Under Su Qi's torture.

The old dean, who only had a sheep's head left, finally revealed the whereabouts of the key and a password with fear in his eyes.

Su Qi pondered: "It is actually placed in a secret room with a password. It seems that it is quite difficult to get it through the normal game process."

Old Dean: "."

Is this why you directly chose to overturn the orphanage?

The traveling merchant also came over at this moment and looked at the old dean with a sheep head.

As soon as he appeared, the fear in the old dean's eyes rose like fire, and he began to tremble crazily.

"To be honest, what's going on with this sheep head? This is not the first time I've seen it." Su Qi asked, then paused and added: "You don't need to pay for this information, right?"

The traveling businessman did not answer the next sentence and said calmly: "You can be regarded as a totem of a certain god. This kind of totem is scattered in countless worlds. When evil thoughts are born and guided by them, terror will come to this world."

His eyes under the golden glasses were extremely calm: "This guy was originally a human and suffered from a fatal disease. It seems that in order to survive, he completed a certain ritual and became like this, and other people around him... The sources of pollution caused by the ritual have turned into monsters.”

"Another source of pollution."

Su Qi raised his eyebrows and looked at the group of orphans lying on the ground and fainting around them. They were contaminated and turned into weirdos. After being abandoned by their families, they were brought to this prison-like place by the old dean. of orphanages.

"This is a common thing in many worlds. Some are more miserable. Everyone lives in a hell that completely collapses and turns into a doomsday." The traveling businessman's eyes moved slightly and he stared at the old dean: "But... I am more I’m curious, who taught you that ritual?”

When the old dean heard the traveling merchant's question, he looked extremely frightened and did not dare to disobey. He quickly said in a trembling hoarse voice: "They are a group of strange outsiders. They have different clothes from us. They said that as long as they bring Allah If I spread my power into the world, I will be liberated and embraced by God."

This MLM slogan looks a bit familiar.

Su Qi's eyes moved slightly, and he drew a pattern on the ground with his spikes: "Do they have such tattoos on their bodies?"

Although the old dean only had half of his neck left, he still nodded desperately. His cloudy eyes were not completely dead yet, and he was making his final defense: "I just want to live. Even in the end, I just plan to be alone after I am successfully transformed." Go to that world alone.”

Su Qi nodded calmly and picked up the ax: "That's very good, but don't say it."

However, the traveling businessman stopped him and spoke softly: "Let me ask you a question. Since you claim to be a believer in Allah, are a source of pollution yourself, and have used rituals, it seems that you have communicated with those things in the abyss. "

"Have you known the word 'despicable' lately?"

The old dean was slightly startled: ".No."


The traveling businessman flicked his fingertips, and the entire sheep's head exploded.

"what's the situation?"

Su Qi was surprised and wanted to avoid the pieces of flesh that exploded, but he was overly worried. The opponent turned into ashes without leaving even a trace of flesh and blood.

"Now that almost all the pollution in the world has been spread, this guy claims to be a believer in Allah, but he is completely unaware of it." The traveling businessman said calmly: "It doesn't even have this value, so there is no need to continue to waste time."

Su Qi: "."

The old dean was in such a miserable state. It took him ten years, but in the end he couldn't even get started.

No, I almost did it, but I got messed up by myself.

Su Qi asked: "Then the question is, what does despicable mean?"

The traveling businessman glanced at this guy:

"You are too weak, such existence is too far away from you, and curiosity will pay a price."

"The matter is almost settled."

At this moment, the traveling businessman had the strength to rush towards his cane. He tapped it gently in the air, and ripples appeared like ripples. The cane actually opened a passage directly in the air.

He stepped forward and walked over.

The voice of the traveling businessman came softly: "Anyway, keep growing, little guy. Maybe next time we meet, the value of your thing will increase."

Su Qi watched silently as the traveling merchant disappeared into the messy ruins.

He shook his head: "Why do you want to be a Riddler?"

"Despicable person?"

This name is obviously a code name. The person who took it seems to be a person who is not very upright, and it has been spread in the polluted world. It seems that there must be a super big shot involved.

He said to himself: "You will find out later."

Su Qi didn't stand still either. He followed the place he just asked and found a hidden grid in the ruins. Sure enough, there was a mechanical digital code on it.

He turned it open and got a key.

"How much effort it took to get this key!" Su Qi left the ruins.

The people who had fainted around them were waking up one after another, covering their heads.

They looked around blankly.

The ruins and ruins are everywhere. The terrifying black vortex that I saw at that time has disappeared, and the old dean is not here either.

what happens?

Was it a success or a failure?

At this time, Su Qi's figure also walked out of the ruins and looked at the confused people:

"woke up?"

"It seems like you still have some potential."

If ordinary people are hit by those mental pollutions, they will not be able to get up for a day or two.

And these guys actually woke up after only sleeping for a while.

Although the source of pollution made them look like this, it also gave them some other physiques.

"Brother Su!" Pomelo Cat looked at Su Qi and murmured: "Did it succeed! Did we win?"

Su Qi threw the key in his hand to them:

"Key to the door. Once you open it, you can leave the orphanage."

Everyone cheered, some hugged each other with tears in their eyes, and some knelt on the ground crying.

"I can finally go home!"

Yuzu Cat quickly picked up the key and couldn't wait to run to the front door.


Su Qi's voice reached their ears: "You have to understand one thing. Although the source of terror has been eliminated, the impact has not been eliminated. You were not sent here for vacation, but were forced to Abandoned and thrown away like monsters, and based on the operation of the old director of the pollution source for ten years, this number is probably not a small number."

"Are you ready to go back?"

Everyone's expressions were dull. After staying in this closed place for a long time, they would sometimes forget some things, but when Su Qi mentioned it, their expressions showed their despair.

Yes, they are still just abandoned orphans.

Su Qi glanced at them, and the others were shaken. However, the three men with the snake heads lowered their heads, their eyes were deep in thought, and they seemed to be thinking about this matter seriously.

at this time.

The door of the orphanage has been opened by Yuzu Cat.

The old despair has been buried, and new hope is waiting for them along with difficulties.

Su Qi looked at the prompt for completion of the main mission and the countdown to the dungeon, and threw the [return note] that he couldn't take away to the snake-headed man and the others.

"This thing should be of some use, take it."

The snake-headed man took it and seemed to notice something. He looked at Su Qi with some surprise: "Chief, are you leaving?"

Suki nodded.

"The next thing is for you to consider."

He started the copy transfer.

Immediately afterwards, his body gradually dissipated like light particles.

Everyone stared at this scene blankly, and they all knelt down as if they had seen a miracle.

The snake-headed man, the crocodile brother, and the spider boy even shouted hoarsely:


The sound echoed in the orphanage for a long time.

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