The Peerless Emperor

Chapter 927: Hexapod Flame Beast

"Huh?" In the National War Hall, Lin Qian suddenly sat upright and stared forward.

Reaching out and pulling, the scenery in front of me is suddenly enlarged, and a picture freezes in the dim void.

In the gloomy outer space, a huge creature came towards Lin Qian's direction, like a beast, with a huge body, like a small planet.

He was covered in dark red exoskeleton, covering the surface of his body like armor, six-legged and double-tailed, flames burning behind his head, and scarlet eyes.

"Six-legged flame beast?" After many big clans joined the Huaxia Empire and contributed a lot of classics, Lin Qian would naturally know this knowledge.

In the void outside the territory, all kinds of mysterious soul beast messages are naturally in it, and the six-legged flame beast displayed on the screen is one of them.

This fierce beast is a kind of soul beast that lives on a hot planet, with a huge body, and only a large planet can have enough space for them to survive.

He likes to devour flames, his soul is condensed and turned into beast flames. After adulthood, his strength is comparable to the peak of the ninth step of the Heavenly Cavern Realm, but his body has the strength to open up the realm.

However, the strength of this fierce beast cannot be measured on the surface.

Because the flames of the six-legged flame empty beast have a very strong resistance to soul qi, slaying this soul beast is either by beheading him with tyrannical strength.

Either it is constantly consuming his beast flames, or to say nothing, there are tens of thousands of ninth-level peaks of the same realm in the cave sky realm to be able to consume this six-legged flame empty beast.

Fortunately, the speed of the six-legged blaze beast is not fast, so if you encounter it, you can simply escape.

On the frozen screen, behind this huge six-legged flame beast, there is still a lot of fire, and obviously there are many six-legged flame beasts, which are obviously a group of beasts.

Lin Qian frowned slightly, raised his right hand and pushed towards the front. The picture in front of him shrank and shrank in an instant, and appeared in front of him.

Not only that, but different pictures appeared in front of him, and all of them showed various six-legged flame beasts in different poses.

In the Hundred Wars League, there is a Royal Beast Sect, and this six-legged Flame Sky Beast is probably the handwriting of this Sect.

Although the Huaxia Empire also has soul martial artists with the ability to guard against beasts, it is the force on the soul martial stars of the past, and it is not enough to compete against this guard against beast sect of the Hundred Wars Alliance.

Below Lin Qian's throne, a star map once again appeared, and in front of the void battleship, there was a blazing light, which represented the approaching position of the six-legged flame beast.

The flying Horcrux used for detection was probably swallowed by these six-legged flame beasts.

The beast fire of the six-legged flame beast is simply a natural defensive barrier. Lin Qian can predict that behind these beasts, the army of the Hundred Wars Alliance must be followed.

Staring at the route presented by the star map, Lin Qian thought in his heart, considering the power composition of the opponent's Hundred Battle Alliance.

One hundred thousand void battleships, there are soul martial artists of many big clans on them, if they fight with the six-legged flame beasts frontally, victory should be possible.

But the six-legged flame beast and the Hundred Wars Alliance's army would damage 70% to 80% even if they win, which is simply a tragic victory.

These big clans have joined the Huaxia Empire for a hundred years and have helped fight like this. If the damage is severe, Lin Qian cannot accept this result.

In Lin Qian's view, this war against the Hundred Wars League was to hone the Chinese Empire and build the empire into a unified military training, not to exchange lives.

If other imperial forces gave up their sneak attacks and came to help, they would drag the battle for too long.

Lin Qian's plan is to fight quickly, and the hidden dangers in the holy courtyard galaxy cannot allow him to fight for too long.

"Your Majesty, the new special puppet body has been refined and has not been debugged. Do you want to put it into use immediately?" At this moment, Zhuge Ming's voice suddenly appeared in the National War Hall.

Lin Qian's eyes lit up and he slapped his palms in applause: "Great, Prime Minister, you are really sending charcoal in the snow."

The new puppet body, then the manpower is naturally enough, and it will not be too short to be able to use self-recognition.

The imperial army that had sneaked into the attack could be fully replenished, and those who were planning to attack could instead rush to the central front.

"Ao Zun, quickly lead the dragon army, rush towards the center, and be responsible for killing the six-legged flame beast."

Outside the void, a huge team, very strange, they did not ride the void battleship, but directly wandered in the void.

The members of this team are unique in appearance, but there has never been an existence in this world.

Its horns resemble a deer, its head resembles a camel, its eyes resemble a rabbit and a snake, its belly resembles a mirage, its scales resemble a fish, its eagle's claws and its palms and ears resemble a cow!

"Leading!" In the void, Ao Zun at the front gave a long roar, turned the team, and rushed towards the front of the center.

Afterwards, Lin Qian looked at the other side of the star map: "Bai Qi, take your slaying army and rush to the central front line. It is bound to show momentum and make the enemy fearful."

In the void, in front of a fleet of void battleships, a white robe and silver armor rose up, grinned and knelt on the ground to take orders: "Zhuzhi."

Then he got up and Bai Qi was murderous: "Turn around, kill the enemy!"

"Xiang Yu, you take the position of Ao Zun and attack the territory of the Shangshan Rou clan. After obtaining it, you will stop temporarily. After the reinforcements are combined, you can enter."

On a fleet, a heroic warrior was closing his eyes to rest up his mind. After Lin Qian's voice appeared in his mind, he suddenly opened his eyes and knelt down with the Overlord's spear.

"Nezha, you take the position of Baiqi and attack the territory of the Seascale tribe. It's your method to turn the river into the sea, it's up to you."

Originally in the void outside the domain, a beautiful young man with red lips and white teeth was playing, with a fire wheel under his feet, like a whirlwind moving at an extremely fast speed.

"Your Majesty, don't worry about that." The young man stopped his figure suddenly, smiled confidently, and bowed his hands to the void.

After the arrangement was completed, Lin Qian ruled the 100,000 void battleships on the central front, and there would be reinforcements coming immediately, mainly defending, reinforcements arriving, counter-defense as offensive, echoing each other, and killing the enemy in one fell swoop.

The next moment, Lin Qian closed his eyes suddenly, and the formation in the National Warfare Hall was once again permeated. The golden light of the Chinese Boundary Formation gathered on a tightly guarded planet, and a figure emerged.

This figure is impressively Lin Qian, but the body is golden light, not the deity.

After appearing on this planet, Lin Qian raised his hand slightly, and another void battleship was summoned from the fantasy star.

At the same time, an army of war beasts appeared on one side, and an imperial army appeared on the other.

The golden body of the emperor is formed by the power of the Chinese circle, able to use the deity's certain strength and abilities.

Beside the emperor's golden body, Zhuge Ming was also here, looking at the two figures that appeared in front of him, and sighed: "My great sage, this puppet body is specially made. Once it bursts, it will be teleported back to the fantasy star. , You can relax, don’t ruin your majesty’s major event."

Sun Wukong, wearing the golden armor, smiled and waved to Zhuge Ming: "Prime Minister, don't worry, Lao Sun must be careful this time. But why don't you talk about this guy, just talk about Lao Sun."

"Yang Erlang is much more secure than you, how is it like you are a monkey!" Zhuge Ming said irritably.

"The prime minister, it's okay, I believe that the great sage will learn from him and don't make mistakes anymore." On the other side, the handsome man in pale yellow armor waved his hand to persuade.

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