The Peerless Emperor

Chapter 928: Ao Zun helps

Monkey King and Yang Jian set off with the Beast Army and the Imperial Army respectively, and became the back-ups. After the two of them took action, the war would be more secure.

The existence of the central front is to confront the opposing troops head-on. The real siege of the city depends on the Imperial Army and the Beast Army.

Of course, if the situation on the central front is very good, if it can gain the upper hand, it is also good.

The golden body of the emperor slowly dissipated, and the fluorescent light dissipated in the air. In the hall of national warfare, Lin Qian opened his eyes and entered the state of national war again.

The scene in front of us is exactly the battle that will be encountered in front of the 100,000 warships on the central front.

"Enemy attack, ready." The alarm passed. After the flying Horcrux was damaged by the attack, the dwarves on the battleship knew the situation immediately and were ready to respond.

"Six-legged flame air beast, this is a little troublesome." On the battleship, Shengda stood on the deck, his face was solemn when he heard the news.

They knew the troubles of the six-legged flame beast.

At the same time, on the other side, a Saint Mark tribe member standing on the other side suddenly spoke to persuade: "There is the Royal Beast Sect in the Hundred Wars League, so it is normal to face the six-legged flame beast."

Shengda nodded secretly, the Royal Beast Sect itself is a very troublesome opponent, able to control the soul beast, and can also enhance the combat power of the soul beast, which is very disgusting.

The people on the battleship were waiting in full battle, the spirit energy in the body was running, and they had kept themselves in a peak state, ready to fight against each other.

In this period of merging into the Huaxia Empire, everyone was not idle, and they showed their best and tempered themselves.

Dungeons were built in every part of the territory of the Chinese Empire, allowing them to familiarize themselves with the Empire’s fighting methods.

Their combat power is no longer comparable in the past.

"Come on!" Almost everyone on the battleship clearly saw the flames coming out in front of them. It was obviously the opponent's six-legged flame beast, already approaching.

However, in the distant void, the crimson light spots representing the six-legged flame beasts continued to emerge, and the speed was getting faster and faster, and the number was increasing, unexpectedly.

When the six-legged flame beasts were constantly approaching, their own figures emerged, and when they could see clearly, they caused a crowd of people to exclaim, "How come this is happening, there are so many!"

The six-legged flame beast has already begun to approach the location of the void battleship. Almost every void battleship will have a dozen heads in front of it, and they will besiege here.

"This will be troublesome." On the battleship, the faces of the Chinese Empire were ugly. The six-legged flame beast had great restraint on the soul martial artist, especially the soul qi.

If you are hunting six-legged blaze beasts, as long as there is someone who is good at close fighting and has a strong physical body, he can deal with it easily.

But at present such a large number of fighting, this kind of soul martial artist who fights in close hand-to-hand combat, is basically a living target.

Behind the huge body of the six-legged flame beast, they could clearly see that there were many brand-new void cloud boats, hovering behind, soul martial artists from all the forces of the Hundred Wars Alliance, volleying up in the air, waiting for them.

"Roar!" The six-legged flame air beast approached the battleship and roared, the beast flame splashed all over, like a lava waterfall, with mighty sound.

A curtain of flames formed like raindrops, encircling the body of the six-legged flame beast, blocking the Hundred Wars League team behind it, it is a perfect barrier.

In front of each battleship, nearly a dozen six-legged flame beasts roared in unison, causing the hull to sway slightly.

At this time, the soul martial artists of the various races of the China Empire on the battleship also subconsciously displayed their soul qi to condense the attack.

Like Changhong's offensive, one after another bombarded the flame barrier, sparks the size of a meteorite flew around, rushing towards the rear.

In this rain of meteors and fire, the Hundred Wars League Void Cloud Boat fleet that was about to hit behind them, but seeing the six-legged flame beast took a breath, those flowing arrows and flying flames were swallowed into the mouth.

"Roar!" The next moment, the six-legged flame beast opened its mouth again, exhaling flames, like a storm of flames, while sweeping toward the battleship.

Even the huge void battleship was drowned in the flames of these dozen six-legged flame beasts, roasting in it.

The beast flame of the six-legged flame empty beast has a natural strong resistance to soul qi, and now using the soul cannon is just a waste of soul qi, and it can't produce any outstanding effects.

But the six-legged flame beast's beast flame power is not bad, but after so long roasted, the defense of the void battleship is still like a copper wall and an iron wall.

On the original void battleship, everyone who was worried about the battleship's defense, saw that the defensive array was still in motion, and secretly relieved.

boom! boom! boom!

At this moment, a series of dull roars hit the hearts of everyone, making them feel like they fell to the bottom.

Because on the Void Cloud Boat fleet on the Hundred Wars League, the Soul Martial Artist has already launched a series of attacks of his own, and the deafening sound is frightening.

The secret technique of the Royal Beast Sect makes the beast flames of the six-legged flame empty beasts not stop their attack.

The six-legged flame air beast plus the attack of the Hundred Battle Alliance Soul Warriors, after the two were added, the power of terror was a little worrying.

Although the Void Battleship is tyrannical, facing such an offensive, I am afraid it is too much to do.

The people on the battleship are also decisively using their own means, trying their best to resist the beast flames of the six-legged flame beast, blocking the spirit attack from the Hundred Wars League, hoping to allow the void battleship to withstand longer time, they know that they themselves The reinforcements here are about to arrive.

"Roar!" There was another deafening roar, which made the people on the void battleship nervous. What did the six-legged flame beast of the Hundred Wars Alliance do to start such a roar.

But right after, they reacted. This roar seemed to be very different from the roar of the six-legged flame beast.

Obviously, this roar was even more shocking and unparalleled than the six-legged flame air beast.


A blue shadow emerged, Shengda who was in the middle of the battle line heard the six-legged flame beast in front, and suddenly let out a scream.

The beast flame disappeared, and in the void in front, a long and perfect body emerged.

As everyone in the Huaxia Empire, they naturally know what this is.

Some races have their own symbols, with totems, and some Jiang Kingdom dynasties have their own symbols.

Then the symbol of the Huaxia Empire is the dragon, a creature unique to the Huaxia Empire!

In the void, Ao Zun, who showed the body of a real dragon, stared at the group of six-legged flame beasts, and shouted.


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