The Peerless Emperor

Chapter 926: Horcrux

In war, the competition is the comprehensive strength of the two sides, especially the competition for wealth, which is a particularly critical part.

Lin Qian's biggest advantage is that he is rich in resources, and money can make him willful.

No matter how much he spends, the resource consumption to support this war is a drop in the ocean for the fantasy star.

From the beginning of the war, Lin Qian had been playing against the Hundred Wars League with his plug-in.

Just like the plan to scrap the Void Cloud Boat this time, although this plan is very good, the solution to Lin Qian's richness is really helpless.

The one hundred thousand void battleships in the rear were tasked to replace the line of defense. The one hundred thousand void battleships that originally constructed the line of defense, with the soldiers who had experienced the explosion of money, began to head towards the territory of the Hundred Wars Alliance.

During the confrontation, because Lin Qian was in retreat, he adopted a defensive stance. In a century, the territory of the China Empire has also lost a lot.

After all, some of the barren planets that were bombarded were in the back of the territory and had to be retreated.

"Follow-up resources must keep up. Once the territory is captured, the acquired territory needs someone to manage." Lin Qian, who folded his hands and sat on the Kowloon Throne, turned the scenery in front of him into the star space of the Sea Vortex Star Region as a whole. view.

On the star map scenery of the Sea Vortex Star Region, there are various labels indicating the strength and situation of these places.

When the war started, the Soul Vision machine in the territory of the Chinese Empire was also broadcasting various pictures and situations. The soul warrior with strong defense and fast speed in the front acted as a reporter-like character to explain the situation of the war.

This method can enable one's own people to fully understand the situation of the war, and at the same time, it can also gather their self-confidence.

Lin Qian didn't think that the mode of national warfare under his personal control would completely fail.

It was like the explosion of that one hundred thousand battleship, which made the people of the Chinese Empire exuberant.

The two hundred thousand void battleships that appeared again made them re-establish their self-confidence.

After the one hundred thousand void battleship entered the territory of the Hundred Wars Alliance, its forward speed had already slowed down, hovering in the void outside the domain.

"Explore first, don't act rashly!" Lin Qian ordered again, and then waited for the result on his throne.

On the ten void warships that entered the territory of the Hundred Wars League, the hull suddenly opened a gap, and the flying Horcruxes, as small as a long shuttle, directly rushed out, rushed out in all directions, and disappeared in the dim light. In the void.

"What is this?" Many people on the deck exclaimed when they saw the small flying Horcruxes flying out densely.

"Detecting the miniature cloud boat, the things researched by the Ministry of Heavenly Engineering and the Ministry of Fire Engineering, and the participation of our dwarven predecessors." On the battleship, a dwarven race walked out swayingly, triumphantly, glancing at Thunder Clan and Blast Flame Clan, "I believe that in the near future, the big figures of your two clans will also make outstanding contributions to the Fire Engineering Department and announce the national recognition on China Broadcasting."

As soon as they heard that it was something from the Pyrotechnics Department, the Blazing Flame and Thunder Clan instantly became interested. They were also two clans who were good at refining weapons. They naturally knew what the Pyrotechnics Department was like.

They also respect the dwarves very much, and besides the male craftsmen and women workers of the fireworks department, this dwarf has the highest status.

It is not a matter of first come, second come, but within the Fire Engineering Department, the current contribution of the dwarves is the highest.

"Senior, what is the effect of this thing?"

"Yeah, let's open our eyes?"

Hearing this, the dwarf tribe was very proud of it. He suddenly slapped a crystal in his hand, and immediately condensed a simulated scene: "This is the picture detected by the flying Horcrux. Know yourself and the enemy before you can fight forever. Yum, we will be able to win the game only after investigating the specific situation."

Seeing this scene, the tribesmen of the Explosive Flame and Thunder tribes were extremely excited, and they were amazed, discussing their crafts with the dwarves.

While discussing, the dwarves fiddled with the crystals in their hands, passing back the information they had obtained from the flying probe that they controlled.

In fact, there are still a lot of flying detection Horcruxes surrounding the Void Warship, and they are sure that there is no problem, plus there are special patrol teams, otherwise, how could they relax so much?

In the Great Hall of the National Warfare, on Lin Qian's side, various messages have been constantly emerging, and the simulated star map is also constantly changing.

The territory of the Hundred Wars League can naturally be simulated directly. According to the intelligence and information of the Saint Mark tribe and other big tribes, the specific situation of the Sea Vortex Star Region is naturally clear.

But these messages are old information that is not known how many years have passed, so this virtual star map is not 100% accurate.

Only need to use the flying Horcrux to explore the front, constantly supplement and update the star map.

Only with the leading of intelligence information can we be invincible.

The enemy spies in the Huaxia Empire have already been used up and all have been killed. The Imperial Army has also secretly rushed forward.

The current Lin Qian, even though he could only summon the imperial army soldiers at the peak of the ninth step of the cave sky realm, was more than enough.

At the beginning, the various realms on the Soul Martial Star were placed in the heavens and myriad realms, but they were collectively called the Body Refining Realm, which was divided into nine stages.

The body-refining state, the air-refining state, the cave sky state, the opening state, and the palm star state are the five realms of the void outside the domain.

In the battle of this war, the most important force is the soul martial artist of the cave sky, and the proportion of the soul martial artist of the opening realm is not very large.

As for the control star realm, that is the person in power from all parties, the top powerhouse in the sea swirl star realm.

For these people, the Chinese empire is naturally carried by the patriarchs and others of the major clans, and they have been transformed by the prime minister Zhuge Ming, their strength has improved greatly, and they are not what they used to be.

The strong man of the Hundred Wars Alliance can definitely gain the upper hand and defeat the opponent.

In the Hall of National Warfare, the star maps continued to condense and were detected.

"Unfortunately, in order to guard against the Nether Clan, the master can't take action, otherwise, why is it so troublesome?" On the throne, Lin Qian rose lazily and glanced in several other directions of the star map.

There, it was the imperial army secretly marching to the battlefield.

These are the real trump cards of the Huaxia Empire, and they are also sharp blades. Lin Qian is confident that the strength of the Imperial Army cannot be matched by the Hundred Wars Alliance.

In the dark extraterritorial void, the void warships hidden by the phantom array are heading towards the territory of the Hundred Wars League, showing one direction after another.

These battleships are 800 in a team, and the first void battleship is specially made.

On each of the leading battleships, there is the peak combat power of the Chinese Empire. It is not the legion chiefs, but those who are particularly good at leading the fight among the peak combat power that is awakened from the frozen seal.

Such as Lu Bu, Bai Qi and others...

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