The Peerless Emperor

Chapter 912: Not calm

When the voice fell, Bai Qi was agitated by the white robe shining under his armor, his eyes were crimson, and a long sword of blood appeared out of thin air in his hands, rushing towards Yan Qin, unstoppable.

Between the walks, his body was **** like a rainbow, and he was so strong that he was a finger. Behind him was like a boundless blood prison, with heavy ghosts and shadows. It seemed that countless souls were howling and roaring, shouting to the sky and the earth.

The strange appearance of the crowd around the audience was shocked and backed back again and again. Many people even fell to the ground in shock, and some even fainted and fell to the ground.

The fierce waves were so fierce that many students in the inner courtyard took two steps back and stared at this Bai Qi.

"What a murderous man, what a terrifying murderous spirit!"

Yan Qin, who was pointed at by the strong murderous intent, slumped on the ground, and the yellow and white flowed all over the floor, the face of the flower turned pale, the pupils contracted, and there seemed to be endless evil spirits in front of her, coming to bite her body.

Even if she had an adventure, and her soul strength was far greater than her peers, she still couldn't bear Bai Qi's killing intent.

Killing gods killing intent, Bai Qi's evil talent, where Yan Qin can bear.

Even if Bai Qi only appeared with the help of a puppet body, which is here, Yan Qin was just a lump of flesh and blood in his eyes.

After approaching Yan Qin, Bai Qi flew the long sword in his hand, cutting off the flesh and blood of the opponent, Ling Chi died, with a cruel smile on his face all the time, and the corners of his mouth were almost grinning at the base of his ears, and he smiled silently.

This is what makes people feel cold on their backs and their legs feel soft.

The **** sword energy rolled, and a pool of rotten flesh on the ground was shaken to powder, and there was no bones.

From beginning to end, no one from the holy courtyard came to stop, letting this Bai Qi wreak havoc and insult the princess of the Hundred Wars Borderland.

In the end, someone boldly said: "You, you can't kill people, why would you want to torture and kill Princess Qin. Besides, you are not afraid of getting into trouble. The anger of the Hundred Wars Frontiers is not so easy to bear. "

Bai Qi turned his head and stared at each other with scarlet eyes, smiling but not smiling: "Why, you have a relationship with this cheap maid, what do you say to kick her?"

"I... I just can't see it, and speak up!" This person shouted, fighting hard.

At this moment, Bai Qi had suppressed his killing intent, if not, there would be no chance for him to stand up straight and speak here. But he didn't know it yet, thinking how amazing he was.

"Oh, what you look like, I have seen, in Prime Minister Zhuge's intelligence, you seem to be insulting Yueyu in front of the alliance station created by your majesty." As he said, Bai Qi squinted his eyes, and suddenly murdered." I didn't pursue you, but I sent it to the door myself."

As soon as Bai Qi's voice fell, there was a flash of sword light in front of everyone, scarlet dazzling.

In the next moment, the body of the person who spoke was cut apart by a sword and split into two.

This scene made other people very scared. Originally thought Lin Qian was already fierce enough. The subordinate who rushed out was even more sturdy than him. He was full of evil spirits and murderous intent, just like what he said. Kill the gods again.

"This woman, she wants to bet against her to kill her, but she is bound to herself, and she still wants to reckless. Is there any problem in killing her?"

"These guys are stuck at the gate of your Majesty's Alliance all day long, wantonly insulting. If you really use your mouth, it will be fine. Could it be that your Majesty's Alliance is good for bullying in this academy?"

Bai Qi looked around, sneered again and again, the intention to kill and fell surging out of the body, the entrance of the Ecstasy Forest was warm as spring, but at this moment everyone was like an ice cellar.

"It's best to behave more well, don't be too much, your majesty is kind, and I don't bother to care about some things, but I, a courtier, don't have the kindness of your majesty. Those who refuse to accept, I can only kill."

Bai Qi's icy voice with the meaning of killing and killing, shuddered like Xiao Suoqiu's hearts were preaching. Even the students in the inner courtyard of the Haixuan Sanctuary were extremely jealous when looking at each other.

According to their experience, this kind of person is simply a person who has come out of a sea of ​​blood in the dead mountain, and there are countless people dead in their hands, so they have such a terrifying aura of killing.

In the entire Haixuan Star Region, there has never been a character like this, even the great emperor who has experienced many battles, probably has no such terrifying killing intent.

But they didn't know that this was just the tip of the murderous iceberg, the man with the title of murderous **** among the peak combat power of the Chinese Empire.

Being on the battlefield, just killing intent can scare the enemy to death. For him, slaughter is like drinking water and eating, and relaxing.

Above the reincarnation Zimu Lin, Wei Wushuang and Wei Qingqing stood beside the suspended pavilion at the same time, watching what was happening below, there was also a different color in their eyes.

"Your apprentice's subordinates are really capable of coming out in large numbers. There will be such killers, tusk..."

Hearing his sister's mockery, Wei Wushuang turned a deaf ear. He just looked at that white, his eyes filled with admiration: "If this kind of task is placed on the battlefield, it will be a top general. I am afraid that the Nether Clan war will From now on, the heavens and worlds will face catastrophe again, this person is enough to sit on one side."

But below, there was still some turmoil. The students of these Haixuan Sanctuary were all emperor's proud sons. After Bai Qi restrained his murderous intent, many people showed dissatisfaction and took a step forward, preparing to do something.

They are all people from the Kingdom of Hundred Wars, even if they are afraid of nothing, they still have to fight for justice.

The national style of the Hundred Wars Frontiers is also sturdy, without cowards, although Bai Qi's eyes also have the meaning of appreciation, but the awe-inspiring killing intent in his eyes has already demonstrated his intention.

But at this moment, a hand suddenly rested on his shoulder: "Enough, Your Majesty just asked you to make sure that Yan Qin fulfilled the bet, but he didn't let you kill him."

"Prime Minister, isn't the enemy used to kill?" Bai Qi turned his head and looked at Zhuge Ming.

Zhugeming only felt a headache, the power of the formation emerged, Bai Qi used the puppet body, and he wanted to subdue the opponent easily.

In the inexplicable gazes of everyone, this killing **** was dragged away by Zhuge Ming abruptly.

Before he left, Zhuge Ming looked at the eager person from the Borderlands of the Hundreds of Battles: "Today you have recovered a life. I advise you to cherish it and don't let yourself be wrong."

Yan Qin, Lin Qian will kill, he does not intend to keep those who want to murder his own life.

Bai Qi, who is not awakened, is the best candidate, who can just let him see the outside world.

For him, the simplest solution to anything is to kill. No matter what, it's easy to kill everything first.

But that's why Lin Qian wanted Zhuge Ming to look at him a little bit. Once this guy was killed, he couldn't stop it.

If it made him feel excited, and directly slaughtered all the students in Lost Linkou, that would be terrible.

Implicating the innocence is not what he wants to see.

It was just what Lin Qian did that made Wei Wushuang and Wei Qingqing even more uneasy.

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