The Peerless Emperor

Chapter 955: Golden retriever puppy

But this mansion is already Wei Wushuang's past hobby.

He knew that among Lin Qian's Dongtian Horcruxes, there must be skilled craftsmen from the Huaxia Empire, so he hoped that his apprentice would help him and transform his floating island into the style of the Huaxia Empire.

Seeing Master took the initiative to request the transformation of this wonderful mansion, Lin Qian of course couldn't ask for it, and quickly agreed, calling out the scribes of the Ministry of Heavenly Engineering and the male and female craftsmen and women workers of the Ministry of Fire Engineering to transform the mansion.

If used properly, this bright gold is also a very good decoration.

Most of the bright fine gold was removed, and only a small part was left for use, meeting Wei Wushuang's strange requirements, and made a bright fine gold toilet.

In Lin Qian's eyes, it was clearly a golden toilet.

He really didn't think that his teacher, who usually looks very serious, still has this hobby.

"Is the master being dumped at the beginning, was it because of his private brain..." Lin Qian shook his head quickly, so maliciously speculating about his master, disrespectful.

In just three days, the mansion on the hanging island has been successfully transformed and completely transformed into the unique style of the Chinese Empire.

After moving into the new mansion, Wei Wushuang could not wait to hug a bunch of snacks, lay lazily on the sofa, and turned on the soul camera.

"But Master, didn't you mean to take me around Ziliang City to meet other Wei family members?" Standing at the door of the living room at the back of the mansion's inner courtyard, Lin Qian looked at the sofa softly and without expression. Wei Wushuang.

Wei Wushuang stared at the Soul Vision machine intently, stuffed a handful of peeled melon seeds into his mouth, and shook his hand at Lin Qian, "I'm a few hundred years old, I'm going to play by myself. I'm still very relieved that you are a teacher. of."


In the end, Lin Qian walked alone on the streets of Ziliang City.

Ziliang City is extremely large and occupies a very large area, but because it has no reasonable layout and is complicated, it often becomes a small road in front of a wide road.

It will be tall and low-rise, but this peculiar architectural style and layout makes Lin Qian feel very interesting.

Lin Qian will enter the shops selling Horcruxes, elixirs, formations, talismans, etc., to learn more about it, and by the way, he bought some of the items and sent them to the Xuanhuanxing Tiangong Department, and the current China Compare the empires, compare gaps and differences.

In Lin Qian's eyes, the Huaxia Empire is indeed more advanced than the Wei family, and the level of civilization development is far ahead.

However, in the past, the ancestors and saints have said that the three people must have my teacher. Anyone and anything, anytime and anywhere, can become a teacher.

If an empire is to be stronger, it will naturally continue to improve.

As for another hobby, Lin Qian tried the local delicacies here to see how they tasted. It's not bad at all, but it's a bit inferior compared to the eight major cuisines improved by the Empire.

Lin Qian, who had just tried the food, walked out of the restaurant, but found that there was a lot of noise in front of him, as if there was a quarrel.

When he was bored, Lin Qian walked over there to join in the fun.

After approaching the crowd, Lin Qian saw a golden smooth-haired puppy on the ground moving back and forth in the crowd, and several people were trying to catch it.

This golden retriever puppy, Lin Qian clearly discovered, was actually holding a medicine bottle in his mouth, and there was a mark on the bottle.


Looking at the people who captured the golden retriever puppies, they wore exactly the same clothes, and the situation was self-evident.

"It's interesting, this little dog still steals the pill?" Lin Qian understood the cause of the chaos right now, and he turned around to leave.

Just look at this kind of excitement.

Just when Lin Qian turned around and left, a golden shadow flicked quickly beside him, and it was the golden puppy.

But at the same time, a metallic rope swished past its shoulders like a snake, trapping the golden puppy's two hind legs, causing it to fall directly to the ground.

Looking at the golden retriever puppy that fell in front of him, Lin Qian was taken aback for a moment, but a fierce breath suddenly appeared behind him, calling towards him.

"Get away, don't get in the way."

Behind Lin Qian, the previous Ming Chuntang guy, holding a long stick, was drawing his heart.

Lin Qian's dress, the novel look of looking around, he knew that he was a foreigner at a glance, and he would fight if he fought. Moreover, this place is the lower city of Ziliang City, not a place where noble people come.

Therefore, when he saw Lin Qian in front of him, he drew a stick and prepared to knock him aside so that he could catch the little beast who stole the medicine.

Normally, Lin Qian's aura converges in his body, without revealing a single trace, and when his soul aura emerges, he will have the aura of the superior. Only when he claims to be me, will it arouse the fortune of the country, and the emperor's will and power will erupt completely.

At this moment, Lin Qian's breath is ordinary, so naturally he won't be afraid of this work.

When there was no wind, the long stick was about to draw Lin Qian, but it twisted strangely, and finally broke into pieces and pierced into his body.

In an instant, the work that was supposed to beat Lin Qian, **** all over his body, fell directly to the ground.

At this time, Lin Qian turned around and looked at the faintly aura on the ground, who eventually died.

"Huh, you're committing a crime, you can't live." Lin Qian snorted coldly to this person on the ground, and just prepared to leave.

The other party couldn't help but say, just because Lin Qian was standing in front of him, he drew a stick, what is the difference with the bully.

He was only in the refinement realm, and took the initiative to attack Lin Qian, who opened the realm, and was shocked to death by Qi Jin.

At this time, several other Mingchuntang guys recovered and rushed to the vicinity of Lin Qian to surround him.

The golden retriever puppy was originally on the ground, biting the metal rope on his hind leg, but also found that the surrounding abnormalities, and quickly looked around and found that these people who caught themselves were staring at the other person fiercely, blinking their watery eyes, and Stop biting the rope, just look curiously.

"People who dare to kill Mingchuntang without a token from the Wei family must be a foreigner. You are such a brave man, you are looking for death." A guy pointed at Lin Qian, cursing.

Beside him, another Mingchuntang guy stared at Lin Qian: "The one who killed us still wants to run?"

Lin Qian looked at the buddies in the Rejuvenation Hall expressionlessly, the breath emerged in his body, and the heavy pressure instantly enveloped this group of people.


In an instant, these dozens of Mingchuntang guys couldn't directly withstand this domineering coercion and deterrence, their bodies exploded and turned into a pool of flesh and blood.

In the rain of flesh and blood, Lin Qian was spotless in his white robe, with his hands on his back, and walked away on his own without any haste or delay.

"Foreigners, if you provoke Mingchuntang, it's better to leave early." The old man on the crowd sighed and suggested to Lin Qian.

Lin Qian glanced at the old man and smiled kindly: "Thank you for reminding me, but if this Mingchuntang is really troublesome, just try it."

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