whereas someone like Aiden who hasn't even broken through to Tier-2, would at best have a Mana Signature that floated around for maybe 1-2 minutes.- 

  -Since the young lad is only at the starting gate of power, his particles can hardly affect the surrounding and naturally occurring Mana; thus, they will disperse relatively quickly, like taking a handful of ice cubes and tossing them into a warm pool.-

  -In contrast, think of Geralt's Mana like dropping a big chunk of ice the size of your head into a pool, it will eventually dissolve, but it will take more time than, say, a scattering of cubes.-

'Makes sense, I think…honestly, I figured it would be the reverse, but how you explained it has merit.' 

Mentally nodding his head, and feeling the light brush against his shirt, indicating that Tobs had landed on his chest and was no doubt gloating due to his praise, Cynrik continued formulating different uses for his new Filtration ability until he felt Selene shifting in place. 

"Morning, sleepy head," Tilting his face up to where he estimated Selene to be looking at him from, Cynrik kept his eyes close and flashed her a small smile. 

"Would you look at that! If it isn't my reckless and insane Eiginmaður, who cares not about his body and seems to get joy from scaring his beloved Kona any chance possible?" Selene snorted with fake bravado. 

Although her words said one thing, the gentle and loving caresses on Cynrik's cheek told him otherwise, so he caught her hand and kissed it lightly. 

"Better now than in the heat of battle; at least this way, I will get stronger; what are a few short hours of blindness in the grand scheme?" Releasing her hand so that Selene could continue caressing his cheeks, Cynrik teased, earning him a soft slap on the face. 

"So, is the vault door open or just unlocked?" After sharing a moment of silence, Cynrik asked. To his knowledge, the door should have become slightly ajar when unlocked, but he figured he'd ask anyway. 

"No, it's still closed, but it should be easy to open once you get your vision back; why?" Tilting her head to the side while her right hand played with Cynrik's ponytail, Selene responded while looking up at the large vault door.

"Hm, in movies, it always opens when unlocked; I guess things are different here, especially since the Vault is more than likely pressurized and climate controlled. 

Knowing his Kona as well as he did, Cynrik didn't bother asking if she had gone in to look at the items stored in the Vault because there was no doubt in his mind that the instant he passed out, Selene had made him her primary focus, completely ignoring the Vault or treasures hiding inside. 


Two hours later, Tobs hopped off Cynrik's chest and floated over to his face; under Selene's watchful and protective gaze, she landed on his forehead and bent down to examine his closed eyes.

  -You're good to go; they've fully healed. Take it easy when you get up, though; because your [Mana Sight] has evolved to Tier-4, things will look slightly different, and even your natural vision has increased.-

The inspection was quick and technically unnecessary, as Tobs already knew his state at a glance; however, having been with Cynrik for so long, she had gained his love of theatrics and decided to put on a little show for Selene. 

Hearing Tobs' words, Cynrik's eyes fluttered open, and he was greeted by the haughty fairy standing on his face with her hands on her hips and the loving smile of his Kona. 

"YAWN! What a comfortable nap I had, mmm, waking up seeing your face…that's something I hope I never get used to, heh." Wearing a smirk, Cynrik spoke as if waking from a long night's sleep while Selene brushed Tobs aside, leaned down, and stole his lips for a quick peck. 

"Such a dork, you weren't sleeping; why act like you had been?" Leaning back and giggling, Selene asked. 

"Why not? There's no harm in it, anyway; as much as I'd love to continue enjoying your lap pillow, we have gubbins to swipe, and I promise you, the things in that Vault are worth it." Sitting up and hopping to his feet, Cynrik quickly dusted himself off and fought a wave of nausea his new vision brought about. 

--PPPST, Go Read The Conduit's Requiem !!! (My New Series) Also, JOIN US, JOIN US IN THE DISCORD,

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