The Peerless Emperor

Chapter 947: Elite Club

"Only one person, to lay down 90% of the current territory of the Wei family? This is a bit exaggerated, how did Grandpa Wei do it?" Lin Qian only felt thrilling and couldn't help but imagine. During those days, Wei Ziliang What happened? ()

Wei Wushuang recalled the past, recalled a little bit in his heart, and slowly described his grandfather's family history to his apprentice.

"At that time, before the end of the war with the Nether Clan, a hundred wastes were waiting for prosperity, and the territory of the heavens and the world was very large, but the masters of many places were not so powerful."

"After driving away the Nether Race, it is natural to conquer the city, seize the territory, and develop itself."

"After reading the historical records of the year, we know that our grandfather was born out of nowhere. I don't know where, the genius who came suddenly began to show up."

"Grandpa fell in love with a member of the Jia family, and then eloped. Grandma had a marriage contract at that time, and the Yu family sent someone to chase them down and forcibly split them up. Grandma was taken back, and grandpa's life and death are unknown. ."

"However, after ten thousand years have passed, Grandpa suddenly returned, and he blatantly returned. He directly killed the Yu family, wiped out the entire Yu family, shocked the Jia family, and took grandma back."

"In the days that followed, Grandpa took over the entire Jia family, and continued to fight with the lord of the Star Territory. If Grandpa worships, he will judge himself on the spot. If the opponent loses, he will give the Star Territory away. on."

"The ninety percent of the territory of the Wei family is the grandfather who used this method to directly hit it out bit by bit!"

After listening to his master's description, Lin Qian also felt enthusiastic. In his mind, Wei Ziliang was also single-handedly smashing into the star regions, and directly looking for the master of that star region to fight.

However, if Lin Qian were to do it, he would definitely not adopt such a method. Instead, he would lead a large army to attack and erode a little bit, and finally take all the opponent's territory directly, without giving the opponent any chance to fight back.

"Speaking of it, I really don't understand why Grandpa is doing this." Thinking of Wei Ziliang's decision earlier, Wei Wushuang shook his head and turned to look at his apprentice, "How many secrets are still hidden in your boy."

Wei Wushuang seemed to think that his grandfather's decision was definitely related to Lin Qian, and his apprentice really couldn't see through it.

"..." Lin Qian also took a deep breath and was speechless for a long time. After a long time, he slowly said, "Master, would you blame the disciple?"

"What do you blame?"

"It stands to reason that this Wei family will one day be yours. If the apprentices participate in the trial and let the Wei family merge into the Chinese Empire, will it..."

"Isn't that great?" Before Lin Qian finished speaking, Wei Wushuang interrupted and spoke directly.

Lin Qian was very surprised and looked at Master Wei Wushuang.

From the eyes of the other party, all he saw was expectation and yearning, as well as relief.

"Master, you..."

"Being a Patriarch is very tiring. Moreover, when Grandpa laid down a huge territory and established the Wei Family, he was not dominating the party. He just hoped that his tribe could live a good life without such big ambitions."

"It is still unclear how the Huaxia Empire is going to be a teacher. The future is limitless."

"Furthermore, my teacher believes that if the Wei family is incorporated into the Chinese Empire, they will only live better."

Wei Wushuang agreed with his grandfather Wei Ziliang's decision. He was only shocked by his grandfather's decision, and he did not oppose it.

The decision of the Wei family to merge into the Chinese Empire was too sudden and completely confusing.

"Then the trial that Grandpa Wei asked me to participate in, what kind of trial is it?" After quieting his mind, Lin Qian asked Master again, wanting to know more clearly.

"The League of Heroes, the heavens and myriad worlds are so vast. Among them, our Wei family, including the China Empire, belong to the Nandou 36 worlds of the heavens and myriad worlds."

"Among the thirty-sixth realms of Nandou, there is a mysterious relic. The origin is unclear and it is old."

"But every 10,000 years, the power that surrounds this ruin will weaken. Many forces in the 36th Realm of Nandou will join hands to open a gap, allowing soul martial artists who are less than ten thousand years old and whose realm does not exceed the palm star realm to enter. Explore."

"Finally, after the young talented children of various forces come out, they will see how precious the things are and rank them."

"The things in the ruins have the power of time and the unique aura of the ruins. You can tell at a glance. Therefore, there is no way to cheat."

"In the past few years, our Wei family hasn't picked up. The younger generation of disciples has not won any good rankings for 50,000 consecutive years.

The corner of Lin Qian's mouth curled, and he looked at his master Wei Wushuang: "In this case, Master can try it by himself."

"What are you kidding me? I'm already over 90,000 years old as a teacher, but I can't participate in a group of heroes."

"Puff!" When Master said that, Lin Qian couldn't help but laughed out loud, "Haha, Master, you are 90,000 years old, and you still haven't married a wife and had children, wouldn't you?"

"Isn't 90,000 years old? You're still a young man as a teacher. You're just a kid." Wei Wushuang was not angry at Lin Qian's ridicule, and stretched out his hand to slap the opponent on the back of the head.

After Lin Qian laughed for a while, he also recovered. He is no longer in his previous life. Looking at the entire world, 90,000 years old, it is really nothing.

The stronger the cultivation base, the more difficult it is to give birth. He and Ye Xin have had no children for many years.

"Unconsciously, I am also a five-hundred-year-old monster." Lin Qian also laughed self-deprecatingly about this, but the old heart is not old, this is enough.

"Speaking of age, these entourages and the Imperial Army of yours are really interesting. Most of them are exactly the same age as you. From the perspective of blood and strength, they were born in the same year and the same day. It is the Imperial Army of the Hundred Battle Stars. The age seems to be only two or three hundred, which is really strange."

Wei Wushuang's words made Lin Qian's face stiff, and the whole person was stunned.

Master's words, definitely will not lie to him.

The unit of the fantasy star, judging by the method of gazing, turned out to be born in the same year and the same day as him.

Most of the imperial armies of the hundred battle stars were rebuilt from the barracks two or three hundred years ago, and they were two or three hundred years old.

"In this way, the fantasy star was born in this world with him." Lin Qian murmured in his heart, feeling very mysterious.

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