"Three lunatics."

Su Qi returned to her personal login space.

Why are you shouting so loudly? It's like going to a funeral.

[Player Su Buxian has cleared the single-player special restricted copy No. 978913]

[Game Difficulty: Nightmare]

【Game Rating: 100】

【Settlement in progress】

[Obtain perfect level clearance experience points and 3,000 game coins for special dungeons, and you can participate in a lottery]

[Your level has been raised to level 12]

[Acquire 23 points of assignable attributes]

[Summary of the copy: The compassionate life in the Cage Land was finally liberated with your arrival. Although the method deviated from the main line, it still had a good ending. Whether intentional or not, you have turned the wheel of fate. , changed their future]

"Upgraded two levels in a row."

Su Qi looked at the experience value: "It seems that the experience value of this special type of dungeon is higher than others. With the bonus of nightmare difficulty and single-player dungeon, it is not surprising."

[Your level has exceeded level 10, and the novice protection mechanism has been offline]

[Note: After level 10, death in a dungeon will trigger the penalty mechanism and lose experience points and game currency (the higher the level, the greater the penalty cost, except for PVP type dungeons)]

[Note: The team copy matching mechanism no longer distinguishes between new players and closed beta players, copy content restrictions are lifted, and the balance algorithm is adjusted]

"Death penalty." Su Qi thought of Xun Xiaohuan when he saw this. He guessed: "Could that guy be kicked out of the paradise because of the death penalty and start from scratch?"

He can control flying knives, but it does not come from the characteristics of the equipment, and it does not seem to be a skill. It is more like a telepathic talent.

"We have just left the novice protection mechanism. It seems there are still a lot of things worth exploring." Su Qi is looking forward to this.

And this time.

The information in his mailbox suddenly popped up forcefully.

[Notice: The first update of the game will start at 12:00 noon on October 22nd (please note: the matching entrance is now closed and will not affect players in the ongoing copy). The updated version is 2.0, and the expected update time is 2 hours】

"Update." Su Qi paused and remembered the official announcement. It was said before that the version would be launched in the daily store after the update, and there would be a lot of other content.

The matching interface is dimmed and cannot be used.

Su Qi looked at the lottery system again, and it was still the same. He couldn't even allocate attribute points.

"It seems that the personal login space is temporarily suspended, so I have to log off first."

The update time of "Abyss Paradise" is not unreasonable.

Since the public beta of this game, many players have forgotten all about sleep and food, and even stayed in it around the clock. Some people can play four or even five copies non-stop 24 hours a day.

Of course, the game's sleep mode is not yet online, so even if players can sleep in the dungeon, they will still feel tired and sleepy after returning to their personal space.

Su Qi came out of the game cabin and looked at the time. It was only after eleven o'clock. He paced and opened the curtains.

"It seems that the weather is not bad today. You can go to the market to buy some things. The refrigerator has been empty for a long time recently."

He put on a coat and went straight out to the vegetable market.

Su Qi used to be a good bargainer, but now that he can see the question mark, it becomes even easier.

"Brother, buy a chicken."

Wait, what to buy?

The chicken vendor smiled sincerely: "Domestic chickens, raised on millet."

Su Qi saw [chicken that died of illness and contained drug residue]


"Weigh three kilograms of fruit, right?"

"Okay, okay, exactly three pounds." The fruit vendor showed the number on his scale to Su Qi.


【One pound and seven taels】

He put it down directly, turned around and left.

After walking around the vegetable market, Su Qi finally bought something like opening a blind box before returning it.

He took out his mobile phone and sent Liu Yishou all the addresses and reasons of each problematic business.

Then he forwarded several videos, each with thought-provoking titles.

[Rectification is urgent! 】

【Don’t let waiting become a regret! 】

[If I dare to do this kind of thing now, I don’t even dare to think of anything else I dare to do in the future! 】

About ten seconds later.

Liu Yishou responded to the message.


He said slowly: "I hope you haven't forgotten that I am a member of the Investigation Bureau. Such matters should be reported to market supervision."

Su Qi retweeted another one.

【Shock! After repeated reports to no avail, the customer actually came to kill me! 】


"Forget it, I know, I will react."

Liu Yishou was a little helpless. After a few seconds, he said, "Did you have any nightmares yesterday?"

"Yes, but I don't think it's a big problem." Su Qi didn't hide it. The black shadow had become his servant overnight, even serving tea and water.

"That's good, but you have to be careful."

Liu Yishou said slowly: "It's difficult to deal with weird things. You have to rely on yourself, and it will grow day by day as it absorbs the host's own negative emotions."

"And it's also linked to the spirit. That girl is now focusing on the mental attribute, and she's much better. You've just been haunted now, and the weirdness hasn't grown up yet, so it's too late."

"Okay, I'll pay attention."

There were no signs of the strangeness before, but now I know that the black shadow can actually grow, absorbing negative emotions such as fear and terror.

But the sunny and cheerful boy is not called him for nothing.

And since it is linked to the mental attribute, there is no need to worry.

"By the way, let me ask one more question, did you arrange the games this morning?" Liu Yishou asked abruptly. He had to do this. There was no record of Su Qi in the park, so he had to ask Su Qi himself.

"Well, solo queue. Completed the level perfectly." Su Qi was not polite.

"The difficulty is perfect. It's amazing. It seems to be at least 80 points or above." Liu Yishou was confident. In this case, if he reported it, Su Qi's place would be guaranteed.

Su Qi asked "?" 'give him.


"Did I say it's difficult?"


"Downward association, right? It's nightmare difficulty, rated 100."


"Real or false! A perfect nightmare! How did you do this!" Liu Yishou typed a series of words in a daze.

A message came from Su Qi: "Don't ask, as long as you have the skills."


After returning home.

Su Qi soaked the dried mushrooms, cut the purchased chicken legs into pieces, used cooking wine to remove the smell, and then poured some of the water in which the dried mushrooms were soaked.

As for his cooking skills, he felt that he was completely worthy of the pig-headed man.

If the conditions didn't allow it at the time.

He felt that he could still have a good time with this guy.

An hour later.

The aroma of the braised chicken was already wafting out. Su Qi added the green and red pepper cubes and simmered it for a few minutes before taking it out.

“These days, you still have to cook for yourself.”

Suki turned on her phone while enjoying her lunch.

He flipped through the short videos and soon felt bored. Then he opened the forum again and after a quick scroll, he saw a post.

【Shock! Abyss Paradise actually appeared a long time ago】

"Ah this."

Su Qi clicked on it and saw a photo of an old newspaper. It published a suicide incident. Before committing suicide, someone wrote his last words in blood on the floor: "I should not have entered this abyss."

The newspaper time was twenty years ago.

The people in the post only thought of him as the original poster. After all, the word "abyss" represents a lot of inner meanings.

Su Qi watched carefully, but after half a minute, the post suddenly disappeared.

The art of deleting posts?

Official power.

"If there is really a connection, then the span behind it is not small, and this part of the content can only be understood after entering the so-called paradise."

After Su Qi finished eating, it was almost time for the update and maintenance to end.

He didn't rush in. After dinner, he washed the dishes and digested himself before lying down in the game cabin.

"Let's see what's been updated."

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