The Peerless Emperor

Chapter 913: Soul Quenching Water

Originally, their attention was attracted by the incident between Bai Qi and Yan Qin.

Therefore, looking from the sky above, I didn't see the pace of Lin Qian and Ye Xin, they kept moving forward at a very fast speed.

In the eyes of everyone, after the same time, the other side's murderous intent had already attracted their attention.

When they turned around, they almost stared out their eyes: "Two hundred steps?"

On the stone tablet, the top position is impressively Lin Qian's name. The number of steps behind him has become two hundred steps, just when the dispute was just now.

Not only him, behind his name, the second is Ye Xin. Although he did not reach two hundred steps, he still had one hundred and eighty-nine steps. After a while, he jumped to one hundred and ninety steps.

At the same time, Lin Qian's steps are still gradually increasing.

A crowd of people waited, unable to move around the stone tablet.

A student from the Outer Academy swallowed his saliva and said after a long time, "This Lin Qian and Ye Xin, how far will they go before they stop.

"Moreover, it is to maintain such a fast speed of breaking the illusion!" Another person added.

The news gradually began to spread, and many students from the Outer Academy gathered together to look at the stele and want to see this feat.

When the crowd gradually increased, the number of steps of Lin Qian and Ye Xin on the stone tablet had already exceeded the five hundred step mark.

Later people, looking at the number of steps on the stone tablet, have been petrified.

"Just kidding, could something happen to the Ecstasy Forest?"

"It's impossible. The Holy Court has already made an announcement. The Dean personally spoke. There is no problem with the Ecstasy Forest. Lin Qian and Ye Xin's steps are based on their own ability."

"It's still increasing, these two couples are going against the sky."

"The two couples, how many steps do they plan to take before they can stop? Are they going to finish this Ecstasy Forest?"

As soon as this remark came out, everything was quiet, and many people's eyes showed surprise.

Judging from the current situation, things are probably the same as this person said, Lin Qian and Ye Xin really want to finish this ecstasy forest.

Once the Ecstasy Forest enters, everyone will appear on a dark path leading to the depths. No one knows what the scene is at the end.

Perhaps Lin Qian and Ye Xin could see the end of the forest path.

The number of steps was beating, and the names of Lin Qian and Ye Xin hung high on the top of the stele, like two dazzling pearls.

"A thousand steps!"

Countless people cried out in exclamation, staring at the two names on the stone tablet, as if they wanted to see the specific situation in the forest of ecstasy from above.

"A thousand steps do not move, as long as the end of the depths of this ecstasy forest is a thousand steps, right?"

"Thousand steps... how difficult it is, even if it is five hundred steps, I am afraid that the entire Sea Vortex Star Region will not be able to set foot."

"This is a bit past, let's say that the Hundred Wars Great Emperor of the Hundred Wars Borderland, he fought in countless **** battles and created the Great Borderland. This ecstasy forest should not be a big problem."

In response to this, someone sneered and said: "Don't you read the journal, the first dean who founded the Haixuan Temple in the past, also tried to walk through this forest of ecstasy, stopped 666, and couldn't make progress."

Just as they said, Wei Wushuang did try to walk through this cycle of Zimu Lin, but unfortunately he also used the wrong method and regarded the failure of self-giving as success.

It's a pity that even if he was the owner of this purple wood forest, he still couldn't conquer, so he didn't know what was in the middle of the forest.

In his eyes, the center of the Samsara Zimu Lin was enveloped by a thick purple mist, hazy and unreal.

"This kid always makes shocking things out of the world, which is amazing." Wei Wushuang touched his chin and stared at the reincarnation purple wood forest. "I hope that after he comes out, he can know from his mouth the reincarnation purple wood forest. What is it."

In the forest, Ye Xin finally took a thousand steps and completed the trial. At this moment, in her sea of ​​consciousness, the rich purple mist reward has turned into a purple amethyst mountain, quietly in the belly of the golden phoenix. Static rotation.

At the same time, in Lin Qian's sea of ​​knowledge, it was the same situation.

The purple mist rewarded by the trial is constantly compressed and condensed, turning into amethyst peaks, which exist in the golden phantom fantasy star, and it is continuously emitted through secret techniques to temper the soul and body and strengthen itself.

After a thousand steps, after leaving this quiet forest path, Ye Xin suddenly opened up in front of him and appeared in a valley.

Surrounded by mountains, purple wood is planted everywhere, just like another world.

Standing in front of a familiar figure, who could not be Lin Qian.

"Husband?" Ye Xinlian moved lightly, and in the blink of an eye, she came to Lin Qian's side and looked at each other suspiciously.

At this moment, Lin Qian was just standing by the lake in the valley, staring at the lake and wondering what he was thinking.

"It's not slow, it seems that my lady is very powerful." Seeing Ye Xin's arrival, Lin Qian came back to his senses, smiled and embraced the other party in his arms, quietly holding him and standing on the edge of the purple lake .

Although the two have not been separated for a long time, the experience of the illusion is equivalent to the separation of a thousand generations of reincarnation. In their senses, they have been separated for too long.

It is also that the strength of the two souls is strong enough, otherwise, even if they pass the illusion, they will be lost.

Entering the illusion is like entering the world. Entering the world is a kind of temper, and being born is also a kind of temper. Between entering and exiting, it is a test.

"What is the husband looking at?" Leaning lazily in Lin Qian's arms, Ye Xin asked curiously, looking at the purple lake in front of him with beautiful eyes.

Suddenly, she seemed to have thought of something, and she covered her mouth and exclaimed: "Could it be that our reward is the lake in front of her."

Lin Qian nodded and stared at the lake and said: "The lake in this is not ordinary lake water, but soul-quenching water. According to common sense, this reward should be only a small pond, and now it is such a big lake. Luck That's great."

"Soul quenching spirit water, is it the same as the reward of this trial, but it is used to quench the soul?"

"Yes, after taking this kind of soul, it has a miraculous effect on tempering and washing the soul. When used with the rewards in the sea of ​​knowledge, the speed of the soul will be improved rapidly without the slightest worries." As he said, Lin Qian smiled. "We can use half of the lake water for each of us."

"It's just that the usage of this soul quenching spirit water is also exquisite."

Ye Xin nodded secretly, curious, and pressed her head against her husband's chin: "Then what should we do?"

"Used for her husband's double pupils, and the lady used for the fire of Xuanyan." When it came to this, Lin Qian smiled triumphantly, "In this case, our husband and wife will have great strength."

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