The paradise of the abyss does not support idlers

Chapter 97 Your Brother Su is still your Brother Su! (2-in-1)

"How much more!"

Yun Zhantian's eyes widened.


His voice was almost a roar.

He finally understood why the gamblers around him were staring at them as if they were looking at fools for their misfortune.

"Brother Su."

Yun Zhantian pressed his shoulders and shook him wildly: "You're crazy!"

Su Qi was shaken by him and said calmly: "Don't spit on my face."

Yun Zhantian: "."

He weakly let go of Su Qi and looked at the referee regardless of the eyes of the people around him: "Can I get those twenty coins back!"


The referee replied coldly and ruthlessly.

The man took a deep breath. He was already a little confused. As the leader of the first group of super newcomers, he acted calmly, liked to do some conservative strategies, and had a strong overall view. Even the more arrogant ones Chi Dao will also obey.

This is also the first time he has seen such a random guy!

The man looked at the referee: "How can he win if he bets six?"

The referee said calmly: "He said it himself, betting that the gun would jam."


The man looked at Su Qi silently, and Su Qi smiled back.

Other gamblers were also placing bets. They happily piled up a pile of chips and invested at least a thousand chips.

There were only twenty-two coins on the table on Su Qi's side.

For this gambler, it doesn't matter how much money they make at the moment. They just want to see blood flowing into a river, and let themselves have some sense of participation and enjoy the feeling of winning.

Su Qi gently picked up the gun.

And the referee made a gesture.

The aunt who was responsible for cleaning up the corpses and blood stains was already standing nearby. The aunt was naturally weird. Her hair was messy, she was wearing a mask, and her apron was full of blood. She was holding a mop in her hand and looking at Su Qi with cold eyes.

It seems to be saying, remember to pour forward, so as not to cause more trouble for me to mop the floor.

"Don't you want to place a bet?"

Suki smiled and pointed the revolver at his temple.

In a casino, there is no general who is always victorious, unless there is a cheater, and once a cheater is discovered, in other ordinary casinos, it may be to cut off a finger or a hand, but here you will encounter extremely serious consequences.

After all, in addition to players, many weirdos also have some special abilities, but no one dares to use them.

Because abilities will be noticed by beings who are higher than one's own mental power, the same is true for player skills. Once detected, the outcome can be imagined.


What does this have to do with Su Qi, who has more than 400 mental powers?

His finger was lightly on the trigger.

next moment!


The sound of gunshots fired from bullets suddenly came out!

Everyone's eyes were filled with joy, but they didn't see the bloody scene of headshots.

Their expressions froze and they looked at Suki who was unharmed, but the revolver had not yet pulled the trigger.

"Just...what was that."

"Bloody skills."

Su Qi learned a few more sounds. Although his mouth only moved slightly, he made an extremely realistic "Bang Bang Bang!!" sound!

The fierce gunfire scared the gamblers passing by and almost squatted down and shouted that there was a sniper.

The corner of Su Qi's mouth raised a slight arc: "How about it? Let's learn how to do it."

Everyone: "."

They all roared: "Stop doing that ventriloquism! Shoot me quickly, you bastard!"

Su Qi shook his head and criticized: "Being anxious about everything will only harm you."

"Damn, I really want to punch him twice!"

"Hold on, you can't do anything rashly here!"

"Please shoot me quickly, I can't stand my obsessive-compulsive disorder anymore!"

The man and Yun Zhantian both looked at Su Qi and the noisy gamblers in silence.

They looked at each other.

How come it feels completely different.

After they entered the casino, they followed steps and were cautious.

As soon as this guy came in, he became the center of attention and felt that he had a complete grasp of everyone's emotions!

Su Qi clicked his tongue and put his finger on the trigger again.

Just the next moment.


Su Qi suddenly said again: "Can I write a suicide note first?"

The referee finally couldn't hold it in any longer and shouted:

"Hurry up! Ten seconds!"

"If you don't fire for ten seconds, I will fire for you!"

If he hadn't been the referee, he would have beaten this guy first!

Su Qi shrugged helplessly: "Okay."

He didn't interrupt this time, he retracted his finger slightly and pulled the trigger!

Under everyone's staring eyes!

The hammer of the revolver suddenly hit the back of the bullet!


There was a clear sound of mechanical jamming from the revolver! And the hammer was stuck in the middle position between the bullet and the bullet!


All the gamblers at the gambling table looked at this scene with their mouths open! Falling into a dead silence!

The referee, Yun Zhantian and the man were also stunned in place!

Su Qi slowly put down the revolver and showed a calm smile: "Look, it seems to be really stuck."

At this moment, all the gamblers exploded: "Impossible!"

"He's cheating!"

"There might be something wrong with that pistol!"

"Referee! Are you doing something shady with this guy?"


The referee was holding the revolver at this moment and fired a shot with cold eyes! The gambler who had just spoken rudely looked at his punctured hat and felt hairy all over, not daring to say another word!

The referee looked at the revolver in his hand, took a deep look at Su Qi, exhaled and announced:

"There's nothing wrong with the gun."

"Congratulations on getting three hundred times the original chips and 1,235 coins!"

No matter how the other party does it, as long as he doesn't see it, he wins!

Yun Zhantian and the man watched blankly as a large number of coins were delivered.

How much is this?

Nearly 8,000 coins?

When they entered the arena, they totaled a staggering 200 coins! Only one tenth is left to lose!

But Su Qi did not put them up immediately.

He even had an idea. He pointed at the pile of coins and said, "Can I do it again? Six coins, three hundred times!"

The referee was silent.

If this is doubled three hundred times, the whole casino will be given to you, okay?

He directly put a stop betting sign on the table, turned around and left.

"Tsk, let's run away now."

Su Qi was a little dissatisfied. He had delayed for so long, and the cooldown of [Artificial Team's Counterattack] was stuck. If he was lucky, he could continue.


Even if the other party's mental power is not as high as mine and he cannot detect his skills, he will naturally know that he has the means and it is normal for him to run away. Which bookmaker doesn't run away?


Su Qi threw a bag to Yun Zhantian.

"This, this, this! There are too many!" Yun Zhantian looked at the heavy bag and was a little overwhelmed: "We only got twenty pieces."

Su Qi smiled and pulled out a piece of paper: "It's okay. I didn't plan to give it away for free. If you have more, you can open an IOU and one coin will count as 100 game coins. Anyway, you guys are rich in the first series."


Yun Zhantian fell into a daze, as if something was wrong, but he seemed to be coerced. After Su Qi's words, he signed in a daze.

When the man looked at Yun Zhantian being manipulated, he did not stop him. Instead, he agreed with Su Qi's approach. After all, they were in a cooperative relationship.

But when Yun Zhantian held the bag and said to him with excitement and joy: "Brother, we have money!"

at this time.

The man's mood is still a bit complicated and shocking.

What you are special about is the key seed among super newcomers! I am so happy with the coins in a bag of copies!

I once thought that being invincible was everything.

Now he found out he was wrong.

"Clang clang clang!"

And at this moment.

Late at night has fallen, and the outside world suddenly rang a bell.

The man came back to his senses, looked outside with heavy eyes, and said in a low voice:

"here we go."

Yun Zhantian held the money bag, slightly stunned, and his expression became serious.

Depopulation plan!

The fighting has begun!

"So, what do you want to do?" Su Qi looked outside.

Yun Zhantian hesitated for a while: "We."

The man spoke softly: "We can't go out yet, because the cultists and the Free City have accumulated a lot of advantages. In addition to some pollutant props, they even hired some weirdos to do things for them. We must earn more Coins will do, and the fastest place is here.”

In this pure land city, there are coins that can make ghosts grind.

This is not a comment, nor is it a metaphor.

Because it can really make a difference!

Su Qi looked at the drowned ghost in the distance, standing beside the dice table with a pale face, spitting out water and shouting fiercely: "Big! Big!"

There is a casino for everyone.

The most indispensable thing is all kinds of strange, weird and weird stories!

The man sighed helplessly: "It's a pity that we seem to be the losers."

"For the sake of cooperation." Su Qi smiled and said, "I'll give you a clear path."

"Look over there."

The two of them followed Su Qi's gesture and looked over. That was the arena of life and death. Ten gamblers were locked in. The battle had not started yet because some time had to be left for the gamblers watching around to place their bets.

Among them, the most promising one is a two-meter-tall man wearing a metal mask and as strong as an ox! He even roared! Blood foam spurted from that mouth!

And the least favored.

It was a dull-looking humanoid rabbit with bunny ears standing upright and its eyes staring blankly ahead. It was wearing a red striped prison uniform with the number [04] on it.

The least number of people bet on him, and the odds are extremely high.

"You bet all your coins on it."

Yun Zhantian and the man both looked at the rabbit in prison uniform blankly, but after looking for a long time, they couldn't find any clues.


Yun Zhantian didn't hesitate. He nodded. These coins were given to them by Su Qi, so now he naturally believed in Su Qi.

He suddenly remembered something and quickly looked at the man next to him: "Brother, what do you think?"


I think you've fallen into it without even realizing it!

The man rubbed his eyebrows helplessly: "I have no objection."

Su Qi also threw another bag to Yun Zhantian.

Yun Zhantian was stunned: "I have enough, I don't need so much."

Su Qi looked at him: "This is my share. You can also bet on the rabbit for me."

"Oh oh oh."

Yun Zhantian nodded: "No problem, Brother Su, I'll take care of it!"

The man watched Yun Zhantian walk over.

He looked at Su Qi: "If you are interested, come to our first sequence."


Su Qi didn't expect that the other party would dig him out. He smiled and shook his head: "You made a mistake."

"I'm a free swinger and I have my own organization."

The man was stunned.

In addition to District 9, City of Freedom, and City of Sequence, are there any other big forces?

Naturally, he would not think that Su Qi was a cultist, and the Bureau of Investigation would definitely investigate.

"So what are you going to do now?"

Su Qi smiled: "Continue to see what's interesting. There seems to be a cricket fighter over there."

The man watched Su Qi walk away with complicated eyes.

You are really here to play, right?

Where are your teammates!

At this moment, my teammates have finished their half-day work and are still cautiously meeting on the street!

"Where's Su Buxian!"

The left hand looked at the nightfall and said solemnly: "Isn't it possible that he has been killed? There has been no reply to the message just now."

They also have stones like group chats to connect with each other.

"have no idea."

Qinglang shook his head: "But... I just saw those guys in Freedom City."

He looked solemn: "I don't dare to get too close. They have really joined forces with the cultists, and there are even many weird followers around!"


Bai Qiangwei looked at the night: "The more troublesome thing is today."

"We must not be exposed, otherwise the cultists will discover our traces and they will hunt us down with all their strength."

The tuner said solemnly: "Now let's see how many coins we earned."




As they reported the results of the half-day one by one, they totaled

"Beautiful! There are a thousand of them!"

"What to say next?"

"Let's talk about a deal with the monster. We also need to expand our advantage as soon as possible! It's very dangerous tonight!"

The sound of fighting has been heard in our ears. Not only should we be careful of the cultists, but it is also extremely dangerous to kill the pure land residents with red eyes!

"Su Buxian, where did Temeow go!" Zuo Zuo wondered, "Isn't he trapped in some weird place and unable to reply to messages?"

They have to worry.

If there is one less player, the subsequent battles will naturally lose combat power!

And this time.

The stone shimmers slightly!

"He messaged back!"

Everyone was stunned and looked at the news.

【I'm fine, don't miss me】


Good on you sister!

The left hand angrily yelled: "That bastard, doesn't he have any team spirit? We are still here worrying about his safety!"

"Forget it, forget it." The muscular thug pressed down his angry left hand: "I thought I had enough temper, but I didn't expect you to explode more easily than me."

Left hand: "."

Try staying with him from beginning to end!

"Since he said so, let's not worry too much and just do the current things first."

The tuner was relatively calm, looking at the figures flashing in the distance from time to time.

"Also, you can get coins by killing other weirdos!"

"We need to plan better!"

The perspective is switching back to the casino.

Su Qi spent fifty coins on a Coke, and another fifty coins on some snacks.

Although these things are expensive, they can restore your physical strength.


He simply thought he could have a taste.


He sat down at the cricket table.

It's said to be a cricket fight, but it's actually a battle between beasts!

Every pet on the sand table is a dangerous pollutant with fangs and bigger than a fist!

"Where's your pet!"

The referee is staring at Suki!

"Oh, wait."

Su Qi stretched out his hand, and the liquid metal slowly condensed.

"This is my pet, Xiaoqiang!"

All the royal pet gamblers fell into silence! Look at that irregular oval-shaped object!

Everyone couldn't help roaring:

"Isn't this just a stone?"

Two in one! Thousands of days completed!

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