The paradise of the abyss does not support idlers

Chapter 96 I bet the bullet will jam! (First order required)

They are examples.

The man is a person who takes the overall situation into consideration, not to mention that the two forces have cooperated. Naturally, he will not watch the other party step into the pit of fire and lose everything.


Yun Zhantian was about to go over and call Su Qi to stop him.

But before he spoke, he saw Su Qi's eyes suddenly light up, as if he had discovered something interesting, and he walked straight towards a crowded area.

"What is he going to do?" The man paused slightly.

"I really do not know."

Yun Zhantian has a certain understanding of Su Qi. Although he didn't have much contact with the team dungeon last time, he knows that this player's behavior is very different and cannot be speculated based on common sense.

“But, there’s always a feeling that something will happen.”

And at this moment.

A large number of gamblers gathered around a table, cheering excitedly!

Here's to the crazy roulette of death!

The rules are extremely simple.

There is a revolver on the table that can be loaded with six bullets. Just fill it with different numbers of bullets, shoot yourself in the head, and you will get coins if you survive. Note that this revolver and bullets are not ordinary things, they are powerful enough to kill Dead weird.

"How many do you want?" The referee looked at the person sitting down calmly.

"One." The man said tremblingly.

"Go back and eat shit! Stop playing if you're so afraid of death!"

The other gamblers sneered and drove him away!

Another gambler looked a little crazy, gritted his teeth and sat down: "I'll do it!"

"I want three!"


The referee approved and started loading.

Three live rounds and three empty rounds. Whether you are killed or survive depends on your luck!

But unfortunately, he did not have the luck to survive!


A crackling gunshot suddenly exploded! A bullet with extraordinary power penetrated directly through his head, killing him.

The referee looked at this scene indifferently and motioned for others to come over and clear the field.

The blood on the table was superimposed layer by layer, and it had already penetrated, filled with the smell of blood that made people afraid to approach.

"Next person."

The referee said calmly: "I remind you not to participate if there are less than three. Every time you add one, the chips will be doubled!"

"If anyone dares to give it five! I can make an exception and double it ten times!"

Although the gamblers are crazy, they still have sense. Three bets are already a 50-50 chance, but five bets are simply seeking death!

At this time, Su Qi's voice sounded:

"Um, I just heard it ten times as much, right?"

The gamblers looked over and saw a young man stroking two coins, standing in front of the table and looking at them with a faint smile.

"You want five?" the referee narrowed his eyes.

He noticed that Su Qi only had two coins and seemed to be desperate.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, the betting threshold for each betting table is five coins, but if you want five bullets, I can make an exception and let you play a game."

"Is this so?" Su Qi, under the gaze of everyone, thought for a moment and said:

"What if I want six?"

Everyone: "."

Then they all cut together without being moved, and said in a cursing voice:


"Looks like he's causing trouble, get out of here!"

"Hehehe, I think he's looking for death. Let's help him."

Everyone was chatting and laughing. Anyway, if you don't come to the table, no matter how much you pay, it's nonsense.

But at this time, Su Qi ignored the noise of others and looked at the referee: "If I get six, what are the odds?"

The referee squinted.

He has been here for many years, and this is the first time someone has come up to challenge six bullets, which means there are no empty guns at all, every shot is a live bullet, a pure act of seeking death.

However, it has nothing to do with him whether the other party is seeking death or not.

The referee calmly said: "If you dare, what if six will increase your chips hundreds of times?"

The other person hasn't sat down yet, maybe he's just having fun.

And even if he sat down, with six bullets, he felt that he could invite the next person soon.

"Then tell me clearly, how many times." Su Qi looked at the other party.

"Three hundred times!"


Su Qi calmly stretched out his hand and placed the two coins that he had been rubbing for a long time in the betting area.

"I want six."

Suki paused: "I bet the bullet jammed."


For a moment, everyone fell into deathly silence.

The referee was also stunned.

He's crazy!

The referee slowly came back to his senses at this moment, his eyes were a little cold: "Are you kidding?"

Su Qi gently pulled out the chair. The dragging sound of the chair was a bit harsh. He sat down calmly: "I never joke."

madman! Absolute madness!

The other gamblers were even more excited and looked crazy.

"I want to place a bet! I'll put it all in and he will die!"

"The bullet jammed! This is the first time this Death Roulette has happened in so many years!"

This is what they like!

"Don't worry."

Su Qi looked at the referee and said: "I can still raise the bet, right?"

The referee nodded: "But do you still have coins?"

"I can borrow it."

Su Qi turned his head and looked at Yun Zhantian and the man in the distance who were about to come over: "Brother Yun, please lend me some money quickly."

Yun Zhantian looked at the noise here and didn't know what was going on. When he was called to stop, he heard the word "borrow money" and fell silent.


The first thing you say when you meet someone is to borrow money! You should at least say hello! It’s been a long time since I saw you, I’ll die!

He suddenly didn't want to walk over.

The man's eyes were a little hesitant at this moment. After thinking for a moment, he whispered softly: "Lend it to him and give him all twenty coins."


Yun Zhantian was stunned.

"He is playing death roulette. The higher the chips, the greater the doubling profit. We can't risk it. If we lose, we will go to the life and death arena." The man has already figured out that betting in gambling is not their strong point.

After all, they still have to rely on their combat power to speak for themselves.

Yun Zhantian nodded and walked over, handing all twenty coins to Su Qi: "We have everything."

Su Qi took it and said, "Thank you very much. I'll beat you one percent later."

Yun Zhantian: "."

This is too much!

He looked at the gamblers around him and noticed something was wrong. He whispered: "Why do other people look at us strangely? It's like..."

Yun Zhantian held it in for a long time: "It's like looking at a fool."

The man frowned slightly. He also noticed this and couldn't help but ask.

"By the way. How many did you bet?"

"It shouldn't be five, right?"

Yun Zhantian's heart trembled: "One-sixth chance? Brother Su, you are too reckless."

And this time.

The referee looked calm. He filled the revolver with all the bullets with runes, reset and slid!

The clear sound of mechanical rotation convinced him that the revolver was intact and there could be no malfunction.

"All six have been loaded."

He handed it to Su Qi:


Both Yun Zhantian and that man looked completely stunned at this moment.

Yun Zhantian was extremely shocked, and his trembling voice was pressed in his throat:

“How much more!!!!”

There are two more chapters to be posted tonight!

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