The Peerless Emperor

Chapter 946: Alone

Wei Ziliang didn't say a word, just staring at Lin Qian silently. After a long time, he left the courtyard again, seeing him confused.

After leaving the courtyard, Wei Ziliang took out something, and after carefully comparing it to see clearly, he took a deep breath: "I see a ghost."

After a long time, Wei Ziliang, who was after careful confirmation, shook his head with a wry smile, and walked into the courtyard.

Entering the courtyard, Wei Ziliang's eyes towards Lin Qian became a little strange.

"Well, Xiaolin, what do you think of this?" Wei Ziliang returned to the courtyard, with a slight change in his tone. Looking at Lin Qian, he said in a negotiating tone, "You help us Wei family, participate this time In the competition, I am striving for such a breath. In order to show my sincerity, Grandpa Wei, I will now announce that the Wei family has been merged into the Chinese Empire. How about?"


Next to them, Wei Wushuang and Wei Qingqing directly sprayed out the drink in their mouths.

Wei Yuqi and Gao Kaifeng stared at their father in disbelief, speechless. On the other side, Wei Zhongcai, the third elder who had been observing silently along with him, looked suspiciously at his brother, as if he had met each other on the first day.

Of course, he knew exactly how much effort his eldest brother had spent on the huge Wei family that was able to develop to the point it is today.

Among them, although there are certain external factors, in the final analysis, he still depends on his elder brother Wei Ziliang.

If it were in the past, someone mentioned to him that his eldest brother would take the Wei family's eldest son into a wedding dress for nothing, and he would not believe it if he was killed.

But now, what his brother said has almost subverted the stalwart image of the other party in his heart.

Including Lin Qian himself, looking at Wei Ziliang, could not speak for a while.

The courtyard was silent, and I could only hear the sound of flowing water falling into the lake on the rockery.

Lin Qian and Wei Ziliang both had so big and small eyes. After a long time, the former laughed bitterly and looked at each other: "Grandpa Wei, you must be joking. This is too... scary."

Indeed, in the nearly three hundred years after the First Battle with the Hundred Wars League, the Huaxia Empire has developed very rapidly, but in the eyes of the Wei family, this kind of strength is probably not a big deal.

After all, they are a big family that has developed for so long. Of course, if the fantasy star is moved out, it will definitely be crushed without any suspense.

The Wei family is really merged into the Chinese Empire, so the external power will increase rapidly.

Naturally, it is impossible to move all the resources of the fantasy star. The Huaxia Empire outside the body has its own balance, and it needs to develop gradually.

If the resources of the fantasy star were moved into the Huaxia Empire outside the body, it would probably cause the Huaxia Empire outside the body to collapse directly.

Moreover, there are also many resources, which are too frightening to the world. The Huaxia Empire outside of China has not been able to consume these resources, nor can they use them.

The integration of the local forces of the heavens and ten thousand realms into the China Empire is the best way to enhance the strength of the China Empire outside.

However, the Wei family is too big.

Although Lin Qian didn't know what the Wei family's strength had reached, the huge Sea Swirl Star Region was just one of his master's private domains.

Wei Ziliang seemed to have anticipated Lin Qian's reaction a long time ago: "Indeed, this decision will make you unbelievable for a while, but you don't have to be hasty about this matter."

"How about this, help the Wei family this time and participate in this trial. If it can enter the top 100 position, the entire Wei family will be merged into the Huaxia Empire. If it does not enter the top 100, then we will do it later. Negotiation, how?"

On the other side, Wei Zhongcai spoke quickly with an anxious expression: "Brother, I'm afraid other people in the tribe won't agree to this decision, right?"

"That's right, Grandpa Wei, no matter how much you think about it, this is not a trivial matter." On the other side, Lin Qian also persuaded.

This is really not a trivial matter, you have to be cautious about accepting things like the Wei family.

Merging into the Huaxia Empire was too advantageous for him, and made Lin Qian a little wary about whether there would be any tricks in it.

"Huh, no, do they forget who built this Wei family? They may not forget, who is the one who supported this Wei family?" Wei Ziliang didn't care about Wei Zhongcai's words, waved his hand, "If They don't agree, it doesn't matter, the separation is to take the share they deserve and leave the Wei family. I will never stop."

Everyone was shocked by Wei Ziliang's words.

Lin Qian was also moved by this. Wei Ziliang's remarks were clearly an attitude that the Wei family would not be incorporated into the Chinese Empire and would never give up.

This unthinkable attitude made Lin Qian more puzzled about what Wei Ziliang was thinking about.

"Grandpa Wei, since you have said so, the younger generation will agree to your request and replace the Wei family in this trial. If it succeeds, the Wei family will be incorporated into the Huaxia Empire. If it fails, then this matter Just leave it, the Wei family and the Huaxia Empire can form an alliance for mutual benefit, how about?"

"Well, that's fine, so let's do it." Wei Ziliang was very satisfied with Lin Qian's proposal, and he slapped his palms. "I hope to get a good ranking in that trial. In this way, we Wei Jiayang is proud, you are also rich in fame and fortune, double happiness is coming."

On the one hand, Lin Qian also followed with a smile, still feeling very strange in his heart.

No matter how you look at this kind of thing, it is only good for you, and it is not a good thing for the Wei family.

Logically, he should be the happiest smile, but in Lin Qian's view, Wei Ziliang is happier than himself.

After the family banquet was over, Wei Ziliang went to his place of residence under the reception of the maid.

Wei Wushuang deliberately stayed at the end. After Wei Ziliang and the others left, he looked at his apprentice with a strange expression: "Why is Grandpa so weird, do you know the apprentice?"

"I also want to ask Master what's going on. Elder Wei is too enthusiastic, right?" Lin Qian was also confused about this, "What's the difference between giving the Wei family to me for nothing?" "

"Who knows, anyway, the Wei family was also beaten down by grandfather. He can do whatever he wants, and no one has the right to interfere." At this point, Wei Wushuang also shrugged his shoulders, helpless.

It was Lin Qian’s turn to be curious, and he looked at Wei Wushuang: "Master, I don’t understand this. The Wei family can have today. Don’t you always say that the cohesion is strong enough? Could it be that other tribesmen did not contribute. ?"

"Wei family members have strong cohesion, but management and defensiveness. Now, 90% of the territory of our Wei family is captured by Grandpa." Speaking of this, Wei Wushuang's eyes are obviously full of admiration, "and it's grandpa alone. one person."

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