[Your level has been limited to level 1, and the skill bar and inventory bar are temporarily unavailable]

Ignore this message that pops up again.

Su Qi slowly opened his eyes.

Then he found himself sitting on a chair in a bedroom with yellow walls and a black and red carpet. The boy with his left arm wrapped in a bandage was sitting on the chair next to it.

His ID is also simple and crude, just called [Left Hand]. It’s hard not to think that his left arm is sealed with something, similar to the ultimate move of Black Dragon Wave.

The eyelid of his left hand trembled slightly and he opened it carefully.

Then he was greeted by Su Qi's smile, and he said gently:

"You're awake."

"The operation was successful. You are now a real boy."

His left hand stared blankly, reacted for two seconds, and growled: "My special meow is actually a man!"

His left hand took a breath and looked around.

"The others don't seem to be here."

Su Qi sat on the chair and took out a book from the side. He flipped through it and said, "As Lao Xu said, they are indeed spread out, and they are expected to be in groups of two. This book is quite interesting. There are also recipes. , beef braised in red wine.”

His left hand looked slightly surprised, and he touched his left arm:

"I thought that the world view of the Land of Linyuan would be a barren land of all kinds of fear and pollution, but it seems that it is still a modern world view."

"Don't draw conclusions too early." Su Qi looked at the window in the bedroom that was sealed with various steel nails. Not even a crack or light could penetrate. He felt a sense of familiarity: "Although I still don't know what the outside world is like. .But it’s best to be vigilant and not miss any information.”

The left hand nose snorted slightly: "What do you mean? I have already observed the surroundings. This bedroom looks like a double room, or a couple. The outside world cannot be seen. There are stains on the carpet, and the possibility of suspected blood stains is very high. Because I have already smelled a vague smell of blood.”

He showed excellent observation skills. As a super newcomer, although strength is crucial, his judgment on the copy is also an important component.

"Really? Not bad, but I haven't fully judged the information."

"How is that possible?" His left brow furrowed slightly.

Su Qi reached out and picked up the ashtray next to her: "For example, from this ashtray, we can see that the male owner loves to smoke."

The left hand fell into silence: "."

He tried to wake up the system: "Can I change teammates!"

Su Qi ignored him, stared at the ashtray, squinted his eyes carefully, and said softly: "The male owner is a middle-aged man about forty years old. He is fat, 1.8 meters tall, and has curly and yellowish hair. The shoes I’m wearing are size 44.”

Left hand: "????"

Is this information on the ashtray?


Su Qi paused and then added: "The male master also has a thick tongue coating, and there is a large black mole on his face at the corner of his eyebrows."

Finally, his left hand couldn't hold it any longer and shouted: "You can even see it from the ashtray!"

Su Qi gently put down the ashtray, looking at his left hand with a little calmness in his eyes: "You only see the superficial things, but you can't detect the illusion, you can't detect all the details, and the clues are often in the slightest."

The expression on his left hand was shocked, and he felt that Su Qi's aura was very real. Could it be that he really saw so much information from the ashtray?

"Give me the ashtray, let me take a look."

He solemnly took the ashtray with his left hand. He couldn't see any traces at all and raised it slightly.

The left hand suddenly froze!

A yellowish ceiling lamp on the ceiling overhead was shaking slightly.

Under the lamp, a middle-aged man's figure was hanging on a rope. His face was pale and his tongue was hanging long, and he was swaying slightly.


The left hand was silent for a while, and he roared angrily: "So the special person is here. I really thought you found so many clues from the ashtray! Bastard!"

Su Qi snapped his fingers: "Don't worry about these details, I'm just adding clues."

He looked at the ashtray in his hand with his left hand and resisted the idea of ​​throwing it over.

Forget it, I blame myself this time. There was a corpse hanging above my head, but I didn't notice it.

The left hand raised his head and looked at the hanging corpse.

As Su Qi said, this should be the male owner. The appearance is exactly the same as what was described before.

And this time.

An information box appeared in front of the two of them.

[Main quest trigger]

[Find a way to leave the bedroom, join your teammates, and escape from the house]

His left hand paused slightly: "It seems that other people are also in this house. What we need to do is to get out of the bedroom first, and then join them."

He walked over and tried to open the bedroom door, but obviously failed. The door didn't seem to be locked. After all, there was no door locked from the outside, but there was indeed a strange force blocking it.

"Sure enough, it can't be opened. It seems that the two of us need to find the key." His left hand looked at the corpse in a deep voice and said, "Su Buxian, I'm going to put this body down, what do you think?"

Now that the two are on a team, their strength is limited and they must work together.

"I think you should give up on this idea."


Su Qi looked at the middle-aged man and said to himself: "Because this seriously injured man is very dangerous."

The left hand roared angrily: "Where is the body seriously injured? Isn't this a dead body that can no longer die!"

"Dead? I think it needs to be discussed. The death of the body does not mean the death of the soul."

The left hand was stunned for a moment, and his face was stunned: "You mean, he turned into a ghost?"

"Maybe it's a ghost."

"What difference does it make!"


Su Qi picked up a screw that popped out: "The ceiling light above is already a little unable to withstand it. Once he hits the ground, I think something bad will happen."

"Look." Su Qi squinted: "His eyes just moved a bit, and he seemed to be staring at us."

There was a chill behind his left hand. The figure of the man he raised his head to hang was extremely terrifying. Now that Su Qi said this, he seemed to be stared at by this middle-aged man, although he didn't know it. There was no turning, but the chill behind me was even worse.

The left hand took a deep breath: "I understand."

He had been following Su Qi's rhythm unknowingly, and began to rummage through the cabinets, looking for the key.

And this time.


Two screws fell out, and the ceiling lamp suddenly fell, and the middle-aged body swayed and fell with it.

This time I saw the left hand too.

The middle-aged man's eyes did move and he stared at them.

My left hand shivered deeply!

Even he couldn't help feeling a little chilled when he saw this scene.

Without strength, he only has a thin layer of security!

What's more, even the face of the middle-aged man with his tongue hanging out becomes more and more weird, and he even has a weird smile that makes people laugh! It was coming out hissing through the tightened throat!

It seems that they are laughing at their overestimation of their abilities and that they cannot escape.

"Stop laughing."

Suki turned the doorknob and opened a crack.

"time to go."

The middle-aged man's smile stopped abruptly.

? ? ?

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