? ? ?

The middle-aged man's smile froze. He stared blankly at the opened door and the two people chatting.

The left hand said in surprise: "You found the key!"

Suki nodded and thought for a moment: "Well, it's just under the carpet!"

"Holy crap, is it so obvious? I searched the cabinet for a long time and there's nothing there! It's actually in that place!" He touched his chin with his left hand in annoyance.

Watching the two of them walking outside while chatting.

The middle-aged man roared inwardly!

You are a liar!

The room key is clearly under my tongue!

Follow normal procedures!

You should have found the key and wanted to take it out carefully before I landed. Then the moment I landed, I killed you two guys!

Why don't you follow the rules?

And how the hell was this door opened?

Come back to me!

It's a pity that the middle-aged man's neck was tightened so that he couldn't say a word and made a sound of unknown meaning.

"Abba, Abba, Abba!"

The left hand was stunned: "What happened to him?"

Su Qi looked back at the middle-aged man: "Maybe you need to pee urgently and want to go to the toilet?"

"Really?" Zuo Qi followed Su Qi out in confusion.

He vaguely felt something was wrong. He seemed to think it was a bit too easy to go out. Is this difficulty beyond the level of nightmares?


The next moment, the door was shut mercilessly!

The middle-aged man was left hanging there slightly swaying, as if on a swing.


After the two of them exited the bedroom door, they entered a dark corridor.

Su Qi looked at the corridor, although there were slightly flickering lights, but the corridor was closed and there was no external light source, so it seemed very dark.

"It seems they haven't come out yet." Left hand squinted.

Their inventory has not been unlocked yet, so they cannot communicate with each other through stones.

Su Qi didn't explain, he passed [? 】The prompt jumps directly to the level, can you please hurry up? This was also used in the tentacle man's apartment before. Things like doors were really not too difficult for Suki.

They walked around and the two realized the problem.

The left hand frowned: "Did you notice it?"


The left hand said with a heavy tone: "This corridor has no exit, it is in the shape of a back-turn! And even the door we just came out of has disappeared."

Su Qi looked around with some interest: "It's like a ghost beating a wall."

Indeed, there is a strange force affecting this place.

Su Qi suddenly saw a [? ], he walked over, looked at the dark corner, and said with interest: "There are words here."

It was a handwriting carved with a sharp object.

And the next moment.

There were hints in their eyes.

[If you want to crack the ghost wall, you must play the Four Corners game! 】

The left hand's gaze focused: "Four Corners Game."

"A kind of ghost-detection game."

Su Qi said softly: "Four people stood at the four corners of the corridor. One person walked behind the next person, patted him on the shoulder, said his name, and then the next person took over, and continued to move forward. Until the fourth person reaches the first empty seat, he coughs and signals everyone to take their places."

He was somewhat interested: "The most interesting thing about this game is that it is very possible for a fifth person to appear who does not exist."

"Why are you so familiar! And what's more interesting! It's obviously very strange and dangerous!"

The left hand frowned: "But there are only two of us now."

Su Qi looked at the wall in the distance, and suddenly there was a looming door: "It seems that the other two people are here too."

Earring Youth [Green Wolf]

Wavy Hair Girl【White Rose】

The two of them rushed out suddenly and quickly closed the door. After making sure that nothing inside had come out, they gasped violently!

There were obvious signs of fighting on their bodies.


Don't get me wrong. It's a real fight.

They suddenly heard footsteps, looked up with extremely vigilant expressions, saw Su Qi and Zuo Zuo, and breathed a sigh of relief: "It turns out it's you."

After the two took a few breaths, they recovered a little.

Then he began to tell that he was also trapped in a utility room, and there was a ghost baby lurking in it. It was very dangerous, and in order to get the key, they almost had a fatal situation! Fortunately, both of them were super newcomers and had excellent temporary reactions. They calmly borrowed all the information and clues in the room and managed to survive from a desperate situation! Escaped!

The more the left hand listened, the more silent he became.

Why does this seem different from them?

"As for you, it seems that you came out earlier than us." Qing Lang glanced at them and found no traces of fighting. The two of them didn't even mess up their clothes.

The left hand opened his mouth: "This is it."

"It's almost the same as you." Su Qi's eyes sank slightly and said, "We almost died there, too. The death stare, the terrifying laughter, the words with unclear meaning. Finally, we opened the door with difficulty and finally escaped death. .”

Left hand: "."

Is that so! It all sounds true, but something feels wrong, asshole!

The left hand sighed: "Anyway, let me remind you that we encountered a ghost beating the wall and were trapped in this corridor."

He led the two of them to the side of the carving.

Qing Lang and Bai Qiangwei's expressions were slightly condensed. They obviously knew about this four-corner game.

There are also a few things to note.

[Rule 1: If anything happens, please never look back! 】

[Rule 2: Please state your name when you tap on the shoulder! 】

[Rule 3: Once you find something is wrong! Please choose your own solution! 】

Bai Qiangwei lowered her head and said solemnly: "It looks like there will be great danger. Now that the male master and the ghost baby have appeared, I'm afraid the female master will appear next."

Qing Lang calmly made a suggestion: "If a fifth person appears by then, then we will have to flee frantically along the corridor until the exit through the wall appears."

"The remaining two people should be trapped in a certain room. They shouldn't be able to leave on their own. The four of us must complete the four-corner game."

There are many fatal threats in this copy, and the passage of time is not meaningless. The longer it is delayed, the more dangerous it feels.

Su Qi snapped his fingers: "I think there is a better solution."


They looked at the unfamiliar person in front of them.

"Don't say anything if you find something is wrong. Play a few more rounds. If a sixth person appears, you can let them fight, and everything will be solved."


What a wonderful idea! And the way you think seriously makes us a little panicked!

Seeing Suki walking towards the end of the corridor.

Bai Qiangwei looked at her left hand blankly: "He must be joking, right."

The left hand was about to nod, but hesitated.

He's really not sure about this.

"Let's go." Qing Lang said calmly and calmly: "Time waits for no one, and we will make a decision on the spot when the time comes."

In such a copy, any planned strategy is prone to unexpected accidents, so it can only depend on everyone's judgment and reaction to the situation.

Four corners.

Green Wolf No. 1.

Number two on the left.

White Rose No. 3.

Su Qi was the last one.

And when they stood still, the lights in the corridor suddenly went dark! It was pitch black, without any light!

The three of them couldn't see anything in front of them, and their hearts suddenly sank!

And Su Qi could see everything in the dark with clear eyes!

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